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  1. rainbowsix

    Water Param question

    Hey All, Well after my tank crashed from being 3 years established, I started over. Used live sand, rock, etc. Had plenty of algae after a week so I figured it cycled fast. Added 2 small maroons and a carpet anemone which was quite large. Long story short, anemone croaked the 2nd day I had...
  2. rainbowsix

    Question about Carpet and snails

    Hey All, Well recovered from the terrible crash I had I know have a couple of maroon clowns, small ones, and a pretty large carpet anemone. My tank cycled in a week if that, probably about 3 days with the 4 inch live sand bed and live rock that I kept after I scrubbed em down. Anyway, I need...
  3. rainbowsix

    Definitely my last order from

    Hey Everyone, Well my 30 gallon established tank of almost 3 years is now completely dead due to an order I received from SWF 2 days ago. All was fine and I added a reef pack and some crabs and now everything has died overnight, including my existing fish. To say I am pissed would be an...
  4. rainbowsix

    Changing tank sizes

    Hey All, My 29 bow front is getting a bit crowded. I am thinking of moving to a 75 and was wondering if it would be possible just to move everything over except the sand of course. I don't foresee any issues as long as the new tank is cycled. I plan on using live sand in the new one too, let...
  5. rainbowsix

    Green Algae problem

    Hey All, Haven't posted in awhile. I have a 29 bow front with Metal Halides, 24 inch. Well long story short, all the glass gets covered with green algae, I can scrape it off and I am not kidding you 2 hours later it is back Sure my lawnmower loves it, but it is getting to be a pain in the...
  6. rainbowsix

    28 Bow front pics

    Hey Guys, Told some people that I would post some of my tank pics, here are a few, let me know what you think.
  7. rainbowsix

    Gorilla Crab, a bad thing?

    For months upon months I have been hearing this sound at night and sometimes in the daytime in my tank like someone taking a small rock and banging it against the glass on the tank. I think I might have found the culprit. While feeding this morning I saw one of these I think this is a...
  8. rainbowsix

    Brain Coral I got from SWF

    Hey All, This is a pic of a brain coral I got last week from SWF, the BW Ocellaris are from SWF as well, had then about a year now.
  9. rainbowsix

    Fuzzy Dwarf?

    Bought this at ***** yesterday, had it labeled as fuzzy dwarf, is it?
  10. rainbowsix

    Nicorette for a dwarf lionfish

    [hr] My wife just called and said my fuzzy dwarf that I just got yesterday has been blowing smoke all day. Anyone have an idea to what he is doing?
  11. rainbowsix

    Fuzzy Dwarf with Smoking habit?

    My wife just called and said my fuzzy dwarf that I just got yesterday has been blowing smoke all day. Anyone have an idea to what he is doing?
  12. rainbowsix

    Camera for Sale

    Thread is here in the classifieds
  13. rainbowsix

    Camera for sale

    I have a Fuji S9600 here is the link for the review and some pics, I have taken about 10 shots with it, it is just too much camera for me and I cannot work it Taking offers by PM if you want to buy it, it is brand new. Paypal is the...
  14. rainbowsix

    MH lighting causes blindness?

    I was reading on the net that MH lighting usually causes blindness in Fuzzy Dwarf Lions, is this correct? I sure hope not as I got one yesterday and have my MH's running
  15. rainbowsix

    HQI controller

    what is a HQI controller ? I have one on my lighting system and would like to know what it does,
  16. rainbowsix

    New lights, which do I run?

    Hi Guys, I just got a new light setup, it has two power compacts on each side with 14k blue bulbs. It also has 1 250watt MH in the center. Which do I run? Both or just one? Thanks
  17. rainbowsix

    Tanks in Winston Salem, NC

    Anyone selling aquariums 75 gal up in or near Winston Salem NC?
  18. rainbowsix

    250w 10k MH

    Hey All, I have a new light coming in that has a 250w 10k MH bulb in it as well as power compacts on the side and moonlights. Will this be too much for a 29 reef? Thanks
  19. rainbowsix

    Dwarf Fuzzy Lion with Clowns?

    Hey Everyone, I have a mated pair of black and white clowns in a 30 gallon. I have plenty of live rock and corals. Metal Halide lighting, etc. I am wondering if a small dwarf fuzzy will be ok with my clowns and not eat them. My wife would absolutely kill me if they got gone