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  1. txstudent

    reef temp

    i just would like to add that the reason natural coral reefs are in danger of coral bleaching is because of global warming. If the waters raise another 5 degrees, the symbiotic algae will not be able to photosynthesize nutrients for the coral... temp is very important to the safety of all...
  2. txstudent


    umm....i just left the tang in the bag for 30 mins and put it in the tank......prob not the best idea.....but he was around for 3 months or so....wasnt that new of an addition
  3. txstudent


    the sp. grav. was at 1.025 b4, i prob shouldnt have lowered so much. good news==> anemone is back to normal , and the clownfish is really really happy anybody know what high nitrates mean? would that cause a fish to die? ammonia=0 , nitrile = 0
  4. txstudent


    I think i did something really stupid. I added marine pH buffer 8.3 to the tank b4 dissolving it first in water. When some of the granular buffer hit the anemone, it immediately shriveled up really small. It looks pretty bad right now, can ph buffer kill the anemone? or was that just the...
  5. txstudent


    ok just got back from the pet store bought the kit...heres the results specific density of water = 0.023 ph= 8.3 ammonia= 0 (or really really close to 0) nitriles = 0 ( or really really close to 0) temperature = 79 degrees nitrate = 40 ppm compact lighting 20lbs crushed coral/ 20 lbs live sand...
  6. txstudent


    i really appreciate ur advice, its good to know what the different levels mean. I have a gut feeling that its high ammonia, b/c i cant find my other dragonet and shrimp. I just got home from class and found my rabbitt fish dead. The lfs is closed on mondays, so im just gonna do a 50% water...
  7. txstudent


    - i know i really need a ammonia, -ile,-ate tester, I was just hoping that if i was really careful with acclimation and being really patient with new additions, that the live rock would prevent any spikes in these levels. I am learning that this is not always true. - does anybody know of a good...
  8. txstudent


    you can see my powerhead in the corner, the filter, and the heater at a weird angle behind the filter
  9. txstudent

    Cloudy puffy eye??

    hmm my foxface rabbit fish seems to have this same problem. It ' s almost cloudy as if he has a cataract. Can fish get cataracts?
  10. txstudent


    I have a 45 gallon bowfront. - 1.025 salinity - 8.3 pH - compact lighting - 20 lbs live sand, - 20 lbs crushed coral - 32 lbs live rock not sure what stage the tank is at in regards to nitrogen cycle. i do not have a tester for nitriles, -ates, etc. - I have had the tank for 7 months now...
  11. txstudent


    Hey guys & gals, Im really worried, my blue hippo tang just died. It's operculum(flap covering the gills) was moving really fast, so im guessing it was having respiratory problems, and eventually just died. It had a discoloration starting from its anus moving into the body that was lighter in...
  12. txstudent

    what is this?

    ok, so the little white parasite/fungus of some sort fell of my hippo tang....weird....any ideas what it might have been. ? is that normal? umm....also i had a cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp added to my tank, i never found the fire shrimp since i put it in there...maybe something ate it...
  13. txstudent

    what is this?

    oh , and its a 45 gallon tank, 25 lbs live rock, 20 lbs live sand, 10 lbs crushed coral......
  14. txstudent

    what is this?

    umm...would it have 2 eyes....i dont even know what fish worms look like?
  15. txstudent

    what is this?

    ok umm.... i dont have a water tester, but ph is 8.1, salinity is okay.....i have 1 blue hippo tang, 1 maroon clown fish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp (although i cant find him since i put him in ) 1 brittle star, 1 mean reddish looking damsel (has neon blue stripes around eyes), 1 rabbitt...
  16. txstudent

    what is this?

    its looks like white fuzz extending from the body, and in the center of the fuzz is like a darkened red center at the tip of the fuzz.....its really weird lookin, the fish wont sit still long enough for me to take a great photo :(
  17. txstudent

    what is this?

    is this one better? not too experienced at taking pics.....
  18. txstudent

    what is this?

    that white fuzzy dot on him/her
  19. txstudent

    what is this?

    Hey, im pretty new with fish, and i just noticed something strange on my blue u guys know what it is?