what is this?


New Member
Hey, im pretty new with fish, and i just noticed something strange on my blue hippo....do u guys know what it is?

bang guy

Can you look closely and describe it in excrutiating detail?
Is it wormlike or does it look like a pillbug with big eyes?


Staff member
Yes, unless you can get a detailed pic, or provide some very specific details, its going to be hard to tell what this might be.


New Member
its looks like white fuzz extending from the body, and in the center of the fuzz is like a darkened red center at the tip of the fuzz.....its really weird lookin, the fish wont sit still long enough for me to take a great photo :(


New Member
ok umm....
i dont have a water tester, but ph is 8.1, salinity is okay.....i have 1 blue hippo tang, 1 maroon clown fish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp (although i cant find him since i put him in ) 1 brittle star, 1 mean reddish looking damsel (has neon blue stripes around eyes), 1 rabbitt fish, ....
i just added some copepods to the tank, the 2 shrimp, a mandarin dragonet, and some other dragonet maybe emerald?
any ideas?


New Member
ok, so the little white parasite/fungus of some sort fell of my hippo tang....weird....any ideas what it might have been. ? is that normal?
umm....also i had a cleaner shrimp and fire shrimp added to my tank, i never found the fire shrimp since i put it in there...maybe something ate it??? and the cleaner shrimp died lastnight, a week 1/2 after put into the tank....maybe this combined with the weird growth on my tang is caused by something??
is there a bigger picture i should be aware of?