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  1. ttv83

    Sick Flame Angel

    Thanks all for the replies. I moved him into QT. He was only in the display tank for 4 days. Unfortunately he didn't make it. Died shortly after returing to QT.
  2. ttv83

    Sick Flame Angel

    Thanks for your input Beth. I panicked when I saw him like that so I pulled him out of display and put em in QT. Now’s he lying on his side. I hope I didn’t make the situation worse! It does look as though that’s what happened though. I’m afraid he’s not gona make it. He’s still breathing...
  3. ttv83

    Sick Flame Angel

    I’m, hoping someone has some information that can help me. I have a Flame Angel that I have had for about 4 weeks. I had him in a QT tank for three weeks and he was doing great. I moved him to my Display tank and he was fine for about 6 days. Today I noticed that he is sluggish, does not...
  4. ttv83

    QT/Hospital Tank Mania!

    Hey SaltWaterNewbie, I first bought the Mollies and they were in Fresh Water. I acclimated them to salt water (sal 1.022) over about a 4 - 6 hour period, by using the usual method of adding salt water to their container. Then I just put them into my QT tank. They lived for quite awhile (two...
  5. ttv83

    qt question

    What I was planning on doing with my QT is to keep it a home for my black mollies. Before I did hypo in the QT I treated with copper for about a week or so. The mollies were in there the whole time. What I'm getting at is that I think you can keep some fishes in there all the time.
  6. ttv83

    QT/Hospital Tank Mania!

    Here's the picture!
  7. ttv83

    QT/Hospital Tank Mania!

    Hospital/QT setup are well worth the time, effort and money in the long run. I am in the final stages of hypo with my hippo tang, pictured here. He had a case of ick and I followed Beth's hypo instructions and now I'm about a week away from putting him back in my disply tank. The saliity is...
  8. ttv83

    Live Rock From

    Thanks! I'm going to give them ( a try for LR. I have a spare 10 gal tank I can use to let the rock cycle. --Tim
  9. ttv83

    Live Rock From

    Thanks! I'm going to give them ( a try for LR. I have a spare 10 gal tank I can use to let the rock cycle. --Tim
  10. ttv83

    Live Rock From

    I've been thinking about buying live rock from and was wondering if anyonle else has, and what your experience was. Do you need to cure the rock after you get it or is it supposed to be already cured? If I get the ~45lbs, should I put it in my main tank a little at a time as...
  11. ttv83

    Hagan Powerhead 402

    IMO two 402 may be too much for a 55gal. Perhaps one 402 and one 301.
  12. ttv83

    Hagan Powerhead 402

    Thanks Bang Guy. That's just what I was looking for!
  13. ttv83

    Hagan Powerhead 402

    Thanks Bang Guy. That's just what I was looking for!
  14. ttv83

    Hagan Powerhead 402

    Hagan Powerhead 402. I got one fro Christmas, and I more or less asked for it specifically because I have a 301 that I like, anyway I put the 402 in my 72 gal tank and boy it sure does suck up the water. It’s so strong that my chocolate chip star got sucked up. Fortunately I was there and...
  15. ttv83

    Black Mollies

    I got four black mollies that were fresh water. I put them in a one gallon container with the water they came in. It only filled it up about 1/3. I poured about 16 oz of salt water in there and left them alone for 2 hours. Then poured out about half the water, then added about 1 quart of...
  16. ttv83

    Black Mollies

    They look great and a coulpe of them seem to be getting some color along their dorsal fins. I not sure but this may be the result of being in slat wter. My biggest concern is how would the mollies react to my anemone.
  17. ttv83

    Black Mollies

    I have used Black mollies to cycle a QT tank (30gal). I acclimated them very slowly from fresh water to salt. After a few weeks, one of them had babies. I’ve had them for about 3 months now in my QT tank and they are doing pretty good. I also have a sick hippo tang in with them now and I'm...
  18. ttv83

    Automatic Fish Feeder HELP!

    I have a 72 gal tank and recently was away for a week. I have a Battery Powered automatice Fish Feeder from "Penn Plax". I had good luck with it. No problem with my aquarium when I returned. I think it is vitalily important that you make sure that your water temp is good, and if necessary...
  19. ttv83

    What to feed NASO Tang

    I have a new NASO Tang that I bought from my LFS last week. I’ve had him for about 10 days now and I don’t see him eating very often. What is the recommended food for a NASO? I feed my yellow Tang Seaweed Selects, and Spirulina. I’m concerned because he has been hiding under some rocks...
  20. ttv83

    Rio Pumps SUCK!!!!!!!!

    I have to agree that the RIO pumps are unreliable. I was using a 2100 for my sump. The first one just up and died after 10 weeks. I returned it to my lfs and they took it apart and could not find any reason for it to stop working. I got a replacement 2100 and this one ran for about 5 weeks...