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  1. dempseyjosh

    Do I need a new impeller, or a whole new pump?

    did you buy another of the same pump? or a different brand?
  2. dempseyjosh

    Do I need a new impeller, or a whole new pump?

    there is quite a difference in price between the pump and the impeller. if a new impeller is the problem and would fix it, why should i replace the whole thing?
  3. dempseyjosh

    Do I need a new impeller, or a whole new pump?

    The pump on my ASM g2 skimmer doesn't always start right up. I have taken it out and made sure it's clean in there, but sometimes I have to mess with it to get it to start. I don't want to waste money on the impeller if it is the pump that's bad.
  4. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    I'd prefer not running an extra pump. my electric bill is already 50% more than if I didn't have the tanks.
  5. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    My scrubber was working great. It greatly reduced the amount of algae in the tanks, but then I had a malfunction in the pump and I haven't fixed it yet. The algae quickly returned. I'm bad at testing my levels, I just try to keep up with regular water changes. and would test if stuff wasn't...
  6. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    I do have sponges after the scrubber if thats what you mean. I know there isn't alot of flow in my tank downstairs, but I do notice it settling on rocks upstairs where there is plenty of flow more so than i did previously. Is this the stuff that the skimmer would be taking out? I did notice...
  7. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    ok, So i've had my scrubber running for some time now, the growth on it is great, and i see a reduction in the amount of algae in the DT( not all, but it's still going away slowly). the issue i have is I'm seeing alot of stuff settling in my tank( i can notice it on the bare bottom tank i have...
  8. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    how close do they need to be, and why do they need to be so close? I moved them and they are now like .5 inches from the box, about 3" total from the screen. They were probably only 7" away. I'll probably take the screen out and rough it up one night this week after work
  9. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    oh yeah, I ended up sticking to using a supply pump instead of supplying it the the water from the overflow.
  10. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    well i got it rebuilt and its been running for almost a week. I'm starting to get a little color on the screen, but then I realized I never roughed up this screen. Should I take it out and rough it up, or let it go since it's already a week into it. Here is a picture of it. I built the box...
  11. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    well i've been having some issues with this splashing water out so i'm redoing it. I'm starting with an acrylic box around the screen to help with the splashing that occurs. The box is going to be removable for easy cleaning. otherwise i'm pretty much sticking to the same design, but I was...
  12. dempseyjosh

    I built me an Algae Scrubber

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 look closer. still a bad angle... I take it that it's just going right into the other side of the frame? cause with that picture, a solid piece of pvc is blocking the connection that I wish to see
  13. dempseyjosh

    I built me an Algae Scrubber

    where is this thing being supplied with the water??? all i see is a frame
  14. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    ok, so i'm done... here are some pictures. I had some hair algae in my basement tank that I took the liberty of attaching to the screen... hopefully this jump starts the process. how long before you think I'll notice a difference in the amount of algae growing in the display tanks?
  15. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    So i want to make sure this is right before i make it. The blue lines is where the water will be coming out, is that fine? or should I just be feeding it from one side so water can come out the whole length of the tube over the whole mesh screen evenly. i'm thinking i misunderstood when i was...
  16. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    ok, I got everything i think i need to make it... we will see what i have to go back to the store for tomorrow.... i got a big peice of mesh... two clip on lights, two 40watt bulbs(which were the most expensive parts), the pvc pipe and necessary fittings, and a small dremel tool... cost me...
  17. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    what section of lowes would i be looking for this screen? i'm sick of looking through that 68 page thread(it's giving me a headache), so i'll ask my other questions here, if you would be so kind to answer them i would greatly appreciate it. I found that I should have 1 square inch per gallon...
  18. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    I may just use the opportunity to have a reason to buy a dremel tool. having it T off isn't going to cause any problems with there not being any water coming down in the middle where the T is right?
  19. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    this is going to be in a sump for a system that has a 75gal, and a 65 gal tank hooked up together. Is there an easy way to accurately cut the slit in the pvc if i don't have a dremel? i have a table saw,and could safely cut it from end to end? but i'm nervous about trying to cut just the...
  20. dempseyjosh

    So I want to make an ATS

    ok, so i'm going to keep the pump in the first section of the sump as it is already where the skimmer is, I want to put the screen over the second section. My question is, am i able to put the screen at an angle like my side view picture shows it, or do i need to come up high enough over the...