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  1. dc_wolf

    Help with Red Slim!!!

    erythromycin will take care of red slime. But, I do agree with the other post - it's been my experience that overfeeding is the cause of red slime.
  2. dc_wolf

    Any sand sifters and cleaners for my semi-aggressive tank?

    Sorry it took me so long to respond - Well - I have several tanks. That particular one is 75 gallons. Every now and again, I put some small pieces of food in the sandbed. But, I haven't had any problems with the sand sifting stars. I also have snails in the tank - actually, in all but one...
  3. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    Thanks for asking -- he is all better now! The only problem is my puffer has stopped eating now -- that one has me puzzled.
  4. dc_wolf

    Any sand sifters and cleaners for my semi-aggressive tank?

    Be prepared for your eel to snack on the crabs and your puffer to go after the snails. At least, that's been my experience. I have a couple sand sifting starfish in my tanks - they seem to do quite well in the tanks.
  5. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    Thanks! I'll probably have to order it online anyway (the lfs around here don't have much to offer).
  6. dc_wolf

    Lion question

    Originally Posted by V-Lioness For a lion this small it can be tough, they need food, I would feed every day to every other day right now, use the ghost shrimp (Feed the ghost shrimp something nutritional before feeding them to your lion), try weaning over to frozen a.s.a.p. If this lion is...
  7. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    Originally Posted by V-Lioness Good to hear, definitely mix up the diet a little, maybe add some Raw Shrimp, Scallops and Squid, all soaked in vitamins...... Kaye Any suggestion on the vitamins? I have been looking for squid - but, haven't been too successful in finding it. But, the other 2...
  8. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    Thanks - I agree on the spots problem. I appreciate your help id'ing that - all this time, I've never seen anything like that. BTW: he's eating normally again!! whoohooo
  9. dc_wolf

    Lion question

    Are you planning on getting another puffer? If so, I would get the lion prior to the puffer - regardless of type.
  10. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    Well - good news - he's feeling better, he ate a small silverside this morning (never was a HUGE eater). I will keep on mixing it up a bit though - (it seems he got bored). His white spots are disappearing too (still treating for ich). The other item - micro bubbles -- the filter return looks...
  11. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    I'm with you on the lion - he did eat the feeders (with garlic). I was thinking the same thing on the frozen diet. I was planning on trying some new food. Thanks on the micro-bubbles - that was driving me crazy. I will check.
  12. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    Yes, I'm in the process of getting a larger tank - but the problem is timing. The other thing is that he has the run of the tank and hasn't exhibited issues prior to this.
  13. dc_wolf

    need help with new 120-clown trigger,arothron sp. puffer, volitan lion, angel?

    Originally Posted by nicetry Look at Deltec for a high end hang on skimmer, although you could certainly do a hang on overflow and sump to keep the skimmer out of view. Lifereef is a quality U tube (best design) overflow and it won't fail. Not sure which one your friend had. The added water...
  14. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    Hello all - the first picture should be of the lion the second should be of some strange film with white "spots" on the rock (in the back). Hope the images turn out - the spot that looks the worst on the lion is his tail (the rest of him is fine). Thanks for everyone's help -
  15. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    I'll see what I can do - It'll have to wait until later today (since I'm at work). I did start treating him with maracyn plus as a "just in case" since that's the only thing I found to work with lions in the past. What I forgot to mention - I do have a few starfish and snails in the tank as well...
  16. dc_wolf

    Black Volitan Lion Problem

    Hello all - If anyone can offer advice I would appreciate it? I have had my 75 gallon tank setup for about 4 years now and have been in the "hobby" for more than 10. One of my favorite fish is having a problem though - it's my black volitan - he's about 2 years old. He eats (or rather ate)...