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  1. breeze

    clown gobie reef safe?

    this site says they are i have had one for a month now and the acros he hosts in are now dieing lfs said they eat acros is this true?
  2. breeze

    T5 bulb combo

    hey bob what are you using?
  3. breeze

    T5 bulb combo

    i thought some T5 users would have some input
  4. breeze

    T5 bulb combo

    i have a 6 x 54 watt fixture 3 10k and 3 460nm actinics i want to change the bulbs so the colors of the corals pop but still have good growth so what combo do you think would work best? i'v heard 14k gives good color
  5. breeze

    Nova Extreme Pro question

    thanks nordy its been on for 4 hours now with the canopy closed and its not hot at all not even warm but i will keep watching it to see if it heats up
  6. breeze

    Nova Extreme Pro question

    thank you for your input i was looking for someone that is using this fixture and what retro fit light should i have gone with that is much cheaper than $350 and much better please tell me because i must have missed it
  7. breeze

    Nova Extreme Pro question

    i just got the 48 inch fixture and it says do not put under a canopy and guess what i have a custom stand with an attached canopy that has an extra 4 inch fan in it on one side and a three inch vent hole on the other So does anyone have this light under a canopy and have you had any issues?
  8. breeze

    Corals F/S Will ship!

    pm sent
  9. breeze

    lyretail anthia cloudy eye

    i just read about the formalin bath 45 min everyother day 3-5 treatments
  10. breeze

    lyretail anthia cloudy eye

    OK i'm going to start tomorrow with the formalin baths 3-5 mins for how many days 5 ? i do have a qt but its occupied so i will get a rubbermaid or another tank there is no way i would put them back in the DT during treatment and they do come to the top to eat so i'll try that thank you again
  11. breeze

    lyretail anthia cloudy eye

    thank you for the info lfs said FW baths 10 min. a day for 5 days does that sound right to you also do you have any tricks for catching these fish without ripping down the LR?
  12. breeze

    lyretail anthia cloudy eye

    ok my male tyretail anthia has been scratching for a week one of his eyes is cloudy and 2 days ago had some slime coming off it over all he looks skinny and his color is washed out but he eats like crazy then i noticed my female anthia and my diamond goby scratch a few times lfs said ick but...
  13. breeze fish order

    will do thanks you
  14. breeze fish order

    i have an atlantic blue tang coming in today from this site do i need to qt it??? i think i've read you dont have to with fish from this site
  15. breeze

    Corals under T5

    nice tanks now i feel comfortable to start buying some corals thanks for you help
  16. breeze

    Corals under T5

    thank you for the info i do plan on getting MH in the future NYCBOB can you tell me what sps you kept under the t5s
  17. breeze

    Corals under T5

    i have a 75gal with the nove ex 4x54 watt can someone give me a list of corals i can keep other then shrooms zoas, and sun coral are there any sps? thanks
  18. breeze

    need worm ID

    thanks for writing they are deff. worms if they are one of the worms you said would they be ok in the tank??
  19. breeze

    need worm ID

    no one???
  20. breeze

    need worm ID

    i found i few worms on a piece of live rock they are about 2 inches long and very thin look like fishing line anyone have an id?? good or bad? thanks for the help