Search results

  1. r3dc4t

    How do you lower Phosphate?

    Ratrod, I think finding the source is what is giving us ideas on how to figure that out would be cool. like i said i detect no phosphate in my tap water just the water in the tank. Espkh9, thanks for the suggestion, I havn't heard of a phosphate reactor yet but i'll look into it.
  2. r3dc4t

    How do you lower Phosphate?

    Originally Posted by bigmac TDS meters are a good tool but their not going to tell you much about po4's...I use a Hannah po4 meter to test my water off the DI. I do use the TDS meter at the lab to tell me if and when my RO membrane is spent. The Sediment, Carbon block and RO membrane are...
  3. r3dc4t

    Live rock question

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 we cant post links to competitor sites. I've mentioned competitor sites before just not a link. Anyway I'm not buying any more of the same LR that I have (LR from So they aren't getting my business for that unless they offer me a diverse...
  4. r3dc4t

    Live rock question

    Originally Posted by alix2.0 I would buy from but i want a diversity of LR without ordering 20 lbs. of each rock. Oh and i forgot that they only have fiji LR.
  5. r3dc4t

    Live rock question

    Originally Posted by Al Mc If your water parameters (ph, S.G., temp., ammonia, nitrites and nitrates) are all 'good' then there is something alive in the sand, rock and/or filter material. zeros thought of things being eaten is an avenue to explore depending on your other fish/invert...
  6. r3dc4t

    Live rock question

    Originally Posted by ZeroC little things dying off (or being eaten to extinction) is not uncommon. The more important organisms that live on and in live rock is the bacteria that you can't see and if you've been running for 6 months and all your inhabitants seem happy then that bacteria is...
  7. r3dc4t

    Live rock question

    Originally Posted by ninjamini How long is this tank set up? 6 months maybe a little longer...
  8. r3dc4t

    Live rock question

    I have a 20 gallon tank with 20 lbs of LR and roughly 15 lbs of LS, but my LS was store bought and probably wasn't alive any longer, and I'm afraid that a lot of my LR died off. I know i used to see copeopods in my tank and no longer do. Also have noticed the disappearance of other organisms...
  9. r3dc4t

    BTA closed completely up

    Originally Posted by rudedog40 Should I have the fans blow over the bulbs to cool them down, or face the fan output outward to suck the heat out of the fixture? I don't have any experience with that particular problem, but taking from my experience with computer heating, I would say you need an...
  10. r3dc4t

    Your opinions.

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ your lights are far to weak for most corals, though you could consider some of the non photosynthetic ones once your water quality improves again. so if you really want a decent selection of corals consider upgrading them at some point. fish/inverts: there are a lot...
  11. r3dc4t

    Your opinions.

    Originally Posted by b bauer get rid of the air stones and brine shrimp breed them in a different tank as for lighting what kind of coral do you want? I havn't decided for sure yet, i've been looking at some of the frag packs on the *********** websites since this site doesn't have packs of...
  12. r3dc4t

    Your opinions.

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 Not trying to be rude; but please re-read your post. I may be a bit slow; but I have no idea what you had, what you have , and what you want. (Livestock, wise) I had 3 damsels now all dead due to one of my kids emptying a 6 gram tube of brine shrimp in my tank...
  13. r3dc4t

    Your opinions.

    aww come on no one has any ideas for me? :(
  14. r3dc4t

    Your opinions.

    also include info on what light upgrades I could make (specifics if possible)
  15. r3dc4t

    Your opinions.

    It looks like I'm going have to start my 20G tank over after my brine shrimp accident due to Nitrate and Nitrite Levels killing my damsels. still have two but I'm thinking its just a matter of time. I still amazingly have my blue-legged hermits and snails alive though (thought for sure the...
  16. r3dc4t

    brine shrimp problem?

    its too late at night for me to get supplies to filter or net them, a have my canister filter running hoping it will catch a good deal of them, but ammonia levels have all ready killed one of my damsels, another seems close to death and the other is always hiding so i am unsure of its condition...
  17. r3dc4t

    brine shrimp problem?

    looks like my nitrates and nitrites sky rocketed too...
  18. r3dc4t

    brine shrimp problem?

    I had the feeling that would be an answer i got, i was hoping my crabs would make a large dent before they hatched, i did notice them eating near where most eggs landed. Wish i had a much larger tank, better chance of successful recovery then. I also noticed one of my damsels may be getting...
  19. r3dc4t

    brine shrimp problem?

    6 GMs of eggs...i'm guessing grams with an incorrect symbol of it? in a 20 gallon tank. I have a small anemone and 6-10 blue legs hermits and 3 damsels 15 lbs of live sand, 20 lbs of live rock. oh and about 10 snails.
  20. r3dc4t

    brine shrimp problem?

    yeah so I bought a tube of brine shrimp so i can give my aquarium a treat once in a while, well my kid decided to pour the whole tube in the aqu arium last night while i wasnt in the room, now at least half have hatched and i need to know if this is going to crash my tank do to them eating too...