Search results

  1. msgmac47

    100lbs live rock

    Can you post any pictures?
  2. msgmac47

    Complete 125 Gallon Reef for sale in Birmingham, AL

    Sorry , but can I get a picture of your other corals for sale? Thanks again!!
  3. msgmac47

    Complete 125 Gallon Reef for sale in Birmingham, AL

    Also interested in the Venus Fly Trap Palys. Thanks!!
  4. msgmac47

    Complete 125 Gallon Reef for sale in Birmingham, AL

    Are the zoos and shroons still up for grabs? If so, how much for each? If they are available will you be willing to meet me in Russellville? I’m stationed at fort Campbell and have family in Russellville. I can only meet this Sunday. I deploy to Afghanistan on Wednesday of next week. Thanks
  5. msgmac47

    My first tank

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici Nice looking tank.What livestock do you have? BTW take care,if your going overseas maybe you could post how some here could send some care packages out to you and your buds. It would be a honor. Thanks, I'll have to take you up on that. My soldiers and I...
  6. msgmac47

    My first tank

    Originally Posted by mcbdz Looks very nice. Looks like a macro algea. Good to have. If starts to over grow just trim out. You can even sell some to lfs if it grows real good. That would be great if I could sell some to the LFS because it grows nice. Be a good way to save up for a MH. They...
  7. msgmac47

    My first tank

    Originally Posted by azfishgal Very nice looking tank! Thank you too!!
  8. msgmac47

    My first tank

    Originally Posted by bjoe23 how many gallons? It's a 20 gallon tank.
  9. msgmac47

    My first tank

    Originally Posted by Jmick Sharp setup! Your rockwork is very nice, wish I had more skill with mine and I like your background. Thank you!
  10. msgmac47

    My first tank

    Originally Posted by GrouperGenius Looks real good. What's the green ball at front right? Thanks. I have no idea what the green ball is . It started growing in my dad's tank. I like it so asked him for a few pieces. I have quit a few Brittle Stars living in them.
  11. msgmac47

    My first tank

    Originally Posted by chattown clown I like it too. Do you have any idea how many lbs. of LR you actually have (with all of that open space). I got the rock from my dad. I'd say about 30 pounds.
  12. msgmac47

    My first tank

    Thanks devil dog and trigger11
  13. msgmac47

    My first tank

    I wanted to post pictures of my first saltwater aquarium. I know it's not as big as most of the ones here, but I'm very proud of my tank. I would like to thank my dad and mom. Everything we have was given to us, minus the sand, kenya tree and xenias, from them. After deployment my goal is to...
  14. msgmac47

    Live Rock for sale in SW Ohio

    Where about in Ohio are you located?
  15. msgmac47

    For Sale 4 X 70 Watt Viper Clip Ons

    have you sold the light yet? If not, what is the Watt?
  16. msgmac47

    Looking to buy a Protein Skimmer

    I am looking for a Protein Skimmer with a Counter-Current Flow System. I need one for a 20 gallon tank. A hang on or sump skimmer will do. Nothing to old, please. I would like to see a picture if possible. Thanks
  17. msgmac47

    New to the nano's

    I did cycle my tank for almost two months. The main reason for such a long cycle was finding the time to visit my parents. I can not give you a opinion on the cycling process, too new to the hobby. Was given advice from my dad to start cycling my tank before coming up.
  18. msgmac47

    New to the nano's

    I just started up a 20 gallon tank. Everything I have in it, minus the sand, was given to me by my dad from his aquarium. I got 40 lbs of LR, corals, inverts and a clown fish from him. Everything made the 9 hour trip and all is alive and doing well.
  19. msgmac47

    Is This A Good Protein Skimmer

    Ok. I just did some research on a Seaclone Protein Skimmer. What do u think of it? And when looking for a PS what do I look for?
  20. msgmac47

    Is This A Good Protein Skimmer

    I'm looking at buying a Visi Jet Protein Skimmer for my 20 gallon tank. I can get it for about 31 dollars. I did do some research and read quite a few comments from buyers. They all were satisfied with the product and being a first timer it seems like a very good skimmer. Any opinions would...