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  1. tpohl24

    Help please

    Thanks for all the help... I have again tested the water and it all looks fine I did a 30 gallon change and will do another 30 in two weeks... I typically do 30 gallons every other week.... I guess it is a good time to revisit my stocking list... will I need to cycle the tank again once the 6...
  2. tpohl24

    Help please

    the last thing added was about 10 days prior and it was QTed for 14 days... from everything I read ich doesnt wipe out a tank in 3-4 days... what does marine velvet look like??? well I guess I can google it thanks for all the response so far this really sucks
  3. tpohl24

    Help please

    I have a cheap one that is attached to the tank... like I said I was out of town for 3 days but as far as I know the tank temp didnt drop... I check my tank (watch and enjoy it) nightly... it is something that helps me relax... what happened during my time out of town I dont know... but I would...
  4. tpohl24

    Help please

    yeah I already lost all 5 fish I had in about a 3 day period... not even sure if it was ich... I took the tomni tang to a LFS and they said it showed no signs of ich... that maybe I had a water spike... now that all i have are corals shrimp crabs snails and star fish how long should I wait to...
  5. tpohl24

    Help please

    I haave a 180 tank I had :( a coral beatuy angel that I had over a year... pretty much my first fish in the tank after its cycle... an tonmi tang, pair of black and white clowns and an atlantic blue tang... I was out of town for 3 days came back and my atlantic blue was dead... the clowns had...
  6. tpohl24

    Will This Work?

    Yes I love the Tusk got him at about an inch and a half he is about 3 now... would I be better off getting rid of the CB?
  7. tpohl24

    Will This Work?

    I already have the Tusk and it is Aust... I have the CB already also and just got rid of the damsels and clowns... so I could get the Angel, Triger and either puffer or tang thanks!
  8. tpohl24

    Will This Work?

    ok, my local fish store has a junv queen angel... so would this work??? Harlequin Tusk Coral Beatuy Angel Porky Puffer Huma Huma Triger Queen Angel all would be around 3 inches right now... but would like to keep all of them and have them not out grow the tank Thanks again... still learning and...
  9. tpohl24

    Will This Work?

    so I am still wondering if this load will be ok when the fish are grown and what are some recommendations on a skimmer when I upgrade mine? Thanks!
  10. tpohl24

    Will This Work?

    I already have the Coral Beauty and the Harliqueen Tusk... both are about 3 inches right now... other wise I probably would get something other than the Coral Beauty... it stays in the rocks a whole lot... I do plan to upgrade my skimmer at some point... I know someone mentioned the puffer and...
  11. tpohl24

    Will This Work?

    I have a 180 gallon tank with 180lbs of Rock and Sand Sump with sock filter and Coral Life 250 Skimmer Tank has been running 7 months... FOWLR Stock List Coral Beatuy Angel Harliqueen Tusk Wrasse Blue Face Angel Tang 1 of the following (Blonde Naso, Blue Hippo, Powder Blue or Brown) Trigger...
  12. tpohl24

    Suggestions on Stock List

    that was my plan... like I said the Harliquen Tusk and Coral Beatuy are still in there and doing well... Coral comes out a lot more now actually... I want to start figuring out what I am going to add 3-4 fish total so I can plan the order... and was looking for ideas thank you very much!
  13. tpohl24

    Suggestions on Stock List

    I checked all levels and took water to two different LFS to test... PH 8.4 Nitrates 0 Nitrites 20 (I may have those two backwards) everything was normal on my test and the LFS said the same thing.... Took the one of the fish in and had him looked at also... since I have done a 50 gallon water...
  14. tpohl24

    Suggestions on Stock List

    I do have some pics I can send post later... I was thinking of getting a Coral Life 250 Skimmer... all of my fish before were 3-5 inches at largest... I was going to upgrade this summer on the Skimmer... orginally when buying the tank that is what they told me I would need... and of course never...
  15. tpohl24

    Suggestions on Stock List

    I have a 180 FOWLR... I had 6 fish about three weeks ago lost 4 (still not sure why or what caused this...) tank has been running since September 2007... I lost Emperor Angel, Dog Face Puffer, and 2 Perclua Clowns... I still have a Junv... Harliquen Tusk Wrasse (2.5-3 inches) and a Coral Beatuy...
  16. tpohl24

    Please Help

    I have 2 korilla 4's and 2 smaller powers heads that say they are for 55gallon to 75 gallon... but I would think the 2 korillas plus the water from the pump would be pleanty of flow...I could be wrong though... I did the water change the day after the 2 clowns and Emperor Angel Died... I buy my...
  17. tpohl24

    Please Help

    also with 4 fish dying in a 3 day period is it safe to say it was not a disease of some type? Reason I say that I would think it would take different fish longer to progress through it?
  18. tpohl24

    Please Help

    I was reading on another post that you should not vacum the sand bed is this true? If so this could have been my problem also
  19. tpohl24

    Please Help

    yes I did check the PH and Salinity and Water temp... water temp was 73 mine is 76 but I had already lost the two clowns and Angel before that... the only issuse after was the puffer
  20. tpohl24

    Please Help

    I will have the tap water tested and get a jug for Top off water... thanks... as far as how the fish acted the puffer and Angel were both laying around the bottom not moving around much... maybe trouble breathing??? def trouble breathing for the puffer.... ??? on water changes... how should I...