Search results

  1. babeeclown

    what can('t) a 4 inch lion eat

    My fiance recently added a lionfish to our tank.... I didn';t want to do it but he did anyway. I was worried because i have a clown a damsel cleaner shrimp and a few snails.... I will hate that lion fish if it eats any of them! but so far he seems fine. I read alot about it and it says if...
  2. babeeclown

    clownfish help

    If you go to the Diseased Fish and treatment board it will show pictures that will help you better identify what it is. it sounds like to me that it is Brooklynella. It is common on clown fish. Hope this helps!
  3. babeeclown

    Some type of white parasites swimming in tank alot

    sounds like your taking it slow! good job! the "little bugs" also sound like your tank is doing well! i wouldn't worry about much just keep a eye out! it amazing what you'll see!
  4. babeeclown

    decorating my tank

    I'm wanting to add a little more to my tank. i have a 30 gallon with a ton of live rock and live sand. (and a few fake salt water decors) however since i am still learning i didn't want to start with corals and annimone etc. I have seen a lot of tanks that are filled with the fake stuff which i...
  5. babeeclown

    Would i be able to add anything else??

    I was thinking of an angel fish... Thank you for your help. i'm going to my Aquarium store today after work to start looking again. then i have to research anything that catches my eye...
  6. babeeclown

    for all you newbs who want a damsel...

    Originally Posted by petjunkie No, not all damsels. Remember that clownfish are damsels and are highly recommended as a good addition. I have 1 clown and 1 damsel and they get along great! they will even hide out together. hahaha I was skeptical to get one because of what i hear...
  7. babeeclown

    Would i be able to add anything else??

    I have a 30Gal salt water tank. (wanted to start small to see if i could handle it) lol. However i was wanting to add another fish sometime with in the near future but i didn't know if i should or not. my tank is a fish only with live rock. 1 clown(nemo) 1 damsel 1 cleaner shrimp 1 lownmower...
  8. babeeclown

    Not sure what it is...

    Thank you so much! I'm happy to know that the little critters are a good thing! i googled the pods and i can identify them with some pics! Salt Water tanks are so amazing for what happen with in them. so much life!
  9. babeeclown

    Not sure what it is...

    i recently took up the fish hobbie! i have had a fresh water tank for some time now, so my husband and i thought we would try a salt water tank. Everything seems to be going perfect! we had one clown fish and 1 damsel. however recently i bought a second clown fish and he was fine for about 1...