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  1. dodgr31


    I have 2 leathers, one is a Tyree. BOTH love a lot of flow, they really thrive in it. When I moved them to a lower flow area their polyps never came out and they appeared much smaller, FYI.
  2. dodgr31

    Frogspawn Loosing Color

    Mine did the same thing, I changed bulbs and the color came back.
  3. dodgr31

    help with worms??

    They are flat worms. I have tried to rid my tank of them for over a year. I get most of them out and they seem to come right back. First try to siphon as many out as possible with a small piece of tubing. Be careful not to allow to many of them to die in the tank, they release a toxin when...
  4. dodgr31

    Moving Reef

    Thanks for the great suggestions!
  5. dodgr31

    Moving Reef

    I should add, about 150lbs live rock, 9 fish (including an Achilles Tang) and about 40 different coral.
  6. dodgr31

    Moving Reef

    My wife and I are selling our home and I am going to have to somehow move my 100g reef. Just the thought scares me! I am looking for any pointers, tips etc. I have no idea where we will be moving, since the house has not sold yet. I know we will be moving across town for a bit (rental) until...
  7. dodgr31

    Considering Copperband

    Freak, Who are you speaking to? Maybe you should get your facts straight... I have had one for 8 months, I have a 100 gallon reef. I responded to a question by another member who asked about having one IN A REEF "Has anyone else had this fish in a reef without any problems? How difficult are...
  8. dodgr31

    Considering Copperband

    I have had one for about 8 months, no problems great fish.
  9. dodgr31

    ID Please

    cool thanks! Should I keep it?
  10. dodgr31

    ID Please

    Here is a petter pic.
  11. dodgr31

    ID Please

    Its definately not a majano anemone or aptasia. I will try to get a better pic and post it. The odd thing about it is when I touch it is feels soft, but leaves small cactus type pieces on my hand, real small but noticable.
  12. dodgr31

    ID Please

  13. dodgr31

    ID Please

    I posted this under Reef tanks, then though it would be better here. Can someone ID this coral Plz. It is brown, grassy, sticky and is attached to my rock like a mushroom. It just started growing and now split. It is the one in front of the Achilles face, the second one is above that.
  14. dodgr31

    ID Please

    This coral just started growing in my tank, and now has split! It looks like brown grass, is sticky to the touch, and is attached to the rock like a mushroom. Its the one just in front of the Achilles face
  15. dodgr31


    Classified Sales Forum Rules: May, 2008 [hr] This forum is for hobbyists who want to sell used aquarium equipment or supplies. No businesses are allowed. No links are permitted. If you have something to sell you will need to post the pictures/descriptions in the thread. In order to post in...
  16. dodgr31

    Upgrade from PC's to MH

    Thanks. I was looking online at the 60" Sunpod set up, it looks like it might work for me. Anyone have any experience with these?
  17. dodgr31

    Upgrade from PC's to MH

    I am looking for some ideas to upgrade my lighting. I have a 100g tank, 60" long, 18" deep, 21" tall. I am currently running PC"s under the canopy. I am not getting the growth and color I would like from my corals. I would like to upgrade to Halides, but don't want to hang them from the...
  18. dodgr31

    Clownfish & Toadstool question

    Wow! I thought at least one person would respond. Disappointing, it appears this board is for people who post all the time. I have seen it often, someone asking for an opinion, if he/she does not post all the time or the question is odd, people don't respond.
  19. dodgr31

    Clownfish & Toadstool question

    deleted by dodgr31
  20. dodgr31

    Clownfish & Toadstool question
