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  1. hemicross

    What Type of Refugium?!?

    ok, well I have decided to build my own aquarium stand, found a DIY page and I can do it, but my question is should I make my own acrylic refugium or should I just buy one, are acrylic sheets cheap?
  2. hemicross

    What Type of Refugium?!?

    awesome, great I completely understand it now, is a great site, Seems fairly simple to build myself except for the overflow box, but wow, thank you so much for the information, now I just need to get a real aquarium stand so I can have space under my tank for a refugium, i know i...
  3. hemicross

    What Type of Refugium?!?

    ok so there are two boxes, one inside and one outside, the one inside has slits for a certain water level, i under stand how that works but how does the tube that connects the two boxes work, is it just sitting inside of the inside and outside box or does it connect to the outside box to the...
  4. hemicross

    EL PASO TEXAS (BUYING) what ya sellin?

    i pretty much have an empty tank, nothing for trade but i am interested let me do some research and i will get back to you
  5. hemicross

    Starting 75g Saltwater, I have some q's?

    ok I have two bio-wheels right now, and I found a HOB skimmer/refugium that will fit in the middle of the two filters and on each side of the glass center brace. do youn think thats good? i was going to add 90 lbs of live sand so it would make a 2.5" i think sandbed, just a matter of finding...
  6. hemicross

    angelfish list 75g and 30g tank?

    anyone who has any information, trying to compose a list of what types of angels will be ok in a 75 gallon tank and if there is any angel fish i can keep in a 30 gallon tank, I know not to put more then one in a tank but I just needed to know all the possibilities. thanks
  7. hemicross

    Starting 75g Saltwater, I have some q's?

    what is a good depth of a sandbed, I hear four inches is the best but do I actually need to go that deep, I won't be housing any coral for a long time
  8. hemicross

    Starting 75g Saltwater, I have some q's?

    ok, thanks everyone for helping me, I know I have been a bit repetitive in my questions or I just don't understand much, but anyway, I am taking my freshwater fish out of their home and moving them to a 55g and I am going to set the 75g for saltwater, not sure if I want to do coral or not, but...
  9. hemicross

    #$@% mantis

    wow that is ugly, what this thing about losing your fingers and so on and not to touch it, what does it do? how big is it?
  10. hemicross

    #$@% mantis

    ok guys, everyone is talking about this mantis thing, does anyone have a picture?
  11. hemicross

    Buying Live Rock

    please PM if you are selling live rocks, if you can send a picture and how many lbs you are selling
  12. hemicross

    Red General Star

    how big of a tank would I have to have to house this starfish
  13. hemicross

    What Type of Refugium?!?

    so are the HOB style refugium/skimmer a bad thing, because right now I really am not to sure about the undertank refugium. sounds great and all but i still dont understand how if the pump stops returning the siphon will stop, I understand about how the overflow box part works once it gets low...
  14. hemicross

    Red General Star

    hello again everyone Need to find out some information on the Red General Starfish, what are its tank buddies and what exactly does it eat, Can I keep it with ALL other types of starfish? just wanted to know anyones information on the star, please let me know
  15. hemicross

    How do I grow Coraline Algae

    what is the color difference, is it bad to be in red or purple? i was going to get this 260w for my 75 gallon?
  16. hemicross

    29g just set up, need help

    ok, well I just posted a thread about refugium to also go along with the skimmer question, I don't really like the design of the round skimmers, they seem to be more internal and not external, I dont want the line to pop off and drain the tank on my floor, but I have been seeing these hand on...
  17. hemicross

    What Type of Refugium?!?

    ok everyone, really confused now, i'm going to have my 29g a fish only so all I neec for that is a small skimmer to buy now, but..... I am goign to start making my 75 gallon a coral and fish but my question is right now what type of refugium do I get? Now the guy at the LFS told me everything...
  18. hemicross

    How do I grow Coraline Algae

    the only light I have right now is the cheap flouresent one, however you spell it, its not a coral light or any type of high output, its just one bulb i dont know how many watts, coraline algae is the purple looking stuff right?
  19. hemicross

    How do I grow Coraline Algae

    I know this sounds weird but I like the way it looks, someone told me it's good for the tank as long as theres not to much. How do I grow it? Do I want this algae? Is it bad or good? Do I need an H.O. light or better like with coral? after all that Which algae is good to have to support...
  20. hemicross

    Bright Colors

    yes they will eat that but flake and pellets are a waste if you try, keep an eye on the general around small snails too