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  1. litllespot


    A sump is the best filtration available. It also gives you a place to put your skimmer in so its not hanging on the back of your tank.
  2. litllespot

    acan pics

    Here are a few of my acans.
  3. litllespot

    lemonpeel angel

    It nips coral, at least mine did.
  4. litllespot

    Acans, ricordia

    acans 25.00 a head, ricordia 18.00,blasto is 25.00 for 6 heads, chalice is 25.00 for 1 and 1 and 1/2 frag. Live arrival gaurantee if shipped overnight. Shipping from 31324 zip, Local pickup as well. Savannah Georgia area. PM me with any questions. Trying to raise funds for tank upgrade.
  5. litllespot

    Whats up with my Acan?

    I have quite a few acans and i had one that was very dull and plain looking, after a bit of time it did start getting more colorfull , it beautiful now.
  6. litllespot

    Ricordia - light shock

    I keep mine under 150 hqi, ricordias like light
  7. litllespot

    best food??

    spectrum sinking pellets, spirulina, brine shrimp, nori
  8. litllespot

    Zoa troubles

    you can use superglue gel underwater but its tough to do. If you can take out your rock then take it out and glue it to it. 2 part epoxy also works well under water, i use that when i glue corals in the tank to my submerged live rock. Aquamend you get at home depot is reef safe.
  9. litllespot

    nitrate level help??

    spotted sweetlips get quite large and water quality must be really good to keep these guys alive
  10. litllespot

    zoos problem

    They may have some kind of parasite on them as well if they arent opening. Make sure your water parameters are in check and if that isnt the problem id look for parasites and treat accordingly.