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  1. saltshaker

    Fish gone help!!!

    absolutely check your overflow if you have one. I used to have a feisty fire fish that I would have to rescue from my over flow about once per week. Luckily I have a foam prefilter in the bottom of the over flow so he would always be contently swimming around at the bottom of the over flow in...
  2. saltshaker

    Protien Skimmer working in reverse?

    Dan, When I first set my 90 up, I had a little skimmer no where near what I needed and it did very little. When I got my redsea berlin it overfoamed and bubbled like crazy sending bubbles back into the tank even with the air flow cut way down. This is what the guys at redsea told me. If a...
  3. saltshaker

    refugium help

    Ok all here is what i did. partitioned off a bout 2/3 of my sump to use for the refugium. the refugium over flows back into the remaining 1/3 of my sump where my skimmer and return pump are. I put a t in my overflow line with one line going to the skimmer/return portion of my sump the other...
  4. saltshaker

    NEW TANK.....

    To the sharks. I really like the board and I am new here. I hope I didnt cross any line with my last post. I just read all the fall out over yostrata (sp?). I thought it was ok to talk about where to get things didn't sell especially since i have seen much discussion about southdown...
  5. saltshaker

    feedback on berlin turbo upgrade?

    any one? any one? bueller? ferris bueller? anyone? [ November 26, 2001: Message edited by: saltshaker ]
  6. saltshaker

    NEW TANK.....

    Dan, The best way to really understand how an overflow and sump work it to see one in action, so go to you lfs and tell them you are not sure how the over flows in the tank you just bought work and ask them to show you a sump in aciton. to be sure they have a tank set up this way they can show...
  7. saltshaker

    feedback on berlin turbo upgrade?

    come on now, I know in this vast sea of knowledge some of you out there must have some input for me. Is the turbo kit worth messing with?
  8. saltshaker

    NEW TANK.....

    T.C. you are gonna tired of my humble opinions real soon, LMAO!!! As far as a skimmer it is much better to have one over sized than under sized. For a 125 gal tank I would get one rated for at least 200 gal. As far as brand, I am very happy with my redsea berlin, but I do know there alot of...
  9. saltshaker

    feedback on berlin turbo upgrade?

    I currently run a redsea berlin with a magdrive 7 pump on a 90 gal tank with good results. I started off with a rio 2500 that came with the skimmer, but I soon upgraded to the magdrive and saw a significant improvment in performance. What I want is some feed back from anyone who has purchased...
  10. saltshaker

    NEW TANK.....

    T.C. If you have used distilled water for some time with no ill effects, I say continue to use it until you can upgrade to RO water. Like I said I also used to use distilled water until I got an RO and recently upgraded to a RO/DI unit. The distilled water was a vast improvement over the tap...
  11. saltshaker

    NEW TANK.....

    spring water is just what is says, it comes out of the ground somewhere and may have any number of minerals and nutrients in it you may not desire in your reef tank. Distilled water is better but remember there are some contaminants that will evaporate along with the water during the...
  12. saltshaker

    Algae Blenny

    Gotta love a freaky little fish that uses a powerhead as a feel good "toy"!!! LMAO
  13. saltshaker

    refugium help

    Thanks for the input, what you have told me so far is very helpful and gives me some great ideas and direction. My sump already has a partition that I had put in when I installed the sump. It was put in to address water flow issues from one end of the sump to the other, but it will work...
  14. saltshaker

    refugium help

    I am new to this board. I have been browsing it for a couple of hours now and really like what I see here. I have a 90 gal tank with about 120# of LR about 1.5 inches live sand, 4x110 vho's, and a 20 gal sump with a berlin skimmer in the sump. I want to turn my sump into a refugium but i...