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  1. amphitrite

    SeaClone 100

    Thanks Nordy! I just did the adjustment and your instruction was great. How do you suggest attaching a piece of sponge to the plastic part the the water drains into my tank from? Will this back up the water flow and cause overflow anywhere?
  2. amphitrite

    SeaClone 100

    How long does it take to break in? It was never used before. Is any amount of little bubbles ok in a tank?
  3. amphitrite

    SeaClone 100

    So I thought I was getting a great deal on a brand new SeaClone 100 for my fish and reef 72 gal tank. It was only $50 to get past the question of why I choose this skimmer. I set it up to hang off the back because I am not sure how to use it in the sump of my wet/dry filter or even it there...
  4. amphitrite

    Opinions on Purple Queen Anthias?

    My tank is finalized stabilized and the hair algae controlled. WHEW! I have a 72 gal with live rock, urchin, starfish, shrimp/crabs/snails, 2 yellow damsels, blue damsel, sm coral beauty, and 2 soft corals. I would like to add a little more. I saw a purple queen anthia but am not too...
  5. amphitrite

    Feeding a Coral Beauty?

    They are some of my original fish. I had 3 larger damsels that were aggressive but I couldn't part with them. All of them died about a month ago and now I thought I was going to have a peaceful tank finally. Maybe I'll try to distract them and drop the cube by the coral beauty. He's pretty...
  6. amphitrite

    Feeding a Coral Beauty?

    Oops...guess it helps to be specific... LOL Its a frozen cube of pygmy angel food that I put in tank water for about 20 minutes. Unfortunately, it didn't break apart like the cubes of shrimp.
  7. amphitrite

    Feeding a Coral Beauty?

    I just got a coral beauty yesterday and tried to feed it a cube today. My lemon damsels got to it first and dragged the cube under some rocks. (greedy little things-I had just fed them!They just wanted to play with it.) I am afraid the coral beauty is going to starve. Any advice on how to...
  8. amphitrite

    Need an ID

    BINGO!! Based on the pics I saw...ITS A PURPLE FIREFISH Thanks
  9. amphitrite

    Need an ID

    My camera is not working but... The fish is about 2" long with a white slender body, fushia stripe on head, red shades on tail. He was listed at LFS as a bar goby but he doesn't look like the pics on the internet. There's no yellow. I am thinking he was marked wrong. Any ideas?
  10. amphitrite

    Ever have this feeling about a fish???

    Wow-I am glad to hear about them. I keep thinking about getting one to sift my sand and that they look SOOO cute
  11. amphitrite

    RO Advice?

    What is a deionizer? I saw something called a "tap water filter" that I think is a deionizer and doesn't waste water, is small, looks easy to use. Anyone familar with it? Last question-what brands does anyone recommend for RO units? Anything to look for when buying?
  12. amphitrite

    Fish Dying_help

    I tried to not get any of the water from lfs in there but realistically I could have dropped in ~1/3 cup. Should I let the powerhead sit all week or just like an hour before I add it? So far, everything else is doing ok. Thanks for the info!
  13. amphitrite

    Updated info for dying fish post

  14. amphitrite

    Fish Dying_help

    WOW, some one has obvious issues- I asked for help-NOT TO BE RIPPED A NEW ONE! For the record, I WON the sterilizer through my lfs. As for hundreds of dollars- did you notice my inventory comprising of DAMSELS, not high dollar fish and corals, though I have spent alot in doing the appropriate...
  15. amphitrite

    Updated info for dying fish post

    Here's the situation-I have a 72 gal for 2 years. Wet/Dry filter and also an over the side filter. 2 powerheads. Did have 6 damsels,2 urchins,2 mushrooms,LMBlenny, choc chip starfish, snails/crabs,live rock,sand/coral bottom. I put a coral beauty with more snails/crabs in on Sept 29th (~3...
  16. amphitrite

    Fish Dying_help

    I left the water sitting out in buckets in my house and added amquel to help get rid of anything left in my water going into the tank. Why is it important to use a powerhead in the buckets? How long does a test kit normally last for? THANKS!!
  17. amphitrite

    Fish Dying!

    I posted it under same title in fish discussion about an hour ago. Please let me know if you guys can help. My salinity is good and I have HO lighting.
  18. amphitrite

    Wierd stuff in tank

    At first I thought it looked it cool but now I hate it. Google for pics of hair algae. If that's it, check for nitrates and post in reef for hair algae solutions. The only fish that I know to eat it well is the Lawnmower Blenny. Good Luck
  19. amphitrite

    Fish Dying_help

    Had to admit but - no RO. Can't afford yet so I put 10-15 gal of water (old salt buckets) out for 1 wk and add Amquel before changes. Test kit is 1-1.5 yrs old I am crossing my fingers at this point. I am running my UV sterilizer in hopes it might help
  20. amphitrite

    Sins of ***** much as I hate to admit this...I used to run the reptile div for our ***** and, while it might be regional or things changed, we picked our own inventory (in each dept) with the exception of your basic damsels, or mice,or iguanas. The vendors would send a list of their inventory and...