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  1. dleto1


    Thanks for all the help, i'm not sure what i am going to try. the level is 800 high not low. I am sad to say that I have done few water changes. My local guy does not believe in them and felt that adding water as it evaporates was water change enough. I do not agree any longer. I think I need...
  2. dleto1


    My level is over 800, im not sure how it got that high. I have alot of live rock but it looks bad. My corals are all pulling away from the shell. NOT SURE WHAT TO DO.
  3. dleto1


    I have a very high calcium level. I have not added and calcium in a few weeks and it does not seem to be coming down. I tested the water I add and it has a level of 80. Any suggestions or anyone know if it will come down. My ph is right on.
  4. dleto1


    I tested my water i use to top of the tanks. The calcium was 80. I'm not sure how it got so hi but it is staying at same level. What about using MAGNISIAM not sure of the selling. Originally posted by Reef Ranger: i have never heard of such a thing, especially if you are not adding anything...
  5. dleto1

    Confused about my Feather Duster!

    The old feathers probably jumped out. what you see is the new groth. I use to replace mine when they jumped out but the store i get my fish from told me the feathers will grow back in about two weeks and they always have. Originally posted by laneki: I recently had a strange occurrance in my...
  6. dleto1


    I am having trouble with Calcium in my two reef tanks. My 90 is at 1700 and my 55 at 800 yes thats right way to high. can anyone advise me how to lower it ??
  7. dleto1


    I am having trouble with Nitrate and Phosphate all else is great. Has anyone used DLS rolls and is it possable that the DLS filter is holding in JUNK and the reason for high Nitrates??
  8. dleto1


    I also had Nitrate trouble as you do. I used a Nitrate reducer I got online from PET WAREHOUSE they have a few brands. It took about two weeks to kick in but it has been keeping it down. Wet dry and protien skimmer will help also. How is your phosphate levils ?? good luck Originally posted by...
  9. dleto1

    Water changes

    I have approx 14 fish, Yellow tang is my largest fish. I also have an eel that has gotten about 20inc. I have a wet dry with roll filter system in it. It looks very good. I just used a phosphate pad and it onlt took 24hrs to drop the phosphate level. Originally posted by Kris: I have heard of...
  10. dleto1

    Water changes

    I started my tanks about two years ago. Never done a water change and have note lost a fish (yet) I am starting to get a build up of Nitrate and Phosphate now. Has anyone ever not done water changes besides me ?? My tanks have donew great up to now. I am going to use a nitrate and phosphate reducer.
  11. dleto1


    I have had a reef tank up for about 2 years. I have yet to have have a fish die but my rock,corals and mushrooms do not thrive like they should. I have 4, 40w three blue one white light. wet dry, seaclone proten skimmer. I have tried alot of additves but nothing seems to help the color or the...