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  1. amertz03

    Black vs. Blue

    I was wondering what everyones thoughts were on the black vs. blue acrylic refugium on the CADLIGHTS nano systems. I am getting one and im not sure which one to choose. Does one look better than the other?
  2. amertz03

    New Nano Tank

    Does anyone know where I can find a cadlights 5 gallon system, or if they are even still being produced?
  3. amertz03

    New Nano Tank

    I want to start a new nano aquarium and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good kits that were available in the range of 3 to 10 gallons. I am specifically looking for an entire kit that includes filtration and a lighting system, or a good lighting system for a small tank since I have been...
  4. amertz03

    New 30g Build

    What is the best protein skimmer for a 30 gal reef tank.
  5. amertz03

    New 30g Build

    Ok so how far up should the whole be drilled, and do you think an overflow in the middle would be better then one on the end.
  6. amertz03

    New 30g Build

    Also I forgot to mention, I plan to keep fish and coral in this tank...Not sure on exactly what kind of either yet but I would need a lighting system sufficient enough for fish and reef.
  7. amertz03

    New 30g Build

    I have a 30 gal tank with a 20 gal sump. I want to drill the tank but I believe it is tempered glass on the bottom and I dont want to try my luck on that so does anyone know where I would drill a hole in the back of the tank and where I would place my overflow. Also does anyone have any good...
  8. amertz03

    Protein Skimmer DIY

    I want to build my own protein skimmer from pvc pipes and acrylic or glass, and was wondering if anyone knew of any plans to follow or anywhere I could find some??
  9. amertz03

    DIY Plans

    I currently have a 30 gal saltwater tank up and running for about 2 years now and I want to start a larger aquarium project at about 90-120 gallons. I want to build everything myself except for the tank, and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good plans to follow or if anyone has a link that...
  10. amertz03

    30 Gallon setup ???

    Wait until ammonia and nitrite are 0 and nitrates below 40 to add your clean up crew. Depending on how cured your lr was will depend on how long this cycle takes.
  11. amertz03

    Boring Rock

    Thanks for the help DJ...I am going to look into finding one of those bulbs.
  12. amertz03

    Boring Rock

    It has only been up for about a there any single bulb that I could get to increase coraline growth. If possible I would like to keep the stock hood for now as the budget is tight, but if there is a single bulb I could get that is better that would be really helpful...thanks
  13. amertz03

    Boring Rock

    I think its just a 20 W fluorescent bulb
  14. amertz03

    Boring Rock

    would zoos work under normal stock lights?
  15. amertz03

    Boring Rock

    Is there anything i can add to my tank to brighten the colors up and make the tank more interesting with just the stock lights that came with the 30g tank? My tank has lr and ls but it looks a little dull.
  16. amertz03


    Is it safe to add a clean up crew at this time...thanks for all the help.
  17. amertz03


    I have a 30g tank with 40 lbs. of lr and 20 lbs. of trites and ammonia are 0 and my trates are about 40 but slowly falling. My tank has only been up for about a month and I am getting ready to add a clean up crew here soon when my trates drop a little more. I have no fish in the tank...
  18. amertz03


    Does anyone know exactly what causes high nitrates?
  19. amertz03

    Blue Leg Hermit Crab

    I know they graze on algae sheets, but how many sheets and how often?
  20. amertz03

    Blue Leg Hermit Crab

    how often and what do blue leg hermit crabs have to be fed if introduced to a new tank?