Search results

  1. ahoowahoo

    Help with temp control

    Molly, Had a similar problem. I initially tried the bags of ice idea but that is a short term solution that over the course of a day (assuming you have to work like the rest of us ;) ) won't be terribly viable. What I did do that is working it to open the glass covers on my tank a couple of...
  2. ahoowahoo

    Good Crab or Wicked Crab of the West???

    Hi all, Came home tonite and per usual I did a quick roll call of tank inhabitants. Still very easy for me to do that since the tank is only 2 months old :) and I just this past weekend added my first fish (firefish). About a month ago I added my cleanup crew (conches, scarlett reefs...
  3. ahoowahoo

    Water supplements for RO/DI

    My new Kent RO/DI recently arrived and after checking out the handy dandy catalog that came with it I'm more than a little confused. What are the necessary elements that need to be reintroduced to the processed water? Tank params 50G FOWLR (corals at a later date-when I hopefully know what...
  4. ahoowahoo

    Help! I have fleas!

    Thx for the replys. I DEFINITLY wouldn't add one for quite some time. Last fish, > 6 mo out at least. I'm just glad to hear ya'll confirm that these critters will, at some time, support a Manny. I did see a wrasse at the LFS last week that really caught my eye. Not sure what the name is...
  5. ahoowahoo

    Help! I have fleas!

    :D OK, they aren't fleas, but they look like'em! Actually they are white, and about half the size of a flea. What are they? I assume they are some sort of pod, but not sure what kind. About 2 weeks ago I turned off my PHs, skimmer etc. to do some maintenance. It was then I noticed these...
  6. ahoowahoo

    buying L R

    While I didn't buy my LF from my LFS I do know that whenever it is purchased from there they pack it completely immersed in water. Bigger bags than for fish usually, but the same double bag process. Other than picking out specific pieces of rock, the only advantage of buy from a LFS (that I can...
  7. ahoowahoo


    Ahhhhhhhh unless there are salt water species of bettas and tetras that I haven't heard about (certainly possible since I'm new to the SW side :D ) you are talking about a FW tank, right? If so, you didn't happen to find the fish you are look to replace accidently on the SW row of tanks in...
  8. ahoowahoo

    RO/DI equipment a worthwhile investment?

    I've been thinking of purchasing a RO/DI unit (specifically Kent) and was look for some feedback concerning their value. Aside from the need to adding buffernig agents to maintain Ph stability, is there any other significant concerns? When it finally dawned on me that I could use it not only...
  9. ahoowahoo

    Purple Firefish (Nemateloetris decora) vs. Red Firefish (Nemateloetris Magnifica) ??s

    Thx Fsh and Trig. Hmmmm well the shoal is out then.... :( How about a pair of Reds and a single Purple??? Also, if it is very important to check out their behavior before buy that would rule out MO then? Thx again, Brad
  10. ahoowahoo

    Purple Firefish (Nemateloetris decora) vs. Red Firefish (Nemateloetris Magnifica) ??s

    My original stocking plan calls for RedFF (2, possibly a shoal of 6) but I've also been thinking about the purples. What are the differences in these subspecies (other than cost and color :D )? Specifically: 1) Able to peacfully cohabitate with each other? (in LFSs I've seen the reds together...
  11. ahoowahoo

    OK, I think I'm ready...and I'll keep it short this time

    Hmmmm another question. Wrigley, you think I need 20 of each if I go with the following? I don't mind buying 20 of each mind you, I just want to get too many. lol Course, since the LFS buys back stock at 50% of their value, and they charge $7 per turbo, I probably should by a bunch more LOL...
  12. ahoowahoo

    OK, I think I'm ready...and I'll keep it short this time

    Thx Fsh...Wrigley, Considering my tank is fairly young (but cycled) is there potential that I won't have enough for them to eat (and make it more likely they will go after my rock critters?)? Could/should I supplement them with other things to eat?? Wrigley-got that new camera yet???? Can't...
  13. ahoowahoo

    OK, I think I'm ready...and I'll keep it short this time

    Fshhub-RE the species, are Red Reef Hermits more reef safe than others??? HAW-Do you have any critters (feather dusters, polyps etc.) on your LR? If so, do the hermits bother them? Brad
  14. ahoowahoo

    OK, I think I'm ready...and I'll keep it short this time

    Thx for the responses Thor and Fshhub. As far as the cleaning crew is concerned I was thinking of adding Snails (10-12) and scarlett reef hermits (10-14). Lately though, I've been reading some horror stories about hermits eating pretty much everything in sight. Hermits-bad or good idea? Will...
  15. ahoowahoo

    OK, I think I'm ready...and I'll keep it short this time

    Tank is comimg along nicely. Now, the question is, is the stocking plan doable. Tank paramenters 50g 80lbs LR 40lbs LS 1000gph (PWs, skimmer etc.) 1 mo. old (all test levels @ 0) My plan was to add these over the next 3 to 6 months or so (or even longer, just having fun spotting new things on...
  16. ahoowahoo

    5 part identification quiz....and some specific questions.

    Thx Wrigley-hmmmmmm how do I convince the little mrs. that I need JUST one more little gadget for my fish he asks himself.... :D
  17. ahoowahoo

    5 part identification quiz....and some specific questions.

    Thx for the tips Wrigley...the email is on the way! :D Having babies? I'm jealous!! :eek: LOl I'm happy if I can maintain the Ph around 7.0 let alone where down where it needs to be to get them frisky enough to make little discusses. Brad
  18. ahoowahoo

    5 part identification quiz....and some specific questions.

    Thx Fshhub. Adding sand can cause a spike? I thought just orgainic stuff would do that? I was definitly planning to wait quite a while before adding any fish....couple of months wouldn't bother me. My discus tanks taught me patience lol. Plus, its need just watching things go... Would you...
  19. ahoowahoo

    5 part identification quiz....and some specific questions.

    I finally figured out how to turn the flash off to try capture more closely the actual color of this stuff. With it on there sure is a more of a reddish tint. But when I'm looking at it it doesn't really look red. Anyway, here is a pic that more closely resembles first hand viewing...
  20. ahoowahoo


    Lucky enought to have one store locally that gives a 7 day 100% - 30 day 50% credit, SW and FW. Brad