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  1. ahoowahoo

    5 part identification quiz....and some specific questions.

    Thx Ace! I did see another thing that could be a FD I guess. It looks different that the one I posted in that it is more upright (maybe 2 mm fully extended) and sort or looks like a palm tree :D It also retreats, but into something I can see (unlike the one in pic 3), a little green nub...
  2. ahoowahoo

    5 part identification quiz....and some specific questions.

    I'm looking for some help from you old SW hands on IDing s few things in my tank. If you follow the link below you should see 5 pics of things growing on my live rock. None of the things in the pics were growing on the rock when I received it 12 days ago. Please excuse what might seem to you...
  3. ahoowahoo

    2-3" LSB worth it???

    I'm in the process of curing LR and I'm thinking of putting in LS when the process is complete. My question is, if I only want 2-3" of LS is it worth it? I know if you want to do LS (DSB) right it should be 4-6" deep. The issue is that I'm only setting up a 50g tank and since it is so small I...
  4. ahoowahoo

    UV sterilizer recommenations anyone???

    Looking to pick one of these up very soon. Tank size is fairly small (50g) but anything to keep my critters happy makes me happy :) AW
  5. ahoowahoo

    Fresh or cured live rock???

    Well, the uncured is on the way! Two 45# boxes should be overnighted Monday for a Tuesday morning delivery. Any of you old hands have a recs on the best way to cure it? Seems to be a lot of different opinions when it comes to the process. Some say no lights because of the amount of alge it...
  6. ahoowahoo

    Fresh or cured live rock???

    LOL thanks Dia....well, if it gets TOO bad and she kicks me out at least I would be able to get a BIGGER tank without any grief! ;)
  7. ahoowahoo

    Fresh or cured live rock???

    Dia-new tank. Thx for the responses! My first thought was the LFS. Prices per # average about $8 here in Northern California. While that is double the average for MO, the real issue is that in eyeing their stock I can tell that it generally spends very little time curing-it seems that their rock...
  8. ahoowahoo

    Fresh or cured live rock???

    I think I have decided on the vendor I want to purchase my live rock from. Now the question is, fresh or cured? Fresh-The rock is supposedly cured 6 weeks in Fiji under a spray bars. After curing process shipments arrive at LAX 8-10pm (vendor is based in LA) 4 times a week. Vendor picks up the...
  9. ahoowahoo

    MO Sources of Live Rock

    Oops! LOL I should have used some common sense about posting to a board provided by a vendor of the product I was looking for. Sorry about that, I totally understand what you are saying Beth. If someone would like to shoot me off a quick email ( ) about your experiences...
  10. ahoowahoo

    MO Sources of Live Rock

    Within the next week I plan to populate a new 50G tank with live rock. I've been to a number of online sources for LR (Marine Deport, FFE etc.) and was wondering if anyone out there would be willing to share their experience with purchasing LR MO. Where did you buy your LR? How happy were you...