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  1. grovetsly

    Starfish loosing its tentacles

    I won the bid for the refractometer. I need to find out what my salinity is. I did the testing on the alkalinity with the strip and it showed it being fine.
  2. grovetsly

    Starfish loosing its tentacles

    It is the small red star one. I got it at my LFS two months ago. I have another star fish (sepeant star fish green color) that is doing fine.
  3. grovetsly

    Starfish loosing its tentacles

    I have about 60lbs of live rock in there. The system is 4 mos old. I acclimated through drip system. The way that saltwaterfish tells their customer to do it.
  4. grovetsly

    Starfish loosing its tentacles

    Parameters: Tank: 46 gallon bow front Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0.10 Temp 82 Ph 8.2 Salinity ~ 1.024. This is one that I need to be certain. Bidding on refractometer to be certain.
  5. grovetsly

    Starfish loosing its tentacles

    I have a cheapy hydrometer and i tested the salinity and it shoed 1.024. I am bidding on a refractometer becasue that was my concern as well. I got him well over 2 mos ago.
  6. grovetsly

    Starfish loosing its tentacles

    Hi Everybody, Does anybody know why my red linka starfish is losing its tentacles? Thanks!
  7. grovetsly

    Help!!!! My Fishes are dying!

    How would I test for stray voltage?
  8. grovetsly

    Help!!!! My Fishes are dying!

    This one is a seperate tank. I have two tanks. 75 and 45 tank. My 45 has just completed its cycle.
  9. grovetsly

    Help!!!! My Fishes are dying!

    The other fishes are doing fine. My blue damsel is fine, of course they're pretty hardy, my two firefishes are also doing fine. How often should I be feeding them? I have been feeding once a day after work.
  10. grovetsly

    Help!!!! My Fishes are dying!

    I did not notice any fighting at all. No fighting with the angel fish. There has to be something wrong with my tank. I couldn't find my shrimp that was in there before I put the fishes in there. He's dissappeared. Not sure what is going on.
  11. grovetsly

    Help!!!! My Fishes are dying!

    Salt water level is good 1.025 I bought the clown fish at the same time as the angel fish. I did not quarntine it. I just acclimate it by drip system.
  12. grovetsly

    Help!!!! My Fishes are dying!

    There could have been a fight, but the thing is why would the angle fish die on the same day as well? I loved that emperor angel fish and I got it at my LFS two weeks prior for only $30. It was a steal!! So i'm not so sure.
  13. grovetsly

    Help!!!! My Fishes are dying!

    Everybody tell me what you think might be wrong with my tank. I have a 75 gallon tank and when I came home yesterday, two of my fishes died. One of them my prized juvi emperior angel fish and a percula clown had died. I broght my water sample to my LFS and they indicated all of my water...
  14. grovetsly

    Emerald Crab nipping at my Anemone

    thanks! I'll wait and see.
  15. grovetsly

    Emerald Crab nipping at my Anemone

    Take the emerald crab out? I thought they were reef safe.
  16. grovetsly

    Emerald Crab nipping at my Anemone

    How can I prevent my emerald crab from nipping at my Anemone? Thanks!
  17. grovetsly

    Diatoms wont' go away

    To Leeleeah (Marine Lover), Diatoms are often found clinging in great numbers to filamentous algae, or forming gelatinous masses on various submerged plants. If stones in the water have a brown, slippery coating, you can be sure of diatoms. Sometimes the brown coating on sticks and stones is so...
  18. grovetsly

    Diatoms wont' go away

    I've got about 10 small hermit crabs, 2 serpeant star fish, 2 emerald crab, 4 nerites snails. Do you think I need more?
  19. grovetsly

    Diatoms wont' go away

    Hey guys, The diatoms in my 46 gallon tank won't go away. My tank is 2 1/2 mos old. Cycled now. I use RO water for top off. Here are the parameters. Ph 8.2 Amonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0.5 Salinity. 1.026 What am I doing wrong?
  20. grovetsly

    Stocking False Percula Clown Fish

    Well.. I had my clown fish in the tank and a day later my serpeant star fish trapped and ate one of my clown fish. So I have to get a replacement fish. Do you guys have any suggestions on preventing this from happening in the future? Thanks!