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  1. dogluv

    Snowflake eel missing lower jaw

    Here are some quick pics. sorry about poor pic quality, camera does not focus well close to glass Attachment 211026 and 1 moreAttachment 211027
  2. dogluv

    Snowflake eel missing lower jaw

    I will get some tonight
  3. dogluv

    Snowflake eel missing lower jaw

    So I have a snowflake, chainlink eel, and a striped eel in my 95 wave tank. I have had all three together for about 1 1/2 years now and all has been good, until yesterday. I came home and noticed that my snowflake looked like he was gasping for air but i quickly realized his whole lower jaw was...
  4. dogluv

    How long can I store mixed salt water?

    I use a 40 gallon rubbermade container and have my water mixed with salt for months sometimes. I leave a powerhead running at all times to keep the water circulating and cover the water with the top that came with the container. i have been doing this for years. i have noticed that you do over...
  5. dogluv

    Slight Algae buildup.....Sand sifting star OR golby....See pics

    I have engineer gobies in my tank, two sand sifting stars, nassarius snails, and cucumbers to move my sand. the four engineers are a blast to watch as they pick up and move sand constantly. The sand stars come out often and are great to watch.
  6. dogluv

    Please help my tank is crashing

    I know this sounds stupid or dumb to some people but isn't the internet and chat forums great? already in less than one day I have gotten more ideas and thoughts as far as what could have gone wrong in my tank. When I go to the lfs in and around town all they do is look at me with that blank...
  7. dogluv

    Please help my tank is crashing

    O.K. The pond is actually a horse container made of plastic used for them to drink out of. I have been using this container to make up my water for the past few years now. The only thing that I did to it was drill the side to install a bulk head to turn the whole thing into an overflow system...
  8. dogluv

    Please help my tank is crashing

    I only moved the tank from point A to point B. All corals got moved into a 100 gallon pond with filtration already set up at new house. Corals sat in there for 1 week while tank sat and settled, then transfered corals to tank over the next week. Tank was running for 6 weeks after that and all...
  9. dogluv

    Please help my tank is crashing

    Hello everyone, Let me start by saying that I have been an active visitor to this site and this forum now for many years. However, this is my first post and need for help. I have a 95 Gallon wave tank and here are my Stats- Nitrate- Less than 12.5mg/l Nitrite- undetectable Phosphate-...