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  1. new-guy

    sailfin with a damaged fin....

    sorry i dont have a digital camera. its a slit in the middle of the top fin almost a tear in it it dosnt look like a fish has been nipping at it.
  2. new-guy

    sailfin with a damaged fin....

    just noticed today that my sailfin has a damaged top fin he gets along with every one in the tank(plus hes the biggest) please help!!!!!!
  3. new-guy

    a couple of problems need help please!!!

    ok the first problem is i have a coralife 36" pc and i cant keep a actinic bulb in it, ive gone trough 2 bulbs over a 4 month period of time, and i dont know what to do. i cant send it to coralife i bought it through a [hr] online which was brand new in box. my second problem is i have a...
  4. new-guy

    wanted mag pump

    looking for a mag 3 and larger pump, please let me know if you have one thanx
  5. new-guy

    F/S Mag 12

    pm sent
  6. new-guy


    i built one of these for my 45 tall and i really like it. but how do you keep the noise down from the stand pipe. i put a cap on it and drilled a hole in the middle and siliconed a hose in it. that really toned down the noise but i need to find out how to finish it off (noise). im still getting...
  7. new-guy

    oily surface????

    i have a marineland c220 canister filter,and a coralife 125 skimmer in the sump. i have a 45 gal tall. all im feeding is marine cusine(frozen) and green seaweed. for water movement i have a mj400 with sureflow mod, and a mj1200 with sureflow mod, and my mag 5 for a return from my sump.
  8. new-guy

    oily surface????

    ive got this thin layer of film on top of the water how do i get rid of it?
  9. new-guy

    anemone questions???

    have you ever seen a anemone eat a fish? thats scary
  10. new-guy

    anemone questions???

    ive got a chance to buy a lta but the thing is huge and its too big for my tank. my question is can you seperate these or should i pass on the lta. its 10-12 in big and i have a 45 gal tall
  11. new-guy

    coral life super skimmer;

    i have 125 model. i used to have it hob but just put it in a sump. i got tired of seeing microbubbles and looking at it on the back of the tank. so far i love the skimmmer its doing a great job and i bought mine used too but never had any problems with it on the back besides bubbles..
  12. new-guy

    uv light wont light????

    where can i get there # at???
  13. new-guy

    uv light wont light????

    its brand new. ive taken it out 3 times now and still nothing????
  14. new-guy

    uv light wont light????

    just wondring on how to get a uv light to work? ive the the water flowing through it and i plug it in and i guess you should see a white-blue light throught the inspection tube please help.... oh by the way its a coralife 3x
  15. new-guy

    covering a sump????

    so why would one cover with a eggcrate?
  16. new-guy

    covering a sump????

    will eggcrate keep down saltcreep?
  17. new-guy

    covering a sump????

    would it do anything to put a cover over the top of my sump????
  18. new-guy


    whats the best way to get rid of the girggling sound out of the stand pipe????
  19. new-guy

    need help asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    trying that right now but nothings happing but a noisy filter
  20. new-guy

    need help asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have a marineland 220 canister filter and i have air in the line and i cant get it to resart ive tried everything even empting it out and prime it again any ideas. i need to get this going again i dont have any filtration