Search results

  1. wicked_clown

    ROWAPHOS (what ) ?!#$%^&*():~

    ROWAphos is an excellent phosphate remover. Usually distributed through ERI International. Expensive but worth it if u have a phosphate issue.
  2. wicked_clown

    scratches on acrylic plz

    Well heres my situation.........The lfs i work for has an 800 gal reef tank. Stupid as it sounds we have a young kid that does general cleaning in the store. Well needless to say we had him clean the inner glass of the tank and in some areas its scratched beyond belief. Is there any product...
  3. wicked_clown

    VHO question

    My email is Thanks for your reply.
  4. wicked_clown

    VHO question

    I was wondering if there was any way to wire a single 36" VHO bulb on a cheap 100 watt flouresent ballast. I didnt want to have to spend $200 for an Ice Cap ballast to power a single bulb. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
  5. wicked_clown

    I have a mandarin, and ich.

    Thanks for your input Beth.
  6. wicked_clown

    I have a mandarin, and ich.

    Hey, I just got an outbreak of ick, I dont know how, there's been no new additions. I dont understand. So I moved all of my fish excluding one mandarin goby and a flame angel to a hospital that I am treating with hypo. I am really weary about putting the mandarin in there as he has special food...
  7. wicked_clown

    Anyone ever heard of this happining????......

    I just added a small bulb anenome to my tank . I have 2 pepermint shrimp that are fiercely attacking it. Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Wierd thing is is that i have a sebae anenome as well and the shrimp never bother it. but its like 5 times the size. I moved the bulb closer to the...
  8. wicked_clown

    Feather duster sick?

    about 4 months
  9. wicked_clown

    couple of questions..plz help

    I wish i could remove it..Ive only seem him one time and as soon as he saw me he hid back in the rocks. Would be nice to catch him and get a better look at him .Hoping someone can identify this critter .
  10. wicked_clown

    couple of questions..plz help

    I have a featherduster that is losing his feathers. i saw him today with a clear slime coat on him and around him. Now it looks like some of his feathers are gone. Is he sick or dieing? Also i noticed a "hitchhiker" on my live rock the other day Its a black crab with tiny red spots on him.hes...
  11. wicked_clown

    Mandarinfish diet

    Guess i should feel lucky then...My mandrine eats brine. :)
  12. wicked_clown

    Feather duster sick?

    I have a large featherduster in my tank and i just noticed that it has a clear slime coat all around it. Some of its feathers are damaged as well. i took a turkey baster and sucked away as much of the slime coat as i could. Any idea as to what is wrong with him? He is still trying to open up ...
  13. wicked_clown

    Mandarin Goby?????????

    Ive had a mandarin for almost 7 months and he does fine with brineshrimp ...I always see him picking through the sand and live rock. It did take time to get him to eat the brine.
  14. wicked_clown

    prizm protien skimmer????

    I got a prizm. I paid 140$. Its a great hang on skimmer. You should not need anything else. Just keep it clean from time to time. -Wicked
  15. wicked_clown

    tank upgrade

    I am upgrading from a 29 tall to a 75. On my 29 I used a bio-wheel with an aquaclear 75 w/d, live sand, and about 30 pounds of rock, for about 6 mos. My inhabitants are one Tomato Clown, a cleaner wrasse and a powder blue tang. My lighting is vho and 400 watts. Would it be okay to move...
  16. wicked_clown

    Hot magnum problem

    Well its been 2 days now and the friggin thing is still pouring bubbles into my tank.Ive tried the same...tearing it down and checking the seals on it with no luck..Like fish freak said its not constant but does occur about every half hour or so. Thanks for your replies.Il have to keep messing...
  17. wicked_clown

    Hot magnum problem

    I just bought a Hot magnum by marineland..The problem im having is this pump is putting air bubbles into my tank.Is there a break in period for this pump? if so how long..I was told that it could be an air leak in the pump somewhere but i have inspected the pump all the seals are fine.As it...
  18. wicked_clown

    Is this to many fish for 75 gallon ?

    Not to say thay u guys are wrong about mandrins..but i have a mandrin and they thing eats brine and some flake foods..i have heard that people have difficulty keeping these fish...i must have been lucky. I wouldnt lose the mandrin
  19. wicked_clown

    refresh my memory plz

    I just bought a pepermint shrimp .While reading one thread in here i saw that these shrimp eat aptasia . Refresh my memory..aptasia are those garbage anenomes that spread like wild fire right? I have had aptasia in my tank from the very begining.The only way i thought u could get rid of them...