Search results

  1. beginnermatt

    What to expect from a URI 14,000K bulb

    I'm currently using Uri 50/50 VHO bulbs. They seem to have a dull yellow look to them. I also use a Super Actinic bulb for the dawn/dusk effect. When the two bulbs overlap the water glows nicely. I was thinking of trying the 14,000k bulb in place of the 50/50. Will this bulb be ok for...
  2. beginnermatt

    Something is attacking my finger leathers

    I have two different fingers that are being attacked by a parasite. It starts off looking like a small spec in the leather's tissue, (like a split in ones finger). It then travel and increases in numbers. Some of it also will stay on the exterior along the lower end of the stalk. The stuff...
  3. beginnermatt

    something is eating my softies

    no pix. i was told to use iodine in a bath. anyone with experience dipping.
  4. beginnermatt

    something is eating my softies

    I have a pink finger leather and a green tree that is being attacked. I'm not sure if it is a fungus or most likely a parasite. It's many small black things that are eating tissue. Some are on the surface and others are in the tissue. The ones in the tissue looks like a splitter in ones...
  5. beginnermatt

    Lighting Question - 220 vho over 75 gal

    My 33 gallon has 220 watts of vho and the softies seem to be doing fine. I want to upgrade to a 75 gal winter, but not an upgrade in lighting. If I use the current light setup on the 75, but kept the corals at the current depth and underneath the bulbs as the are now- would they be ok? Thanks...
  6. beginnermatt

    WTT candy cane in MA for leathers

    I don't just yet. Look up Boston Reefers Society and join the club.
  7. beginnermatt

    kenya tree problem

    One thing I did notice and you can see it in the picture is a blue thread. If you look at the top center of the coral and the lower left you can see it. It looked to be a sponge that grew from a rock and extended and continued to grow in between some of the branches. I severed the mass and...
  8. beginnermatt

    kenya tree problem

    I've had this coral for a month and it has been great until yesterday. When I came home from work it was all closed up and still has open yet. I checked my water parameters and the alk ans ca dropped, so I'm trying to get it back. No other coral in the tank seems to be having trouble. The...
  9. beginnermatt

    WTT new pc bulb for leather coral in MA

    The light is new and in box. This is an extra since I upgraded to VHO sometime ago. I paid $45.00 and I'm looking to trade for a large toadstool, finger or devil's hand that I may not already have. I also have a similar pc lamp that ran for a few months if that interests anyone. Thanks. Trade in...
  10. beginnermatt

    WTT candy cane in MA for leathers

    candy cane traded
  11. beginnermatt

    WTT candy cane in MA for leathers

    Willing to trade for something like toadstools, finger leathers, or devil's hand. I live in Stoughton. Candy cane has 7-10 heads.
  12. beginnermatt

    WTT Candy Cane in MA for leathers

    I'm looking for kind of large toadstools, finger leathers or devil's hand. I want to trade off my green candy cane which has 7 to 8 heads. Email if interested. I live in Stoughton.
  13. beginnermatt

    mag drive 5 pump f/s

    new in box $30.00 you pay shipping email
  14. beginnermatt

    pond fish and water lilies for sale in MA

    I have some large Koi and Goldies for $10.00 each and same for a 8-10" pot of water lilies. Pick up in Stoughton, MA. Email if interested.
  15. beginnermatt

    Soft coral for sale in MA

    short colt coral (4" mounted) $15.00 lg. devil's hand (5"x3" mounted) $30.00 white pumping xenia rock $30.00 capnella (3-4" mounted) $15.00 candy cane (2 + 1 tiny polyp) $15.00 email for pixs Also, have some extra new URI VHO bulbs for sale. 46.5" 50/50 $25 46.5" super...
  16. beginnermatt

    softies for sale in MA

    This is what's available. devil's hand $30 white pumping xenia rock $30
  17. beginnermatt

    softies for sale in MA

    devil's hand $30 white pumping xenia rock $30 3 lb fiji rock with massive green kenya attached $30 green kenya branch 4" $10 palythoa rock $15 email for pictures.
  18. beginnermatt

    Kenya tree?

    I've yet to have a problem with kenya(capnella) I would mess with the flow some. This always work for me when a new coral doesn't seem right. If stuff lands on it then flow is off. Increase it in your case. Make sure nothing in the tank is messing with it. Good luck.
  19. beginnermatt

    Problems with toadstool

    I read on a different board that they hate phosphate removing resins. Has anyone heard of this? I'm using a poly filter pad.
  20. beginnermatt

    Problems with toadstool

    My Alk is a little high at 5.5 meq and the Ca is at 8.1...I checked Nitrates last week and it was between 1 an 2. did a water change just before adding the stool on Sat.