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  1. alan1

    Leather and Xenia question

    Thanks reefkprZ
  2. alan1

    Leather and Xenia question

    Thanks for the input, folks. It's a relief to hear that the leather is just "shedding". I just did some research on shedding; very interesting stuff. Btw...for research purposes, can anyone tell what "kind" of leather this is? There IS a pretty gentle flow in the tank. However, it can easily...
  3. alan1

    Leather and Xenia question

    I've had the leather and Xenia for about a week now. Today, the leather appears to be lighter in color, but more significantly, has "things" appearing out of its "pores". It also appears to be dead where algae (from the lfs) had previously been attached before my crabs got to it. Suggestions...
  4. alan1

    The newbie gets a surprise

    You can imagine my surprise when the "rock" my Ric was attached to, turned out to be something a little bit different. I've peeked inside, but I see sand/gravel attached to the inside. Does this mean the clam/mussel was indeed dead, but just opened due to decomp/pressure? I've had "them" for...
  5. alan1

    Plastic wrap over tank?

    If you have a Home Depot nearby, you can purchase a small cheap acrylic sheet which would work perfectly. Find a boxcutter, and you are set.
  6. alan1

    Green Spheres

    Well Alex, I fell prey to "shopping disease" while getting the new light, and picked up a purple leather, and Xenia. Attached are pics of each, as well as the shot of the full tank. The placement of the Xenia has me a bit anxious. In order to get the rock to look halfway decent, the Xenia...
  7. alan1

    Green Spheres

    Purchased a 40 Watt PC light/moonlight today. Hopefully that will make the Ricordia happy. On a side note, my turbo snails and/or hermits absolutely demolished the bubble algae. Someone in that tank must be absolutely stuffed. Alan
  8. alan1

    Green Spheres

    Well, fooey. I specifically told the LFS that I was only looking for something which would be OK under my NO lighting. Man, I'm naive at times. Ok...well....since I DO need to upgrade the lighting then.... (Thank you for letting me know alexmir ) Which type of lighting would be best for this...
  9. alan1

    Green Spheres

    Awesome. Thank you for the ID, Morval. I was getting a bit confused between plates/mushrooms. The mushroom pics I looked up online didn't look anything at all like this thing, while the plate corals DID. This bugged me a bit since I specifically told the LFS that I wanted their "hardiest"...
  10. alan1

    Green Spheres

    As a side note, It appears that I was sold a plate coral. These are also known as mushroom corals? Now this coral came attached to a rock. After doing a bit of research, I see that plate corals should be placed on bare sand. Since this coral is already on the rock, should I leave it alone...
  11. alan1

    Green Spheres

    Awesome input. Thanks folks.
  12. alan1

    Green Spheres

    Ok, I have made my first purchase other than crabs/snails. hooray! Now the questions begin. I purchased a mushroom from my local lfs (10 gal tank, NO lighting). Attached is a pic. My questions is this: What are the green spherical "bonus items" I inadvertently introduced into my tank? In...
  13. alan1

    setting up closed loop system/help

    Bump. I'm kind of interested to see responses as well.
  14. alan1

    Is Ich A Death Sentence?

    This has been a GREAT thread. You jokers have taught me more about ick in the last 10 min than I had learned in about 25 yrs.
  15. alan1

    Basic Questions for the Veteran

    I'm also kind of in the same boat you are in. I have the same clownfish/Anemone desire as well. There have been a number of posters recommending the Conscientious Marine Aquariast. The recommendations worked, and I placed my order last night. One thing which hasn't yet been mentioned yet is...
  16. alan1

    First Saltwater Aquarium

    Ok....I've just got to know..... When you discovered your eel on the floor, did you grab him with your bare hands to put him back into your tank? I'm no "girlie-man" by any means but.........I don't know if I could pull that off barehanded.
  17. alan1

    First Saltwater Aquarium

    Here are the steps I would take in no particular order: 1. Get involved with a local reef club - This was an awesome suggestion by the previous poster. 2. Find someone in said club who can take the "problem" fish off of your hands. You may even be able to work out some type of trade where they...
  18. alan1

    Culligan Water for Water Changes

    Ok guys, I think you have "sold" me.
  19. alan1

    Culligan Water for Water Changes

    Yea, I think I would stick with Albertson's trips every so often for my water needs if I was going to stay with a 10. However, the woodworker in me is demanding that I build a fancy display cabinet, and I've gotten tentative approval from the boss for a 55, so that's why I'm thinking in advance...
  20. alan1

    Culligan Water for Water Changes

    Yea, it may make sense for us to go ahead and get an R/O unit. The tapwater here is also rumored to contain Arsenic every so often...Can an R/O unit filter out Arsenic as well? If so, I think the "boss" would approve the purchase. The tank is going to be a 55 gal