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  1. dpeter51

    question about dust cloud from adding sand

    Why not just fresh water? Let it drain a little so it doesn't affect your SG too much.
  2. dpeter51

    Flame Angel in distress

    Whoa--ok! Didn't realize the water sitting for a few hours would cause a problem so I never thought to ask the question, I only wondered about the temp. Thanks Beth!
  3. dpeter51

    Minimum tank size for a Lawnmower Blenny

    I would take the hair algae comments with a grain of salt though...I have read many many posts stating that their LMBs wouldn't touch long hair algae, and it turned out to be true in my case as well. I wasn't feeding supplemental algae, I thought he would be fine on what was growing naturally...
  4. dpeter51

    Flame Angel in distress

    I'm not sure if my Flame Angel is starving or is sick with something. Nitrates are a little high but not too bad, maybe 40. SG is 1.025. He isn't swimming very fast and doesn't seem as flexible as usual. Also he looks thin especially above and right behind his face. His face looks a little...
  5. dpeter51

    QT'ing new stock...worried for them

    I'm moving this out of the husbandry forum into this one since maybe there are a greater number of "polyp experts" here. That doesn't sound right. Anyway... Yesterday I bought a yellow clown goby, a fromia star and a sheet of green star polyps and brought them home and put them in my 10 gallon...
  6. dpeter51

    QT'ing new stock...worried for them

    Sorry to double-post, I decided to move this question to the corals and inverts forum.
  7. dpeter51

    List of fish/inverts that hobbiests should avoid

    Originally Posted by sombra7740 i think christmas wrasse (ornate wrasse) needs to be researched or added. i found this wrasse to be great looking but poor lfs also liked it and ordered some, two died in the lfs, i bought one and it dissapeared into the rocks or sand for 48 hours...
  8. dpeter51

    Rio+ 3100 pump for sale

    I'm selling a Rio+ 3100 pump. It's more flow than I want through my refugium but it is in like-new condition and works perfectly, I only turned it on a few times for 1-2 minutes each time. I will ship it as it was when I bought it, with all the attachments, brackets, suction cups, warranty and...
  9. dpeter51

    Sumps: spillway instead of bubble trap

    So far it is working well for me at certain water levels and flow rates. If too little water is flowing and it goes down the spillway in rivulets instead of one solid sheet it creates bubbles. I don't have a big pump on it right now, so I'm not sure if more volume would be a problem. I would...
  10. dpeter51

    being environmentally friendly in Hawaii :)

    The storm drains in Seattle have a similar message stamped in them. But they have something that looks like an actual Salmon rather than the Blenny in "Finding Nemo".
  11. dpeter51

    Sumps: spillway instead of bubble trap

    Anybody try using a spillway instead of a bubble trap? I'm using a 20tall for my sump and I had two problems with the bubble trap I built between the refugium area and the return area. 1. Instead of using eggcrate at the top to keep the plants in, I drilled a bunch of holes an inch below the...
  12. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    I'm trying to get the sump running today. The 3100 is more than my overflow can handle. The tank would have overflowed if I handn't turned off the pump, and that is using a ball valve cocked at 45 degrees so most of the water is cycling in the return area of the sump. I think I need a smaller...
  13. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    Anybody that can say if the Rio 3100 will last a while? It was about $20 cheaper than a Mag 7, which I finally found a copy of today at an LFS I don't usually frequent.
  14. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    Thanks for the link Doc. Sounds like about 4 inches would be a good way to go then. I would think even non-live sand becomes live eventually...would it take a really long time? By the way I've been looking for mag pumps this weekend locally, only found mag 3s in a couple of stores, but I got...
  15. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    Cool, thanks! Actually I did just what you're saying about having the flow go into the refugium near the bottom. After I drew that picture, I had the idea to drill a bunch of holes near the bottom of the baffle because I had read the same thing you are saying somewhere else. I'll go ahead and...
  16. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    So maybe I don't need the whole 15-20x turnover to be through the sump, just part of it...I think. I guess if I do a smaller pump the flow will be slower through the refugium and microbubbles will be less of a problem.
  17. dpeter51

    Worried about noise if I make a sump

    Thanks for the info Doc. I already have the tank and the baffles are cut out. I'm trying to decide what pump to use. My output from the DT is a 1" ID spa hose. I currently have two Koralia 2 powerheads running in the DT (each flows 600 gph) and that seems to be enough flow around the DT. I...
  18. dpeter51

    phosphate levels

    Just curious what the consequences are since you said it is a LFS tested mine at about 3 and said that it was at the top of the chart or off of it. It's a FOWLR tank, I got the LR used from a local aquarist that said it had been in a tank for 10 years before he bought it. I'm...
  19. dpeter51

    Yay, he lived through the night!!

    Originally Posted by Tizzo My dog is literally the most perfect dog I could ask for. I swear he understands english. Today we had 2 geckos on our back porch, they were both male so their little throats were flairing out. Normally my dog, 1/2 ratt terrier, LOVES to chase these things. But...
  20. dpeter51

    how do you make a chiller?

    You sound like a fellow Dave Ramsey fan.... And SCSI, nice job--you got the quote correct. I named my first fish after Uncle Nutsy's unsuspecting assistant.