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  1. kazarko

    Major QT help needed

    your tank may not be set up to handle that much bioload. Also if the fish are both new additions and the tank did not have fish for a while, then you will see a mini cycle of sorts even if you did cycle it before. The two fish will add alot of bioload. Make sure your tank has enough sand or...
  2. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    I would disagree on the bacteria issue. If some bacteria can live in gravel and foam, then it can live in the sand. The puffer fish was eating until it got sick, the infection caused the puffer to stop eating. Same with the grouper. The grouper also stopped eating after a few days of showing...
  3. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    yes, the other two fishes have shown no symptoms of the disease at all.
  4. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    the grouper is dead. The bacteria infection is likely one that resides in the sand bed because my clown fish and sailfin tang are not bottom dwellers, but my puffer and grouper did rest on the sand bed and the grouper and puffer are dead. furan-2 did not work, Mela fix did not work, Maracyn2...
  5. kazarko


    You may have to do some research on your own on this. Do you see any common symptoms between the fish that died? What is the temperature btw? Are any of the fishes gasping for air?
  6. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    Started the maracyn2 treatment today. I did a 30% water change before the treatment and started up the protein skimmer to use as a pump only to get better water flow and get some more dissolved oxygen in the water(noticed fish were breathing faster).
  7. kazarko


    Corals need strong lights. It is a must. Good filtration is a must as well. Depending on what types of coral, you need to feed them the proper foods such as zooplankton and have enough minerals and trace elements in the water for them to survive. Corals are... difficult, they may also sting your...
  8. kazarko


    Ich does not reproduce above 86F, it will also not reproduce without a host. It has a short lifespan of 10-12 days. If you QT corals in a fish free tank and raise the temp, all ich will be gone after 3-4 weeks, even if they were on the corals. I am not certain if corals will survive 86F...
  9. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    only my Eheim pump is running right now, that's only 172gph due to my protein skimmer not on (dissolved organics from meds made it foam too fast in reaction so it was overflowing alot). I do use a seperate air pump, and will be turning the protein skimmer on tomm after I buy carbon for the tank...
  10. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    Originally Posted by sepulatian An internal parasite would not cause the popped eye. You would notice the fish get thin and the fecal matter would be white and stringy. There is not a whole lot that you can do for them in the display tank. I understand that you do not currently have a...
  11. kazarko


    have you tried using carbon? I am wondering if chemicals got into the tank.
  12. kazarko

    Open sore on tomini tang

    seems like an infection and not a wound. The red part in the middle may have gotten bigger, but in the first picture it was hard to see. I would put the fish in a QT tank and treat with medication in there.
  13. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    not currently, any new tanks would not be ready for fish for a good 5-6 weeks. This is an immediate problem. I will also be moving in hmm... 120 days or so? So new tank setup really should wait because I already have plans to relocate and get a better tank setup and I'm not sure I can travel...
  14. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    I would think not eating is a general sign of illness, not entirely indicative of any particular one. All my other fish that are still alive are eating. Also, if it was internal parasites, what type would it be? I don't think they have the same symptoms and I would have to have several to cause...
  15. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    the fish would be in a QT if I had a QT. I don't have a QT right now.
  16. kazarko

    Clownfish looks bruised

    I would change the tank hood, those tanks that seem to come with everything in a closed system really suck for necessary additions like a protein skimmer.
  17. kazarko

    Clownfish looks bruised

    protein skimmers are a must, even if you are on a budget because it removes dissolved organics. This doesn't mean if you have a protein skimmer you won't need water changes, just less things that cause nitrates to build up. Make sure you dissolve the salt for a while before you add it to the...
  18. kazarko

    sick fish with Vibrio, what treatments work?

    the entire side of the puffer was necrotic with purple dead flesh, that is NOT just one eye. The tank has been up and running for more than a year. I did not quarantine the fish, and IPs are more common with puffers than fish like tangs. Some fish stores feed gold fish to puffers as feeders. I...
  19. kazarko

    Blue Hippo Tang Scratching On LR

    what are water parameters? Do you have pictures?
  20. kazarko

    Clownfish looks bruised

    Ouch... nitrates seem high... very high. If it is fish only, you want approx 10ppm for nitrates. Even less if you have corals or inverts. Why did your clams die? usually inverts are more sensitive to poor water conditions, so if they are getting sick you may want to change the water and do water...