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  1. elite

    A FEW PICS OF MY 110, LTA and hosting clarkis and new frags!

    can some one tell me all names of my coral frags please sorry for bad pics and the hair algea problem but i think the tank is doing awsome for a 6 month old tank.... stock list is: 3 false percs 2 clarki clowns 1 domino damsel 1 blueyellow tial damsel 1 firefish goby 1 yellow...
  2. elite

    Show off your anemones!!!!

    my lta! now i have a bonded pair of clarkis hosting it and they feed it like crazy its alsmot a foot in diameter now!
  3. elite

    How to add another clownfish

    just acclimate him and put him in like any other fish they will fight or they wont.... in the end they will do what they want.... maybe add him early as right b4 the lights come on or while the lights are still off.... so everyone is a bit melo lol
  4. elite

    Could i possibly have a mated pair finally?!?! (pic)

    well i have had a single clarkii clown in my 110 with my LTA for over a month then i decided to trade one of my "extra" false percs for another clarkii clown... so 4 days ago i added the 2nd clarkii to the tank where he got the snot beat out of him by everyone includint the other clarkii this...
  5. elite

    Acrylic Tank Diary

    i say do a tank that is shorter height wise but longer length wise... this way you dont have to spend crazy money on metal halide light fixtures and the monthly bill that comes every month and the heat this way you can run some HO T5's and it will be enough for almost all corals....
  6. elite

    mixing anemones

    im also wondering the same thing i have a huge LTA and it has found its spot on the sandbed between a rock and the sand and it hasnt moved in ages and is now hosted by my sabea clown.... i was wondering if i could get another type one that likes more light and being on top of the rocks... away...
  7. elite

    Pink Tip won't attach

    just let him find his spot.....
  8. elite

    110G new set-up.... how much fish is too much?

    no theres no biult in overflow i do have a hang on back overflow that leads down to my wetdry but he wasnt nowhere to be found.... i got another yellowatchman and he is doing great....
  9. elite

    Clarkii Clown + Anemones

    my sabea clown witch if im not mistaken is also called a clarki took about 3 seconds to host my long tentacle anemone keep in mind he was wild net caught but he was at the store for the past 5 months before i bought him.... he is soo happy now...
  10. elite

    FINALLY LTA hosted by new SABEA clown!

    my sabea while getting used the lta got a lil sting on his tail will it go away? its not bad at all but i know he got it from the lta
  11. elite

    LTA is buried

    when i 1st got my lta i set it up in a crevis on a rock facing the front of tank 2 hours later is was in the back of the tank where there wasnt much light and i could not reach it to feed it and i could not even see it i left it there for a week to see what happened and still there i then just...
  12. elite

    I have flow!!!

    thats awsome! you will be fine with both in your 90g i also received my koralia 3's 3 weeks ago and they are great im using 3 number 3's in my 110 and it has helped out with my hair algea and a lil a cyano i had my Long tentacle anem is also abit more happier at least it looks like it lol i...
  13. elite

    Show off your Clowns!

    my new Sabea clown and his LTA i have 4 more falce percs but no pics of them yet.....
  14. elite

    Officially made my tank a REEF tank

    yeah i did have a big outbreak of hair algea but with water changes and less light and switching to RO water only it has been slowly getting better my emerald crab wont touch it and none of my CUC will eat it also... but its almost done im hoping in 2 to 3 weeks it will be completely gone.....
  15. elite

    FINALLY LTA hosted by new SABEA clown!

    i have had this LTA for a few months now and it has been doing fine and has grown more then i expected.... i also had 4 falces percs and none of them gave the anem any attention and they were all tank raised..... today while buying some frags i saw him all alone in his tank and decided why not...
  16. elite

    Just ordered clown and anemone - would appreciate advice

    i have had a long tentacle anem for awhile now and had 4 falce percs and none of them even give it the time of day..... i tried the picture thing and nothing... today while i picked up my fisrt coral frags i saw a lil lonely sabea clown and it was wild caught... so i bought it when i finally put...
  17. elite

    just inhaled a bunch of tank water.

    i sometime taste my tankwater for the hell of it it brings back memories of when i lived in Sao Miguel island :( when i would go diving and rock jumping lol it tasted the same lol
  18. elite

    Officially made my tank a REEF tank

    thanks guys been hoping to get a clown to host my anem for the past 6 months and today he went right for it! and the pictures dont show the real colour or anything the anem is alot darker brown with greenish tips and sides... can some of you tell me if i paid too much ? for the hairymushroom...
  19. elite

    Officially made my tank a REEF tank

    got these today at a new local fishstore that specialize ONLY in corals and some fish and they are only 10 minutes from my house! Awsome guys and awsome selection! multicolour frogspawn green and pink tips and directly above it in the same pic 3 purple and green mushrooms green star polyps...
  20. elite

    our clown looks funny

    yeah my 1st clown died of the same thing..... and it can get transfered on to other fish and most likely you other clown now has it too