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  1. danriek

    Zoos Disappearing

    I did the FW dip a couple of days ago with Logals, 15mins, with Triple Sulfa(the only thing I could get my hands on quickly). The Zoo's looked better for a day or so but are almost gone. One or so left.
  2. danriek

    Zoos Disappearing

    It is happening to all my Zoos. I don't see any predators/nudi's. Should I do a FW dip with Lugal's? or Meds(Furan-2 or FWE). Is there somthing I should do to the whole tank? or just the rocks where the Zoos are?
  3. danriek

    Clown losing tail fin

    This clown is the domain clown. His/her home is in a bubble tip anemone and won't let any thing get near his/her home. I will keep an eye out for things. Everyone seems to get along in the tank but I suspect that if this is the case that it is happening at night.
  4. danriek

    Clown losing tail fin

    The salt content is 1.025 No nitrite, nitrate, ammonia Attachment 197046 Attachment 197047
  5. danriek

    Clown losing tail fin

    I have two clown fishes. One has started to lose it's tail fin. The other clown is starting to lose it as well. I have had these fish for about 1 year and do water changes of 5gals per week in my 72gal tank. I keep the tempurature a constant 78.5-79. I am at a loss as to what to search for or...
  6. danriek

    Issue with Emerald Crab

    PH is normally 8.2 to 8.35
  7. danriek

    Issue with Emerald Crab

    Calcium: 380 Mag: 1300 kH: 10 I have always had troubles getting Calcium above 400. I have a calcium reactor but before that I have used Turbo Calcium. After dosing Turbo Calcium the levels still never got above 400.
  8. danriek

    Brown Fuzz on Rocks

    Could any help me to identify the brown fuzz on my rocks. This stuff is growing every where. On snails, crabs shells, and my live rock. You can see it on the edge of the rock in this picture. I would like to get rid of this stuff since it makes my tank look dingy.
  9. danriek

    Issue with Emerald Crab

    My Emerabld Crab has white pits on it. I don't know what is causing it. Could anyone provide information?