Clown losing tail fin


New Member
I have two clown fishes. One has started to lose it's tail fin. The other clown is starting to lose it as well. I have had these fish for about 1 year and do water changes of 5gals per week in my 72gal tank. I keep the tempurature a constant 78.5-79. I am at a loss as to what to search for or what could be causeing it.


Is something attacking them? Do you see clear cut chunks missing or is there redness and/or cottony growths?


Staff member
Another fish is chewing his tail off. Likely the dominate clownfish.


New Member
This clown is the domain clown. His/her home is in a bubble tip anemone and won't let any thing get near his/her home. I will keep an eye out for things. Everyone seems to get along in the tank but I suspect that if this is the case that it is happening at night.


Staff member
100%, another fish is chewing his tail. Start feeding your fish food soaked in zoecon.

jeremy mct

I agree 100% with another fish is chewing on the clown, but have never heard of zoecon. What is it and what does it do if you soak their food in it?


[QUOTEI agree 100% with another fish is chewing on the clown, but have never heard of zoecon. What is it and what does it do if you soak their food in it? ]
In essence Zoecon is liquid concentrated vitamins. Soak your food in it for 20 minutes or so, and it will improve your fishes immune system, and in turn help the fin heal. Others are vita chem...selcon, and I am sure there are others.


New Member
am new to the forum and marine fish.
on advice i set mt tank up and did as instructed i started populating it 8 days ago my water has been checked and all levels seem by charts to be fine,
in the tank at the moment are 2 chromis nice an quiet and was jus a pair of mating comon clown ( large female smaller male ) these fish were very happy.
2 days ago i added another 2 comon clowns both are small males ( i pressume ) .were ok day 1 then yesterday i noticed one of the common clown fish losing his tail fin they have slightly different markings but are the same type of fish and were bought as a pair .so yesterday i noticed some tailfin loss ,so i watched the tank and did not see any agressive bahaviour towards him from the other clown or chromis i did sit and watch he went to a corner and kind of stayed on his own a little but did interact no problems then i wake up this morning an his tailfin is all but other fish is effected and the water is fine i only have 2 large coral rock in there and a small coral banded shrimp who hides away in a cutout on one of the rocks.i would hate to lose my first fish but think this is going to be inevitable.please any help or advice would be greatfuly apreciated/...


Two pair of clowns will turn into one pair unless it is a very large tank.
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bang guy

I agree. Remove the two new Clownfish ASAP.
You will have a better chance of receiving good advice if you open a new thread for this type of inquiry.