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  1. patrickwebb

    powerhead question

    i just hope when i get home he's allright, however he does seem pretty lonely, when hes sees his reflection in the glass he wants to go closer and stay there!!
  2. patrickwebb

    powerhead question

    yes thats his QT do they kinda just chill untill they get use to there surroundings-?
  3. patrickwebb

    powerhead question

    he is the only fish in the tank, and its a 20 gl tall
  4. patrickwebb

    powerhead question

    air bubbles cause ick,? or just tangs in generall?? cause ive noticed a small white spot on him last night when i brought him home--i put slime coat in there, hopefully he will be allright he was kinda hiding a little to much, but then again i dont know ive never had a tang before
  5. patrickwebb

    powerhead question

    hopefully i make it in time to save my tangs life,
  6. patrickwebb

    powerhead question

    do you think it will kill my tang? hes kinda just chilling laying/hiding in the rocks
  7. patrickwebb

    powerhead question

    i have bought a powerhead that has a valve, that you can put air in the tank--should i have a little air going into the tank --cause i do and im at work----and i just bought a powder blue tang yesterday afternoon!! thanks for the help
  8. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    it does look like one though!
  9. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    Originally Posted by Apos I think I see your problem: in the second and third picture in your first post, it seems you have a devlied egg half sitting right in the front in the tank on the sand. Deviled eggs added to a tank can slowly kill the fish. A common mistake, but easy to correct...
  10. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    im gonna check it again now---- thank g*d i didnt buy any fish!!
  11. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    it reads zero when i have it on volts- finally-i got my test kit and my water right, i think im going to the lfs! thanks for all of you who took the time to give me suggestions! this place rocks!!!
  12. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE i dont think a grounding probe would fix this, because the probe is for an accident prevention, not to correct a situation. something funky is going on, and i cant figure it out. also- why is your voltage meter on the setting that it is ? so i googled...
  13. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    does anybody eles have this problem with there tank, And would a grounding probe fix this prob.
  14. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    did that my light is clean and clear!
  15. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE what does this have to do with leaking elec into your tank? the fact that you have this listed stumps me, since lighting has nothing to do with the tank (in terms of equip in the tank) when my light is on----i get a testing of 11 volts coming from my water--...
  16. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    and my question was...........will a ground probe help this----?
  17. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    i have a oddyesea 320 gph filter that is keeping a good flow, in my 20 gl tank, along with the whisper 30 to direct water from the top to the bottom. if you look at the picture of my tank you will see the long ugly green bar which is the water return and that does a good job, however i do...
  18. patrickwebb

    electric shock w/pics what should i do?-meter reading 41 volts

    it drops to zero-- i have grounded it to another extension cord coming from a different power source-and the same reading is involved