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  1. dsbdude

    Stocking 150G Reef

    Hey, thanks for responding. Yes, this is a 6 feet long tank. I didn't have success with a trio of lyretail anthias, all died within a few weeks :/. So I'm kind of stuck. A wrasse is a good idea, forgot about them and I'll probably try one of those. Sixline? Any suggestion is good at this point...
  2. dsbdude

    Stocking 150G Reef

    Hey, haven't posted here a while, but i am trying to stock my 150G reef tank. So far i have several soft coral and zoas. I have three established fish as of right now Maroon Clown Hippo Tang Purple Tang Any suggestions? Thanks
  3. dsbdude

    clownfish odd behavior?

    yeah, i think the clown was just too stressed out when the big hippo came in...he was pretty small (1 inch) and hippo was 3 inches. Hippo could easily out compete him for food, clown was somewhat slow due to his size/swimming motion.
  4. dsbdude

    clownfish odd behavior?

    It is confirmed, I woke up this morning and it was dead....
  5. dsbdude

    clownfish odd behavior?

    Ok, now my clownfish is hiding/wedging himself under a rock....he looks like he is dying. Swimbladder looks out of wack now...two false percs have died in my tank, this will be the third. These are the only deaths in my tank.
  6. dsbdude

    clownfish odd behavior?

    when i feed the tank, it doesnt move from its'll eat maybe 2 bites but that is is breathing a little faster then normal
  7. dsbdude

    clownfish odd behavior?

    This is a 150G tank. My occelaris clownfish was my second fish added right after my chromis. I then added a sixline wrasse a couple weeks later. During these times with these three fish the clownfish, although smaller than the wrasse, seemed to be the boss of the tank. It would swim around the...
  8. dsbdude

    Green Chromis just wait it out? i thought if i added more it would become more of a shoal
  9. dsbdude

    Green Chromis

    alright, i have had three green chromis for 3 weeks in my fully cycled tank 150g. I also have 2 perc clowns along with a small CUC. All the parameters are where they should be... A couple days ago i noticed the two smaller of the chromis have started hiding out in the rock for most of the day...
  10. dsbdude

    Is my tank cycled?

    Chromis are doing great! On my first night with them, one went into the overflow box but i got him out... Am thinking a pair of clowns for my next fish addition whenever that may be... CUC, that is something im not really sure about...i have been thinking about it...any suggestions?
  11. dsbdude

    Is my tank cycled?

    Ok, picked up 3 green chromis last night, they seem to be doing well already! They all school together and get along fine. I havent fed them yet...the LFS dude said try today to feed 'em...any input?
  12. dsbdude

    Is my tank cycled?

  13. dsbdude

    Is my tank cycled?

    ok...checked the water...0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and undetectable nitrates...(added shrimp on Oct 11) Oct 16- the shrimp was removed (it smelled horrid!) :)
  14. dsbdude

    Which skimmer do you run?

    i have an aqua C EV-180 for my 150 gallon tank..! It uses a newer, unique way of skimming(spray injection). One of the good companies out there! Just my input...even though you may have made your decision...
  15. dsbdude

    Is my tank cycled?

    ok...i went to the store and got some shrimp. I threw them in about 4 hours ago today...i'll be counting down those days to post back the params... :) by the way...i turned my skimmer back on yesterday...should i turn it off again?
  16. dsbdude

    Is my tank cycled?

    alright, thanks joe...
  17. dsbdude

    Is my tank cycled?

    New and first tank! It's a 150G and has been up and running for 2 months with live sand and 1 month with live rock from a friend's established tank. Skimmer is not running. I have checked the parameters many times in these couple of months with my test kits for ammonia/nitrates and nothing has...
  18. dsbdude

    Koralia powerhead...controllable?

    So....i was wondering if i could hook these Controllable Koralias up to any wavemaker and the Controllable Koralias would work just as well and better than the old clattering noises the old Koralias make. I don't really want to get the Koralia Wavemaker. I am considering the "Wavemaster Pro" to...
  19. dsbdude

    pick suberbowl teams and who wins

    Raven's will Dolphins lost tho.
  20. dsbdude

    Pac-10 Basketball Showdown
