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  1. stbknox

    Help! Whats happening?

    I just started up a new tank about 10 weeks ago, used alot of stuff from my old tank. Everything was doing fine for a couple of weeks when all of a sudden I was missing my Coral Beauty which had been acting fine, its been gone about 4 weeks now, never did find it, dont know if it jumped out of...
  2. stbknox

    Help, not sure whats happening.

    I just started up a new tank about 10 weeks ago, used alot of stuff from my old tank. Everything was doing fine for a couple of weeks when all of a sudden I was missing my Coral Beauty which had been acting fine, its been gone about 4 weeks now, never did find it, dont know if it jumped out of...
  3. stbknox

    Hows my water parameters?

    Yes, 1 fish has been in there 2 weeks (watchman goby) along with a few snails and a brittle starfish, all from old tank. Just added clean up crew and 2 clowns a couple days ago and they are doing fine. I used some filter media from old tank also along with 50 lbs of live rock and few scoops of...
  4. stbknox

    Hows my water parameters?

    Originally Posted by mcbdz To stablelize your temp I'd up your heater to 80 degrees. Then it sould stop fluctionating(?). What size tank? Water looks good, but I think you are going a little fast. Just let things get use to being in there. It's best to only add one thing at a time and let...
  5. stbknox

    Hows my water parameters?

    Just started this tank about 3 weeks ago, used 50 lbs of living rock from my old tank that was a little over 3 years old, added an additional 40 lbs of living rock. Also used a few scoops of my living sand to mix in with the new living sand. I just adding a clean up crew a few days ago and have...
  6. stbknox

    Hows my water parameters?

    Just started this tank about 3 weeks ago, used 50 lbs of living rock from my old tank that was a little over 3 years old, added an additional 40 lbs of living rock. Also used a few scoops of my living sand to mix in with the new living sand. I just adding a clean up crew a few days ago and have...
  7. stbknox

    Acclimating new clownfish, help please

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX yeah just because its bleached doesnt mean it wont make it but will need some TLC as you nurse it back to health Mike I was reading another post and I belive it might be a pink tip haitian???? It has a pink foot and cream color tentacles with purple tips. from...
  8. stbknox

    Acclimating new clownfish, help please

    I also worry a little about my powerheads. I have 3 Hydor Koralias, I dont see anyway to put anything over them to stop an anemone from getting sucked in since their intake is huge. Any suggestions?
  9. stbknox

    Acclimating new clownfish, help please

    Its really funny watching these 2 acclimate, one of them is a little bigger than the other, he has been doing alot of the bullying, a little bit ago the smaller one finally started pushing back, it went up to it and did a few very rapid shakes and you could almost tell the big one was a little...
  10. stbknox

    Acclimating new clownfish, help please

    Do you all think I have a good shot of my clownfish hosting the new BTA? How long does it take for them to usually start hosting? Thanks
  11. stbknox

    Acclimating new clownfish, help please

    Thanks again. I started neglecting my old tank, had it for 3 years and was my first tank. I had 260 watts or power compact lighting, usa satellite or something like that. One ballast went out about a year ago and I never fixed it. My new tank has a 400 watt MH Hamilton reef lighting, he seems to...
  12. stbknox

    Acclimating new clownfish, help please

    Thanks for all the help. This is a new tank I just set up about a month ago, used a little living sand and about 60 lbs of established rock. parameters have been excellent. I did have a condi anemone from my old tank that I transfered over. Its a bleach white, almost translucent but acts just...
  13. stbknox

    Acclimating new clownfish, help please

    Originally Posted by LexLuethar The clowns are fine, they are displaying dominance. The bta is HEALTHY, which is why it is a brown color. White anemones are bleached, have expelled their zooantha and should be avoided. Should to me like everything is fine, congrats on the new additions...
  14. stbknox

    Acclimating new clownfish, help please

    Just purchased 2 aquacultured false percula clownfish from this website. Im acclimating them as instructed. They are in the styrofoam container they shipped in. My coincern is they are nudging each other around and often get a little rough, should I be concerned with this? Im also acclimating a...
  15. stbknox

    Acclimating new clownfish, help please

    Just purchased 2 aquacultured false percula clownfish from this website. Im acclimating them as instructed. They are in the styrofoam container they shipped in. My coincern is they are nudging each other around and often get a little rough, should I be concerned with this? Im also acclimating a...
  16. stbknox

    What type of additives and supplements do you suggest

    Im looking into what additives and supplements I will need for my tank. Just finished setting it up yesterday, Im expecting a very short cycle if it cycles out all, used alot of living rock from established tank and also some living sand from same tank. I will be keeping all types of corals. Im...
  17. stbknox

    Help cycling tank

    Originally Posted by nicetry The pH will stablize on it's own. You may indeed bypass a slow cycle, but let the tank sit for a week then retest parameters. If everything looks good, "challenge" the cycle by adding a raw shrimp. If you see no spikes, you should be okay. I did this with my 120...
  18. stbknox

    Help cycling tank

    Originally Posted by jamirlima Seachem stability works great to cycle tank. ph should get normal within few days. since you used stuff from already established tank you should get cycled soon. did you use any old filter media from established tank. My tank got cycled in 8 days. No, just a...
  19. stbknox

    Help cycling tank

    I just started a new aquarium and have it set up tonight, just tested the water and below is the parameters. Is there anything you suggest I need to do. I have some buffer I could ad to get the PH up, do you think its needed. There is 85 lbs of living rock and about 40 of it came from another...
  20. stbknox

    Help cycling tank

    I just started a new aquarium and have it set up tonight, just tested the water and below is the parameters. Is there anything you suggest I need to do. I have some buffer I could ad to get the PH up, do you think its needed. There is 85 lbs of living rock and about 40 of it came from another...