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  1. del_rn

    Changing from a fish only to a reef tank

    I have a 70 gallon fish only tank that has been established for 5 years. I would like to start adding corals to change my tank to a reef tank. I am looking for help with picking the lighting and any other assistance that you would like to offer in helping make this change. Thanks. Dawn
  2. del_rn

    Fish and Invertebrae dying

    I have a 70 gallon tank with 120lbs of live rock this tank is 4 years old. I haven't had any problem til recently I started losing fish. At first I thought it was the age of the fish when the first ones have died. I recently bought 2 peppermint shrimp and 2 brittle stars and the died within a...
  3. del_rn

    Yellow tang / Red Slime

    I just retested my water. Ph is 8.3, 0 nirtrite, 0 nitrate, 0 ammonia, salinity 1.025-1.026, phos 0. I forgot to mention that I have a 900 power head in there as well. I read the post on the cynobacteria and I am going to reduce the lighting time and work on that however I need help with the...
  4. del_rn

    Yellow tang / Red Slime

    I have a 70 gallon tank with 55 lbs of LR in it. It has been up and running since Jan 08. I have a coral beauty, yellow tang, occ clown, pink and blue shrimp goby, lawnmower blenny, long spine urchin, and several shrimp and hermit crabs. I have recently been battling red slime. I have...
  5. del_rn

    how long do u spend looking at ur DT?

    I spend as much time as I can watching my SWF. When I get up in the morning I look at them on the way to the coffee pot and of course when I get home and before I go to bed. I absolutely love them. I have a fresh water tank as well for my son and I don't look at them as often anymore. It is...
  6. del_rn

    changing substrate???? multiple questions

    I did it without any difficulty. I didn't have any fish at the time but I had tons of shrimp, brittle star fish, hermit crabs, snails. I have a 70 gallon tank. I kept the water that I took out and took out the live rock, I scooped out 90% of the crushed coral and added sand. I didn't get all...
  7. del_rn

    Suggestions for what type of fish to add

    I really like the Blennies, can one of them be put with the Pink/Blue Shrimpgoby that I have? Can I put any of the wrasses in there? I love the shrimp, I think I may want to add another shrimp as well.
  8. del_rn

    Suggestions for what type of fish to add

    I have a 70 gallon with 56 lbs LR in it. I currently have a goby and a Occ Clown. I have several peppermint shrimp, cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, strawberry crab, 2 featherdusters, and a camelback shrimp. What would be good to add next? I want a peacefull, colorful, and fun to watch...
  9. del_rn

    Emarld Crabs

    My son was the same way, he said that we had to have Nemo in there. I got the emarld crabs in a reef package that I bought from They were emarld green but their claws did not look padded to me, the rest of their legs were fuzzy like. I don't know, it hasn't helped much. My fish are...
  10. del_rn

    Emarld Crabs

    I have lost a basslet, 3 clown fish, and a spanish hog fish for sure to the crabs. My tanks is a 70 gallon.
  11. del_rn

    Emarld Crabs

    I don't know what everyone else thinks about this but I watched these crabs chasing my fish around and pinching them. I removed them from my tank.
  12. del_rn

    can't keep fish alive -- frustrated

    I know several people that have cc and sand as substrate and they don't have any problems. Can I just thin out the amount of coral and add more sand without taking everything out of my tank. If I do it slowly won't it prevent it from cycling again? I don't want to loose what I have still. Do...
  13. del_rn

    can't keep fish alive -- frustrated

    Thanks for the information. I wish I would have learned that before now. I understand that it is a new tank and that it takes time. I will work on taking out the crushed coral and replacing it with sand.
  14. del_rn

    can't keep fish alive -- frustrated

    How can I fix it? Can I safely take out the crushed coral and replace with sand without killing what is present in the tank?
  15. del_rn

    Emarld Crabs

    I can't figure out what is killing my fish. I have noticed that some of my fish before they died, one of the emarld crabs was following it trying to nip at its tail and it had gotten the tail a couple of times. Of course when the fish died, they attack it and ate it. I am grasping here to...
  16. del_rn

    Emarld Crabs

    Will emarld crabs kill and/or hurt healthy fish?
  17. del_rn

    can't keep fish alive -- frustrated

    I have a 70 gallon tank with a freedom all in one filtration/skimmer system that is large enough to do a 300 gallon tank. I have crushed coral, live sand, and 36 lbs of live rock. This tank has been up and running for about 3 months. I have a damsel fish and that is all that is left. I have...
  18. del_rn

    Domino Damsel in Anemone

    My domino only wanted it as territory. As soon as I introduced the anemone he claimedit and would not allow the clownfish near it. Everytime he though one of the other fish was going in that direction he would zoom over there and get in the anemone. He was something else. He certainly wasn't...
  19. del_rn

    75 gallon Reef Tank

    Looks great! I hope I can get mine to look like that.
  20. del_rn

    Domino Damsel in Anemone

    I had a domino damsel that took up with a bubble tip anemone. They seemed to really like each other. I had to get rid of the domino, it was stressing and killing my other fish.