Search results

  1. superdust

    New fish

    Thanks for the responses. I don't want to go with a tang in a 55, to many beautiful fish that will be happier in my tank. I do like dwarf angels, which are the most reef safe and hardy? I like the couple of percula OR clarkii right now. Keep the ideas coming though.
  2. superdust

    New fish

    Okay I think I am in the market for a new fish now. My tank is a 55 long with about 55 lb of live rock, 2 x 175 metal halide, skimmer, 5 inch DSB. I have some yellow polyps, mushrooms, Pink Tip Hiatian (sp) in which a tomato clown was using until he came down with Brooklynella and died. I was...
  3. superdust

    What kind of crab is this???

    I also have a crab that looks just like that, he hiked in on a rock containing yellow polyps. Like NM reef's he stays close to the polyps.
  4. superdust

    Central/Eastern KY

    bump......what about you Itchy, you are from lexington right?
  5. superdust

    Central/Eastern KY

    nestofbyrds is there any particular LFS in Lexington that you like? I have purchased a couple of mushrooms and a rock with several yellow polyps on it from a strore called Pet World on Nicholisvlle RD. Pretty good deals...I think. KYOCEAN my girlfriend lives in Paintsville and we travel to...
  6. superdust

    Central/Eastern KY

  7. superdust

    Central/Eastern KY

    Old hermit, I've heard of it, but exactly where is it at? I am from Hazard.
  8. superdust

    Central/Eastern KY

    I didn't know how else to find out this information, so I decided to make a post. I was wondering how many people here are from Central or Eastern Kentucky? If so, where is your favorite LFS? Thanks
  9. superdust


    I do not do frequent water changes. I usually add a gallon of water every 2 to 3 days to avoid too many flucs. in salinity. I guess I just have a bad hand with snails--conchs, hermits, crabs, stars, all doing great.
  10. superdust


    ---ates and ----ites were both 0 when all the deaths occured.
  11. superdust


    Snails, snails, snails I just don't understand! On 10/24/02 I purchased 20 astrea, 5 nassarius, and 10 turbos. Not to many days after intro. they slowly began to perish one by one. Today I have 1 astrea and 2 nassarius. I was constantly turning them over when they fell from the glass....I...
  12. superdust

    new reef set/up...phosphate in the water

    Before you buy an RO system make sure you have enough pressure. I also have a well, and have put off purchasing an RO system because I heard that unless you have 40 psi at the RO's mounting location it will waste several tons of water, and if the pressure is to low may not work at all...
  13. superdust

    MH wiring

    I do not have a wire diagram. The sockets do not have the green wire, so how does everyone ground their MH's?
  14. superdust

    MH wiring

    In the next couple of days I am going to wire up my new dual 175W MH's. Since everyone on here seems to be fairly honest and knowledgeable I have a question about the wiring. The sockests have two wires (white and black). From my knowledge white will be hot. Well my problem arises when I...
  15. superdust

    electric fans

    What is "frys".....TigerShark
  16. superdust

    electric fans

    I am looking for 3-5" electric fans. Does anyone know where these can be found at a cheap price? Radio Shack only carries DC fans with a 4" running about $20. Any help would be appreciated.
  17. superdust

    Tomato clown

    Thankfully I do not have anymore fish in the tank. Where did the fish catch this disease? Will it hurt anything else in the tank? The only thing brought into the tank after the fish was two mushrooms...could these have carried the disease? Thank you Beth
  18. superdust

    Tomato clown

    Yes Beth I had to remove him at about 1:00 this morning. He did have white stringy stuff coming off of him, all of this happened in like 8-12 hours. Sounds like you know what this may be...please let me know for future references. Thank you
  19. superdust

    Tomato clown

    I put a tomato clown in my tank on 12-18 it was just beautiful. I also purchased a pink tipped haitian from the same lfs because the clown was using it as its home. Today the clown looked really raw and white, and would not go near the haitian. The clown is now laying in the sand. pH 8.2...
  20. superdust


    I just bought a Sea Clone 100 and placed it on the tank Friday night. My tank has been up for about eight months and I haven't had any type of filtering system except for DSB and live rock. I have a bad problem with algae and there was a skim on top of the water. After the skimmer ran about a...