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  1. snackdaddy

    Nitrate Test Kits

    followed instructions to the tee, on both kits.
  2. snackdaddy

    Nitrate Test Kits

    Does anyone know the best, most accurate test kits available? From the same batch of water I used API and got a reading of 20ppm, took it to one lfs and they got less than 10ppm with a API kit I think, took it to another lfs and they used a strip and showed 0ppm. I took the advice of the first...
  3. snackdaddy

    Do babies go to heaven?

    The God I know and serve would not keep a child out of heaven for any reason, and I think Jesus is there with that child in death anyway. We will never understand or be able to comprehend the mysteries of the spiritual world until we get there, if then. God makes exceptions for those who dont...
  4. snackdaddy

    Temps rising, any suggestions

    Originally Posted by srfisher17 I've done the same thing and it works well. Why would where you live have anything to do with water temp..unless yo don't have A/C? Anything with a motor or pump can also heat things up. HOT filters, PHs , pumps, etc,etc. Also,though there is disagreement, 82...
  5. snackdaddy

    Dog Poop

    Yea, just when you thought you had it under control.... Just be sure to remind him of this in about 20 years or so when he has kids.....
  6. snackdaddy

    Temps rising, any suggestions

    Temp is already jumping to around 82 or so during the day, and it really gets hot here in MS. How can I get it down some without the expense of a chiller
  7. snackdaddy

    anemone feeding problem

    I agree I have 2 in a 55 gal and thats all I feed them, as soon as it gets close to them they grab it and pull it in.....
  8. snackdaddy

    Film Floating on top of water?

    Do have a skimmer running and did a water chg this past weekend...
  9. snackdaddy

    Film Floating on top of water?

    No chiller, so I'll try to break it up and see if that works. Thanks
  10. snackdaddy

    Film Floating on top of water?

    I noticed today that a film of something floating on top of my water, it seems to be thin, but, is full of bubbles and has a swirl similar to what gas on top of water would look like. All critters are fine and the rest of the tank water is clear as usual. Any Ideas?
  11. snackdaddy

    The Pledge of Allegiance in schools

    We said it and my kids said it, I think it helps teach respect for the flag and the country. I get chills everytime I hear the national anthem played because I think of the ultimate sacrifice made by those who have fought to keep us safe. As far as saying God or not, I'll take my chances with...
  12. snackdaddy

    Obama supporters. I have one question

    Folks, this country is in a precarious position right now, an unwinable war, a reccession, out of control deficit, healthcare, social security and on and on and on..... It wont be and cannot be solved by one person, we need change from top to bottom, so I urge everyone to get out and vote for...
  13. snackdaddy

    Hermit Crabs

    Does anyone know the avg. life expectancy of Blue Legged Hermits? I seem to lose them fairly fast.
  14. snackdaddy

    101 Tips to Beginning and Maintaining a Saltwater Aquarium

    Lion, this is great info,we have 2 lfs here, one fairly large and one that just started up, so not much of a choice, both contradict each other on some things. A couple of questions, can you have too much live rock, and do denitrators work?