Obama supporters. I have one question


New Member
Folks, this country is in a precarious position right now, an unwinable war, a reccession, out of control deficit, healthcare, social security and on and on and on..... It wont be and cannot be solved by one person, we need change from top to bottom, so I urge everyone to get out and vote for change in every election even down to your circuit clerks position..... We, as the citizens of this country need to take back control through voting. I see it in every election, the incumbents seem to stay in and voter turnout will be 30 or 40 percent of registered voters... These cats that are in control of OUR country need to here from us and if they dont change vote their buts out..........


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Which is fine, if it is ok for a white person to say black people with a poor upbringing are more likely to be criminals.

This is true, as it is the same for all people...it probably increases the probability by a few % points.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
He has? Quite reading the left wing blogs and go to the horses mouth
Tax cuts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F1IuoR-o24
Immigration http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8WNu...eature=related
He says he was right to vote against the Bush tax cuts. He just has sense enough to know what will happen if the tax cuts are repealed.
On immigration he says he thinks the plan was rejected because the people don't believe the border will be secured. He now wants to do the border first and then go for the guest worker programs and such. You call that a flip flop? I call it learning from experience.
Is Obama still for giving drivers licenses to illegals?
I believe he is... at least this gives us a way to keep track of them... There are both positives and negatives to this... but overall I support it... they will atleast be able to buy insurance... they are going to drive regardless.
The issue with McCain is he is flip flopping to align himself with conservative values... at least with the Dems you know what you are getting... with McCain you don't..
As far as tax cuts go... some of them need repealed... its not to say we can't offer them in the future, but we can't make them permenent. We can't continue to fight a war and spending trillions...when we have so many domestic issues and we continue to borrow and increase our national debt. Yes, we need to control spending and earmarks and that sort of the thing, but the only way to get out of this serious debt is to bring more renvenue in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Obama has NOT been cleared in the Resko scandal, nor has his ties to Hamas or the Weather Underground been investigated yet.
McCain was cleared, by a Democratic prosecutor, in regards to Keating...
Because there are no ties... What weather underground did 40 years ago has nothing to do with this campaign..There are no links to Hamas, and he has been cleared in Rezko..There was no reason for them to investigate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
McCain has also spent more time with our troops overseas than any other candidate.
What does Obama have for an excuse with all of the missed votes?
This is simple... because he is still in a heated campaign/election. McCain has been done for awhile now and his visit is partially political.. Do you see Hilary over there?
As I mentioned, he has also missed more votes, despite an easier schedule.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This is true, as it is the same for all people...it probably increases the probability by a few % points.
All I want is an even playing field, and if the libs judged Obama's speech like they would have judged a white man in the same situation. He would be tar and feathered for saying stuff like "typical black man." Or isinuating that most of a black demographic had some negative characteristic. Like he said about his typical white grandmother who judges people based on their skin color.
I'm not saying that the template applied is right or wrong. Just that you libs shouldn't choose which template to apply, dependent on the race of the speaker. That is racism. Not some moron giving a speech and throwing his own family under the bus.


Active Member
Originally Posted by snackdaddy
Folks, this country is in a precarious position right now, an unwinable war, a reccession, out of control deficit, healthcare, social security and on and on and on..... It wont be and cannot be solved by one person, we need change from top to bottom, so I urge everyone to get out and vote for change in every election even down to your circuit clerks position..... We, as the citizens of this country need to take back control through voting. I see it in every election, the incumbents seem to stay in and voter turnout will be 30 or 40 percent of registered voters... These cats that are in control of OUR country need to here from us and if they dont change vote their buts out..........
Our Nation has had 8 recessions since the end of WW2, the War certainly can be won, healthcare is available to everyone, SS should be scrapped, etc.
The only thing I agree with is that the deficit needs to come down. That won't happen when candidates promise insane things like Universal Health Care, however.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
That is false... Obama wants to secure the border.
LOL... Ya, Secure the border by letting them get driver licenses. That way they can drive across the border instead of walking. Well, actually with a valid DL they could just by airline tickets and fly...
Sorry Rylan, once again Oboma says one thing when it is convenient, but a cursory glance at his voting record shows another. While he has voted in favor of a Border Fence he has repeatedly voted against funding the fence and voted against increasing number of Border Patrol.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
Because there are no ties... What weather underground did 40 years ago has nothing to do with this campaign..There are no links to Hamas, and he has been cleared in Rezko..There was no reason for them to investigate.
Weather Underground founding members donating money to his cause, Obama serving with them on the same Boards, having parties with them, speaking with them, etc. certainly does
have something to do with the campaign...
His church has, on multiple occasions, supported Hamas.
Cleared with Rezko? Got a link?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
This is simple... because he is still in a heated campaign/election. McCain has been done for awhile now and his visit is partially political.. Do you see Hilary over there?
As I mentioned, he has also missed more votes, despite an easier schedule.
Interesting. This would, of course, be a valid argument had Senator McCain never visited the troops before this year, or if Senator Obama had ever visited the troops...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
All I want is an even playing field.....
Agreed. For instance, why did Obama call for the firing of Imus and not his pastor?
"I understand MSNBC has suspended Mr. Imus," Obama told ABC News, "but I would also say that there's nobody on my staff who would still be working for me if they made a comment like that about anybody of any ethnic group. And I would hope that NBC ends up having that same attitude"... http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=3031317


Active Member

Originally Posted by Veeraj87

- Change WE Can Believe In-

Believe in the lies of a radical left wing canadite? One that has ties to terrorist organizations ? One that attends a church that preaches hate ? Yeah just the guy we need to lead the nation . But this just shows where your getting your morals from .