Obama supporters. I have one question



Originally Posted by 1journeyman
We can all run pics with clever captions.
Let's try to keep the debate to a more intellectual level.
are you offended that your intellect didnt allow you to think of a pic with a clever caption so now your out to make it seem less intellectual when it proved to be effective because clearly people responded to it


George W. Bush went to his mail box several times looking for the mailman. His Dad noticed G.W's repeated trips to the curb and asked if he was waiting for a special letter. "No," replied G.W., "My computer keeps telling me I have mail."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veeraj87
are you offended that your intellect didnt allow you to think of a pic with a clever caption so now your out to make it seem less intellectual when it proved to be effective because clearly people responded to it
I'll let that "sentence" structure speak for itself in regards to intellect.
I believe change will come with Obama....
*Higher taxes (including capital gains, repeal of tax cuts everyone received in 03, etc.)
*Weakened military (Obama has said he would cut military R&D)
*Worse social policies (Obama has refused to vote against partial birth abortions and is against parental notification)
*Weakened position overseas (Just like post-Vietnam when we abandoned our allies and millions of civilians died as a result)
*Crazy higher oil prices (Iraq is currently exporting near the same levels pre-invasion levels. When we leave and Iranian backed Shiite militants take over Basra completely and turn off the spicket look out...)
*Weakened position overseas (part II) (Negotiate with dictators? Ya, that works. I almost am willing to vote for Obama just so I can see the first time he shakes the hand of Ahmadinejad and gives his "hope" and "change" speech.)
I believe in those changes. I just don't want them. Of course, what do I know? I'm just a "typical white person", right?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Veera, is your position and candidate so weak you need to resort to petty photoshopping?
My name is Veeraj, learn how to say it first, and then ill respond to your other comments.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Veera, is your position and candidate so weak you need to resort to petty photoshopping?
not point made my candidate has proven that he wont flip flop on his stance, and he will continue to be open to the americans with who he is, everyone has done something he has proven that he can be in the spot light and take hits, unlike mccain who is freelancing with no competitors just wait till the real debates start we might get some more pictures of idiot republicans scratching their heads, this time instead of bush, it will be Mcsucks...... CHECK MATE


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veeraj87
not point made my candidate has proven that he wont flip flop on his stance, and he will continue to be open to the americans with who he is, everyone has done something he has proven that he can be in the spot light and take hits, unlike mccain who is freelancing with no competitors just wait till the real debates start we might get some more pictures of idiot republicans scratching their heads, this time instead of bush, it will be Mcsucks...... CHECK MATE

Well if you are any indication of the obama camp then the republicans are in a world of hurt . I don't know if McCain has a chance against photo shop tactics and childish personal attacks .

Your canidate hasn't proven anything yet . He can't even finish strong in his own party . Which should be an indication that hes not as strong of a canadete as you wish to believe .


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veeraj87
not point made my candidate has proven that he wont flip flop on his stance, and he will continue to be open to the americans with who he is, everyone has done something he has proven that he can be in the spot light and take hits, unlike mccain who is freelancing with no competitors just wait till the real debates start we might get some more pictures of idiot republicans scratching their heads, this time instead of bush, it will be Mcsucks...... CHECK MATE

He won't fip flop... He's a Socialist that apparently has little regard for our country and won't gain any more love for our country as time passes.
Open with who he is? Is that why he started off by saying he didn't know his pastor was an extremist?
More pictures? Is Photoshop coming out with a new edition?
How about addressing the issues?
*Higher taxes
*Weaker foreign policy
*Potentially millions of civilian allies dead in Iraq
*Negotiating with our enemies
*Church ties to Hamas
*Ties to Weather Underground
*Weaker military (Seriously, in this day and age you want to cut Research and Development in the military???)


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
How about addressing the issues?
Issues don't matter, results don't matter. Remember when Rylan was whining about "addressing the issue" and quoted Obama's little soundbite about CEO's making to much money. And I wrote this huge post disgussing the idiotic idea from an economic perspective, and Rylan never even responded to my posts? A liberal can't win on issues. They have to win by making fun of an ivy league grad for being stupid, misinformation like "McBush", and attempting to define appropriate political discourse by creating absurd politically correctness rules that attempts to silence the other side.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
*Weakened military (Obama has said he would cut military R&D)
I am for cutting some of the R&D taxpayer funding (GRANTS). Let the private sector pay for R&D, they end up selling the product to the Government anyway. That is a socialist view....
Originally Posted by Rylan1
No matter what you say, people like Journey, Darth, Reefraff, Streb, will be those people who are angry. This should be an issue that people can get past. Neither Obama or his wife are racist... I have a greater respect of him because he acknowledged his pastor's wrongs while not denouncing him... and he spoke very intelligently on an issue that no one else is willing to touch. This attack did in part accomplish its goal, by putting race back into the election and giving Barack's newest electorial base, white males, reason to question his candidatcy... But it failed in derailing his campaign.... He still is a viable candidate who is still favored to win the election. People need to be smart on who they vote for... and stop following the distractions that make us loose focus on what really is important.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Remember when Rylan was whining about "addressing the issue" and quoted Obama's little soundbite about CEO's making to much money. And I wrote this huge post disgussing the idiotic idea from an economic perspective
Probably because it sounds good and logically makes sense, but rule 22 applies... I also, posted a report on CEO pay and non CEO board of director members believe that CEO compensation is too high. The only ones in the report that answered no it wasn't 100% were CEO board members. I think we have a few huge failures recently that confirm their compensation and business decision judgments aren't aligned. They all believe in their bargaining contracts. They just despise the evil collective bargaining contract. That's because they are the only ones that get the job done (or don't) all by themselves, no one else can take credit, that's why they are so GOOD and worth it. However, when they fall, they start throwing the BLAME everywhere, they just didn't know.
22. Someone who thinks logically, provides a nice contrast to the real world.
23 If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before.