Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The Church doesn't have ties to Hamas... Obama doesn't have ties to Weather Underground...you can't tie Obama to protestors of the Vietnam War
when he was only 5 or 6 years old.
You also can't say what potentially might happen... at this stage of the war... total regression is very possible with Iraq going back to complete chaos.
Obama has also said he is looking to build and improve the military... It states this as part of his Issues on his campaign site.
Negotiating with our enemies and Foreign Policy is the same thing.. he hasn't said he will negotiate with our enemies, but that he will meet with them directly as an option instead of always sending a US diplomat. I see nothing wrong with that... We act as if we are the gods of the modern world.. this is part of the problem with our foriegn policy... it is seriously flawed...and that is why there is so much anti-America sentiment.
I've also stated my feelings on taxes... Most people won't feel any tax increases... the tax increase would be for the most wealthy, whom many of these people are Obama supporters... I find this interesting...
But we need more tax dollars... we can't continue to spend $9-12 billion per month in Iraq...which doesn't include reconstruction or all the many other things associated with the war and the services (medical, mental, etc.) the troops need who return. We have pressing issues domestically, the war hasn't made us safer...why spend large sums of $ across the world and cut our services to pay for it? That doesn't make sense... and at the same time allow Iraq not to put any of their own dime towards the rebuilding. Lastly, I'll say we our borrowing from Social Security and other nations like China... What is funny is... we can't boycott the Olympics because we are so tied (in debted) to China, we can't afford to do so. Our National Debt is beyond serious... we have alot to pay back... and we can't do it by saving alone... otherwise bye-bye Social Security and many of our other services.
The Church chose to print the Hamas manifesto in their bullitin. Obama chose to associate himself with an unrepentant member of the weather underground.
When your wages are frozen because your bosses taxes got raised thank the OBS
When gas prices jump 20% because the domestic exploration tax credits were removed thank the OBS
When your income taxes/Cigarette taxes/gas taxes/property taxes/telephone taxes/utility taxes/sales taxes/cable TV taxes are raised to pay for all of Obamas promises to special interest groups thank the OBS
When you get laid off because excessive taxation and regulation finally forced enough businesses out of the country thank the OBS
When we are forced to reinstate a draft because our military was pulled from Iraq and dropped into the middle of the civil war in Darfur leaving us without the personal to go retake Iraq after Al Qeada and Hamas took over you can thank OBS


Active Member

Originally Posted by reefraff
The Church chose to print the Hamas manifesto in their bullitin. Obama chose to associate himself with an unrepentant member of the weather underground.
When your wages are frozen because your bosses taxes got raised thank the OBS
When gas prices jump 20% because the domestic exploration tax credits were removed thank the OBS
When your income taxes/Cigarette taxes/gas taxes/property taxes/telephone taxes/utility taxes/sales taxes/cable TV taxes are raised to pay for all of Obamas promises to special interest groups thank the OBS
When you get laid off because excessive taxation and regulation finally forced enough businesses out of the country thank the OBS
When we are forced to reinstate a draft because our military was pulled from Iraq and dropped into the middle of the civil war in Darfur leaving us without the personal to go retake Iraq after Al Qeada and Hamas took over you can thank OBS
I work for AT&T, I believe they can pay more tax... the CEO took home 10's of millions when the latest one steped down about a year ago. I could care less... Raises are based on tener.. not service
Gas prices have already jumped by more than 20% in the last year alone... When we are paying less taxes... So thank the Bush Admin for that... I don't want to hear about gas prices and the possibility they will go up... this summer they will be at $4.
- I'll leave this post at that and start a new one


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veeraj87
not point made my candidate has proven that he wont flip flop on his stance, and he will continue to be open to the americans with who he is, everyone has done something he has proven that he can be in the spot light and take hits, unlike mccain who is freelancing with no competitors just wait till the real debates start we might get some more pictures of idiot republicans scratching their heads, this time instead of bush, it will be Mcsucks...... CHECK MATE

More Obama preachers are coming out of the woods as racists. Meet Rev Meek.
Will he listen to Rev Meek, and Wright, Bill Ayers.
No, I agree Obama will not flip-flop. He will continue his sicoalist ways taxing and spending us into oblivion. Ignoring the Constitutional mandates of defense, and spend more on social programs than defense.


Active Member
All you chicken little folks out there. Who think the whole place is going to hell in a handbasket. This is promising. Taking a snapshot from September 06 to september 07 of the large counties in the US. Wages have increased nationally by 4.3% and employment was up .9%. (large county being defined as a county with more than 75,000 employees. http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cewqtr.pdf) Soup lines America isn't coming yet, much to the dissapointment of the democrats.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
I work for AT&T, I believe they can pay more tax... the CEO took home 10's of millions when the latest one steped down about a year ago. I could care less... Raises are based on tener.. not service
Gas prices have already jumped by more than 20% in the last year alone... When we are paying less taxes... So thank the Bush Admin for that... I don't want to hear about gas prices and the possibility they will go up... this summer they will be at $4.
- I'll leave this post at that and start a new one
you know gas prices didn't really start going up again till the dems took over congress. In november 2006 we had 60 dollar a barrel oil, now with 2 years of dems in control of congress it is over 100 dollars.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
The Church chose to print the Hamas manifesto in their bullitin. Obama chose to associate himself with an unrepentant member of the weather underground.
When your wages are frozen because your bosses taxes got raised thank the OBS
When gas prices jump 20% because the domestic exploration tax credits were removed thank the OBS
When your income taxes/Cigarette taxes/gas taxes/property taxes/telephone taxes/utility taxes/sales taxes/cable TV taxes are raised to pay for all of Obamas promises to special interest groups thank the OBS
When you get laid off because excessive taxation and regulation finally forced enough businesses out of the country thank the OBS
When we are forced to reinstate a draft because our military was pulled from Iraq and dropped into the middle of the civil war in Darfur leaving us without the personal to go retake Iraq after Al Qeada and Hamas took over you can thank OBS
What promises to special interest groups... I believe Obama's core message is to give the gov't back to the people...and to not run a campaign based on special interest... As far as business's go.. hasn't this been the trend... big business, even Haliburton is going oversees. Who can we thank for that? Obama has said he will give greater incentive to those that stay and come back in tax breaks.. and not give tax breaks to those that leave...which I believe the Bush Admin has done.
Reinstate the draft?
Do you honestly think Obama would do this... I think many of you GOP'ers have said it should be mandatory for all of us to spend 2 years in the military.. so this is a complete contradiction to what some have posted in just a few posts up. Obama has said he intends on strenghting our military. No one has said we are going into Darfur with our military.. though something needs to be done..(our hypocritical foreign policy currently won't allow us) If we continue to stretch our military thin as we have... we won't see our military increasing in #'s... Look at what has been done to get troops to enlist recently... We are giving them $40,000 to enlist .. they get this when they get out... 2/3 of Americans are against this war... when a reporter brought that up, Cheney laughed
and said SO. and smercked.
You are completely talking out of the side of your mouth...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
you know gas prices didn't really start going up again till the dems took over congress. In november 2006 we had 60 dollar a barrel oil, now with 2 years of dems in control of congress it is over 100 dollars.
Gas prices have been going up since 2002... So you think Congress is responsible... what legislation have they passed to spark this increase? Don't be silly.. they have no control over gas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
More Obama preachers are coming out of the woods as racists. Meet Rev Meek.
Will he listen to Rev Meek, and Wright, Bill Ayers.
No, I agree Obama will not flip-flop. He will continue his sicoalist ways taxing and spending us into oblivion. Ignoring the Constitutional mandates of defense, and spend more on social programs than defense.
He hasn't said he will cut back on defense, he said he will not start any new missile programs. Obama knows the Constitution more than any of the candidates... He was a college professor on the subject Constitutional Law.
You probably think Rev King Jr was a racist too, since he spoke about racial injustice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Here's a big question I have...
Why on the same day that Petraeus is speaking about the war in Iraq... does the Bush Admin give the Medal of Honor to that soilder who sacrificed his life?
Does anyone see a problem with this?
It seems rather ironic that they chose to have it on the same day... which draws sympathy and patriotic feelings on the same day they are trying to justify the war... The family should be upset... we should all be upset... because this was deliberate... Think about it
Any of you Pro-War people want to comment on this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Any of you Pro-War people want to comment on this?
So you as a lib is complaining about someone you percieve as politisizing the war? What would you call the libs position on the war. If the reason for that isn't political then I dunno what is. From various libs trying to be the "walter cronkite" the war is lost prophet to their silly argument trying to find something that sticks.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Any of you Pro-War people want to comment on this?

Sure I will. What does it matter? One was honoring a huge sacrifice, the other was giving an up to date on the progress made.....had one been the day after the other would it change the message of either?
Face it, no matter how things are done in the overall Iraq theatre, you will not be happy. You find something to complain about even when the news is good.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan1
The Church doesn't have ties to Hamas...
"The articles appeared in a church bulletin section called the "Pastor's Page, "and include one that originally ran in The Los Angeles Times. That article was written by a senior official with Hamas
, which the U.S. government considers a terrorist organization http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/03/28/obama.pastor/
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Obama doesn't have ties to Weather Underground...
"''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.'' Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970's as a fugitive in the Weather Underground..."
"Both Obama and Ayers were members of the board of an anti-poverty group, the Woods Fund of Chicago, between 1999 and 2002. In addition, Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's re-election fund to the Illinois State Senate in April 2001, as reported here. They lived within a few blocks of each other in the trendy Hyde Park section of Chicago, and moved in the same liberal-progressive circles. http://blog.washingtonpost.com/fact-...onnection.html
"“I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers’ house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress,” said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn. “[Palmer] identified [Obama] as her successor.” Obama and Palmer “were both there,” he said."
"Dr. Young described Obama and Ayers as “friends,” but there’s no evidence their relationship is more than the casual friendship of two men who occupy overlapping Chicago political circles and who served together on the board of a Chicago foundation." http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0208/8630.html
Originally Posted by Rylan

You also can't say what potentially might happen...
Obama's entire campaign is based on "Hope" and "Change", yet you're saying we can't say what potentially might happen? title="shrug" class="inlineimg" />
That said, let's look at history Rylan. If you want a President to blindly make decisions without using a framework of past experiences you're rolling some awfully big dice. Sorry; I for one want to learn from previous mistakes...
Originally Posted by Rylan
at this stage of the war... total regression is very possible with Iraq going back to complete chaos.
So I can't say what might happen, but you can? Even when it contradicts the Generals in charge of Iraq? That's fair.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rylan
Obama has also said he is looking to build and improve the military... It states this as part of his Issues on his campaign site.
"I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems
. And I will institute an independent "Defense Priorities Board" to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending..." Your Senator's own words... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o84PE871BE
Originally Posted by Rylan
Negotiating with our enemies and Foreign Policy is the same thing.. ... this is part of the problem with our foriegn policy... and that is why there is so much anti-America sentiment.
We disagree. I think our enmies should be shunned, isolated, and defeated militarily, economically, politically, and diplomatically.
Originally Posted by Rylan
I've also stated my feelings on taxes... Most people won't feel any tax increases... the tax increase would be for the most wealthy, whom many of these people are Obama supporters...
Wrong. " And the Bush tax cuts--people didn't need them, and they weren't even asking for them, and that's why they need to be less, so that we can pay for universal health care and other initiatives..." The last time I checked, the "Bush tax cuts" lowered everyones' taxes. I think it is fair, then, to say repealing said tax cuts will raise everyones' taxes, don't you? You can argue about those being just tax cuts for the wealthy, until you realize the "wealthy" to Obama is an income over $75,000 and an increase in the Capital Gains Tax affects everyone who owns retirement plans...
Originally Posted by Rylan

But we need more tax dollars...
No, we need to spend less. As has been shown repeatedly, lowering taxes increases revenue. A concept first noted by President (D) Kennedy.
Originally Posted by Rylan

we can't continue to spend $9-12 billion per month in Iraq...
Yet somehow we can spend that much on Universal Health Care?
br />
Originally Posted by Rylan
....the war hasn't made us safer...
You're right. Just the other day I was walking to work and saw a truck load of Al Qaeda driving down downtown Dallas... No, no, wait... Actually that was a media report of Al Qaeda being 9,000 miles away in Baghdad
Originally Posted by Rylan
why spend large sums of $ across the world and cut our services to pay for it? That doesn't make sense...
A simple little thing called the Constitution Rylan. It is not the Federal Government's job to build a safety net for you to lay in and sleep at night.
Originally Posted by Rylan

...and at the same time allow Iraq not to put any of their own dime towards the rebuilding
Oh please, that's a minefield and you know it. The second we let Iraq pay us a dime you and your friends would start pointing and jumping up and down like a bunch of crazed hippies screaming "See, we did it for the oil!!! It's all about the oil!!!"
Originally Posted by Rylan

... otherwise bye-bye Social Security and many of our other services.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Here's a big question I have...
Why on the same day that Petraeus is speaking about the war in Iraq... does the Bush Admin give the Medal of Honor to that soilder who sacrificed his life?
Does anyone see a problem with this?
It seems rather ironic that they chose to have it on the same day... which draws sympathy and patriotic feelings on the same day they are trying to justify the war... The family should be upset... we should all be upset... because this was deliberate... Think about it
This message brought to you directly from the dailykos....
Hey Rylan, when was the MoH ceremony planned? Did you bother to watch the President's presentation?
Sorry, even if it was planned, which it was not, I'd be all for it. About time we start reminding some of the worthless politicians on the left that their bickering, whining, second guessing, and cowardice is getting our soldiers killed. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/...reporting.html


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
What promises to special interest groups... I believe Obama's core message is to give the gov't back to the people...and to not run a campaign based on special interest... ....Reinstate the draft?
Do you honestly think Obama would do this... I think many of you GOP'ers have said it should be mandatory for all of us to spend 2 years in the military.. so this is a complete contradiction to what some have posted in just a few posts up. Obama has said he intends on strenghting our military. No one has said we are going into Darfur with our military.. though something needs to be done..(our hypocritical foreign policy currently won't allow us) If we continue to stretch our military thin as we have... we won't see our military increasing in #'s... Look at what has been done to get troops to enlist recently... We are giving them $40,000 to enlist .. they get this when they get out... 2/3 of Americans are against this war... when a reporter brought that up, Cheney laughed
and said SO. and smercked.
You are completely talking out of the side of your mouth...
Yet Obama himself ran a special interest PAC and used money from it to bribe Superdelegates... (Hope Fund)
Umm, military recruitment and retention is fine...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Gas prices have been going up since 2002... So you think Congress is responsible... what legislation have they passed to spark this increase? Don't be silly.. they have no control over gas.
Putting aside supply and demand;
The price of a barrel of oil is driven largely by speculators in the commodity market. The more we hear about "cutting and running" from Iraq, the more speculators will drive the price of oil up as they understand the regional significance of Iran dominating the Iraqi oil fields.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
..... You probably think Rev King Jr was a racist too, since he spoke about racial injustice.
I think the teachings Obama listens to and espouses run opposite of the teachings of MLK.... I can't imagine MLK sharing the views of Hamas, visiting Libya, saying statements like "typical white person" etc.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
"The articles appeared in a church bulletin section called the "Pastor's Page, "and include one that originally ran in The Los Angeles Times. That article was written by a senior official with Hamas
, which the U.S. government considers a terrorist organization http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/03/28/obama.pastor/
"''I don't regret setting bombs,'' Bill Ayers said. ''I feel we didn't do enough.'' Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970's as a fugitive in the Weather Underground..."
So how does the posting of an article suggest the two are tied together? What did the article say, and what was Wright's reponse? The way you guys are putting this info out... you make it sound as is Wright is sending donations to Hamas.
As far as Bill Ayers..quote the whole thing... " I feel we didn't do enough to stop the Vietnam war." - These were very hectic times in America, and many people involved in anti- war protests are patriotic americans who have prominent roles in today's society.... You can't suggest that Obama should be accused of having ties to events that happened 40 years ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I think the teachings Obama listens to and espouses run opposite of the teachings of MLK.... I can't imagine MLK sharing the views of Hamas, visiting Libya, saying statements like "typical white person" etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Putting aside supply and demand;
The price of a barrel of oil is driven largely by speculators in the commodity market. The more we hear about "cutting and running" from Iraq, the more speculators will drive the price of oil up as they understand the regional significance of Iran dominating the Iraqi oil fields.
The reason why oil is up is because I believe a similar thing is happening that happened in the 70's ... These oil producing countries are limiting the supply of oil and jacking up the prices to hurt our economy. Its genius because we can do nothing about it. We continue to export our oil, which is why our oil companies are seeing record profits.. they make more to export it... we have enough to meet our needs... This whole war is all to do about oil, and we are seeing the reprecutions. Want to punish the U.S... cut the oil.
Don't believe everything you read... If you take a minute to think about it.. you'll see what is going on.. This Middle Eastern war has been in the works since the 1940's.