Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
This message brought to you directly from the dailykos....
Hey Rylan, when was the MoH ceremony planned? Did you bother to watch the President's presentation?
Sorry, even if it was planned, which it was not, I'd be all for it. About time we start reminding some of the worthless politicians on the left that their bickering, whining, second guessing, and cowardice is getting our soldiers killed. http://www.usnews.com/articles/news/...reporting.html
It was planned... I heard the Prez was crying.. I'm not saying his response was planned... but dropping all this on the same day was. Lets use some not so common sense. We are being manipulated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
It was planned... I heard the Prez was crying.. I'm not saying his response was planned... but dropping all this on the same day was. Lets use some not so common sense. We are being manipulated.
You libs will connect all kind of random dots, but won't connect the ones that need to be connected.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So how does the posting of an article suggest the two are tied together? What did the article say, and what was Wright's reponse? The way you guys are putting this info out... you make it sound as is Wright is sending donations to Hamas.
As far as Bill Ayers..quote the whole thing... " I feel we didn't do enough to stop the Vietnam war." - These were very hectic times in America, and many people involved in anti- war protests are patriotic americans who have prominent roles in today's society.... You can't suggest that Obama should be accused of having ties to events that happened 40 years ago.
Rylan... please do a little research on your own. Google the "Weather Underground" and look at what they did to protest the war. Then look again at the fact that Ayers, Obama's friend, said on 9-11-2001... THEY BOMBED THE PENTAGON for instance.
Wright published the Hamas maifesto in his "Pastor's page". (http://www.bizzyblog.com/wp-images/T...lumn072207.jpg Here is a photo if it)
Does it really matter what the writings say once it is understood it comes from a Hamas spokesman??? Good grief Rylan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
The reason why oil is up is because I believe a similar thing is happening that happened in the 70's ... These oil producing countries are limiting the supply of oil and jacking up the prices to hurt our economy. Its genius because we can do nothing about it. We continue to export our oil, which is why our oil companies are seeing record profits.. they make more to export it... we have enough to meet our needs... This whole war is all to do about oil, and we are seeing the reprecutions. Want to punish the U.S... cut the oil.
Don't believe everything you read... If you take a minute to think about it.. you'll see what is going on.. This Middle Eastern war has been in the works since the 1940's.
I'm glad you think that... There is no proof of that whatsoever, but feel free to believe it as long as you want.
OPEC is producing near record levels of oil. Could they produce more? Sure. There is no embargo like the 70's, however.
Again; Feel free to ignore facts and believe whatever you want though.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
It was planned... I heard the Prez was crying.. I'm not saying his response was planned... but dropping all this on the same day was. Lets use some not so common sense. We are being manipulated.
I'll agree some of the posters on this thread
are being manipulated. Me personally? No.


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
"I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems. I will not weaponize space. I will slow our development of future combat systems
. And I will institute an independent "Defense Priorities Board" to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense Review is not used to justify unnecessary spending..." Your Senator's own words... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o84PE871BE
We disagree. I think our enmies should be shunned, isolated, and defeated militarily, economically, politically, and diplomatically.
Wrong. " And the Bush tax cuts--people didn't need them, and they weren't even asking for them, and that's why they need to be less, so that we can pay for universal health care and other initiatives..." The last time I checked, the "Bush tax cuts" lowered everyones' taxes. I think it is fair, then, to say repealing said tax cuts will raise everyones' taxes, don't you? You can argue about those being just tax cuts for the wealthy, until you realize the "wealthy" to Obama is an income over $75,000 and an increase in the Capital Gains Tax affects everyone who owns retirement plans...
No, we need to spend less. As has been shown repeatedly, lowering taxes increases revenue. A concept first noted by President (D) Kennedy.
Yet somehow we can spend that much on Universal Health Care?
You're right. Just the other day I was walking to work and saw a truck load of Al Qaeda driving down downtown Dallas... No, no, wait... Actually that was a media report of Al Qaeda being 9,000 miles away in Baghdad
A simple little thing called the Constitution Rylan. It is not the Federal Government's job to build a safety net for you to lay in and sleep at night.
Oh please, that's a minefield and you know it. The second we let Iraq pay us a dime you and your friends would start pointing and jumping up and down like a bunch of crazed hippies screaming "See, we did it for the oil!!! It's all about the oil!!!"
So you would rather build Iraq with your taxes instead of them using the $30 billion surplus in U.S accounts alone.. not to mention all the funds they have?
You rather do this than spend on domestic issues?
This is already about the oil.
Have you ever seen Al Qaeda in our streets? Come on lets keep this in an intellecutal level.
Even if we reduce spending... it will not get us out of this whole we are in. Do you want to continue borrowing from China and other nations? We have both a budget deficit and a national debt. So we operate in the red, and borrow from other nations.. So yes we have to spend better... but this doesn't solve the problem of social security and the debt... We may be able to eventually get our budget in line... but according to what you all want to do... it won't be enough unless we drastically cut all the services we give to our citizens... What you are proposing is to risk our citizens in the interest of fighting a war that doesn't make us safe, and to pay for services in Iraq...while neglecting our needs.

He is saying lets end wasteful spending in the military... nothing about reducing troops, and nothing about the need to improve the military.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Rylan... please do a little research on your own. Google the "Weather Underground" and look at what they did to protest the war. Then look again at the fact that Ayers, Obama's friend, said on 9-11-2001... THEY BOMBED THE PENTAGON for instance.
Wright published the Hamas maifesto in his "Pastor's page". (http://www.bizzyblog.com/wp-images/T...lumn072207.jpg Here is a photo if it)
Does it really matter what the writings say once it is understood it comes from a Hamas spokesman??? Good grief Rylan.
Yes it should matter what they say.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Have you ever seen Al Qaeda in our streets? Come on lets keep this in an intellecutal level.....
Nope. I have, however, seen them in Baghdad. That's my point. They are there and not here.
I'm more than willing to keep this at an "intellectual" level. Unfortunately you continue to spout out absurd dailykos talking points and ridiculous assumptions like "we're not any safer today".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Yes it should matter what they say.
So do you agree with what Hamas said on Obama's Pastor's letter?
So, based on your assumption that it should matter what they say and not who says it, would you be ok with Senator McCain attending a church that printed a letter from a spokesman of the KKK that defended the actions of the KKK?


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You libs will connect all kind of random dots, but won't connect the ones that need to be connected.
No its obvious that you will dismiss whatever facts show this Admin in a bad light... The majority of Americans are dissatisfied with the war and this admin, yet you feel that your are right.... and I'm sure you'll dismiss that 80% of Americans feel we are headed in the wrong direction..which will be a continuation if McCain is elected... The world will view it this way. The problem is you all don't want to look at the entire picture.. and you view this world and our U.S out of your own small limited perspective... Lets look at the total picture out of mulitple lenses.. Basically what you do on this site is the same the Bush Admin does, and what McCain will do... If McCain doesn't know about a subject or issue... he will ignore it...


Active Member
I have a question for Rylan
As I understand it obama was a member of his church for a while . He chooses to freely acknowlage his membership in this church for many years . All the time his pasor is promoting Ideals that dont exactly paint a picture of peace and harmony . Obama is fine with this up until it becomes an international news story . Then he says "I would have left the church had the pastor not retired " . So it was ok to attend a church that has radical fundamentalist ideals as long as nobody knew about it ? I am just wondering your take on the solidarity of his actions . As far as supporting a churchs beliefes untill they brought him under the gun and then he is cutting and running ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Nope. I have, however, seen them in Baghdad. That's my point. They are there and not here.
I'm more than willing to keep this at an "intellectual" level. Unfortunately you continue to spout out absurd dailykos talking points and ridiculous assumptions like "we're not any safer today".
We saw them in Afganistan first but put that on the back burner... We have seen them all over.. and even in our own backyard..


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
...If McCain doesn't know about a subject or issue... he will ignore it...
Said the guy that refuses to look up anything for himself and posts things that are factually entirely wrong.?!?
Rylan, look up some of these things we've talked about today. Read the Hamas letter. Read about oil exports. Read and watch the MoH ceremony...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We saw them in Afganistan first but put that on the back burner... We have seen them all over.. and even in our own backyard..
Sorry; The last time I checked NATO was in Afghanistan. Can you show me a link where we have withdrawn from afghanistan? I missed it.
Despite what Obama apparently does not know, Al Qaeda is in Iraq and we are fighting them there. That, by any stretch of the imagination, makes us safer here


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
I have a question for Rylan
As I understand it obama was a member of his church for a while . He chooses to freely acknowlage his membership in this church for many years . All the time his pasor is promoting Ideals that dont exactly paint a picture of peace and harmony . Obama is fine with this up until it becomes an international news story . Then he says "I would have left the church had the pastor not retired " . So it was ok to attend a church that has radical fundamentalist ideals as long as nobody knew about it ? I am just wondering your take on the solidarity of his actions . As far as supporting a churchs beliefes untill they brought him under the gun and then he is cutting and running ?
Many things are said in the black church... Many of the "radical" political ideas like desegregation began in the church... Black people are still frustrated about racism in America... this was an outlet... I don't think the message preached hate as you all may feel... Yes its controversial because "white america" (oh no, there is that word) has little knowledge about the black community and what goes on in the inner circles... The AIDS thing is heresay... but I don't have a problem with what he said... I don't think the pulpit maybe the best place to talk about these things, but much of what he said is true...America is ran by rich white men... Are justice system is still racially biased... and we are taking God out of Gov't... which sends a message to God we no longer need him... which is why he said God will d--- America if we continue on this course.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Many things are said in the black church... Many of the "radical" political ideas like desegregation began in the church... Black people are still frustrated about racism in America... this was an outlet... I don't think the message preached hate as you all may feel... Yes its controversial because "white america" (oh no, there is that word) has little knowledge about the black community and what goes on in the inner circles... The AIDS thing is heresay... but I don't have a problem with what he said... I don't think the pulpit maybe the best place to talk about these things, but much of what he said is true...America is ran by rich white men... Are justice system is still racially biased... and we are taking God out of Gov't... which sends a message to God we no longer need him... which is why he said God will d--- America if we continue on this course.
What God Rylan? Sorry, the "Rev" Wright's "god" is not the God of Christianity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Sorry; The last time I checked NATO was in Afghanistan. Can you show me a link where we have withdrawn from afghanistan? I missed it.
Despite what Obama apparently does not know, Al Qaeda is in Iraq and we are fighting them there. That, by any stretch of the imagination, makes us safer here
I never said we withdrew... some of you suggested Obama wants to pull out of both Iraq and Afganistan.. which is not true. We are not safer.. Keep in mind we've only been attack once... its hard to measure if we are safer or not based on one successful attack... There have other incidents after 911... with more to come according to Al Qaeda. We also fuel anti-american sentiments and recruitment by our very presence in that region. Believe it or not ... we are not safer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
What God Rylan? Sorry, the "Rev" Wright's "god" is not the God of Christianity.
Don't apologize to me... but he is a christian minister... Don't claim that you have a lock on God because you disagree with his message... As I remember his sermons are all bibically based. He believes in the Trinity, Death and Resurection of Jesus Christ, and that the path to God is through Jesus Christ.