Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
We are not safer.. Keep in mind we've only been attack once... its hard to measure if we are safer or not based on one successful attack... There have other incidents after 911... with more to come according to Al Qaeda. We also fuel anti-american sentiments and recruitment by our very presence in that region. Believe it or not ... we are not safer.
If it's so difficult to measure as you claim ...how can you state we are not safer?
Please list the incidents here on US soil since 9/11.


Active Member
Obama, or OBS (as in Oh Bull S----) as I have taken to refering to him as, is all talk. He has no serious legislative achievements. The only thing he has done to gain national attention is be a black guy that got elected to the US Senate. He was a creation of the Chicago political establishment. I know your not supposed to state the obvious about issues of race but a fact is a fact. If he was white he's just be known as a rookie senator from Illinois.


Active Member
The next excuse away tie.....
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Follow the Money: Pringle: The Chicago model of "community development"
The following was written by Evelyn Pringle, a columnist for OpEd News and an investigative journalist focused on exposing corruption in government and corporate America. Due to its length, Pringle's "Barack Obama—Operation Board Games for Slumlords" is being published in sections at RezkoWatch.
Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) "has a long history of working with Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and governors of Illinois, including the current Governor Rod Blagojevich, in doling government funding for housing development in Chicago. His history is hardly a model of success, except for the hundred of millions in profits made by the chosen few slumlords," Pringle wrote.
Less than a year ago, in the April 26, 2007, Chicago Sun-Times, Fran Spielman reported that Chicago aldermen were accusing the Daley administration "of being asleep at the switch while low-income housing projects developed by the now-indicted Tony Rezko collapsed into disrepair."
"The spigot of loans, grants and tax credits should have been cut off when the first of 30 taxpayer-supported Rezko buildings in Chicago fell into disrepair, the aldermen said," according to the report.
Instead, Spielman said, a "Sun-Times investigation showed that the city, state and federal governments kept the gravy train rolling -- to the tune of $100 million between 1989 and 1998."
The lending continued, the Times noted, even as the city repeatedly sued Rezko's development company, Rezmar, "for such basics as no heat."
"They were going after people for being slum landlords in one department and loaning them money in another," said Alderman Freddrenna Lyle.
Obama now wants to bring this dog and pony show to Washington. I can see it now. His former boss, Allison Davis, at the Davis, Miner & Barnhill law firm, that served as a hub for Rezko's thriving slumlord business for a decade before Davis quit and became partners with Rezko, will be appointed to head the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Davis and his partners, which include his sons Jared and Cullen, have received more than $100 million in taxpayer subsidies to build and rehab apartments and homes over the past 10 years and have made at least $4 million in development fees, according to the Times.
"Davis has gotten deal after deal from the mayor, helping to make Davis one of the city's top developers," Tim Novak noted in the [November 11, 2007] Sun-Times.
There's already a plan in place to guarantee that the Chicago model of "community development" is carried out in the White House. In his "Plan to Fight Poverty in America", Obama says, "we should create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund to develop affordable housing in mixed-income neighborhoods."


Active Member
The Plan will create a "White House Office of Urban Policy" to develop a strategy for metropolitan America, and Obama will appoint a Director of Urban Policy who will report directly to him, as president, to "coordinate all federal urban programs," the Plan states.
Mayor Daley will probably be hired for this gig. The Plan explains that Obama will task his new Director "to work across federal agencies and with community and business leaders to identify and address the unique economic development barriers of every major metropolitan area in the country."
While climbing the political ladder, Obama held himself out to be a champion of rights for minority-owned businesses. According to an article on Black Enterprize.com, "it is Obama's strong record when it comes to supporting minority-owned businesses that has black business leaders working overtime to send the 42-year-old congressman to Washington."
However, an example of the Chicago version of a minority-owned business is DV Urban Realty Partners, where Allison Davis, who is an African American millionaire many times over, owns 51%, and Robert Vanecko, Mayor Daley's nephew, owns 49%.
On July 18, 2007, Obama discussed his plan to deal with urban poverty in a speech at the Town Hall Education Arts and Recreation Center in Washington and started out by tugging the heart strings by invoking the name of Bobby Kennedy and stated:
"It's been four decades since Bobby Kennedy crouched in a shack along the Mississippi Delta and looked into the wide, listless eyes of a hungry child. Again and again he tried to talk to this child, but each time his efforts were met with only a blank stare of desperation.
"And when Kennedy turned to the reporters traveling with him, with tears in his eyes he asked a single question about poverty in America: 'How can a country like this allow it?'"
"Forty years later," Obama said, "we're still asking that question."
First of all, "Barack Obama you are no Robert Kennedy," and we're still asking the question because the careers of politicians like Obama are funded by a political mafia which has turned helping the poor into a cottage industry.
During his speech, Obama himself spelled out why low-income housing developers get away with funneling tax dollars through poor people in cities like Chicago without drawing any scrutiny, when he stated:
"These Americans cannot hire lobbyists to roam the halls of Congress on their behalf, and they cannot write thousand-dollar campaign checks to make their voices heard. They suffer most from a politics that has been tipped in favor of those with the most money, and influence, and power."
In Obama's case, a whole gang of slumlords in Illinois made their "voices heard" by writing campaign checks to fund his rise to fame. But as long as the focus of the slumlord allegations remains solely on a crook named Rezko, the other members of the gang will not get the credit they deserve.


Active Member
One fact is beyond dispute. Without the fundraising of his political Godfather, Rezko, Obama's rise to power would not have occurred. However, Rezko was not the pied piper of Hamlin who led Illinois politicians astray. It's the other way around. Without the cooperation of the corrupt government officials, Rezko would not have been able to fund their political campaigns.
In Illinois, favored politicians are joined at the hip when it comes to fundraising. For instance, from 1999 through 2006, an analysis by the Chicago Tribune shows Obama took in more than $1.5 million from some 700 people who also contributed to Mayor Daley during his political career.
A cursory review of Illinois campaign records shows Allison Davis and his family members giving close to $16,000 to Obama's presidential campaign. The Sun-Times reports that Davis has donated more than $400,000 to dozens of political campaigns, and the top beneficiaries include Mayor Daley, Blagojevich and Obama.
The truth about all the scams run by the political mafia operating in Illinois is only coming out now because of Rezko's corruption trial, and if the Democrats want to lose any chance of winning the White House, all they have to do is nominate Obama.
This case is only the first of what could be many to go to trial. Other criminal charges are pending against several people listed in the indictment, and civil lawsuits have been filed against many of the same people and are awaiting the outcome of the criminal cases.
If Obama had an ounce of respect for Democratic voters, he'd drop out of the race before the details of the corruption in Illinois spread to the rest of the country. If the leaders of the Democratic party had a lick of sense, they would inform Obama right now that under no circumstances will his name be on the ballot come fall.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Obama, or OBS (as in Oh Bull S----) as I have taken to refering to him as, is all talk. He has no serious legislative achievements. The only thing he has done to gain national attention is be a black guy that got elected to the US Senate. He was a creation of the Chicago political establishment. I know your not supposed to state the obvious about issues of race but a fact is a fact. If he was white he's just be known as a rookie senator from Illinois.
He has a record as a US Senator but that is all far left where the hate america gang is located. So.....his supporters simply state....check out his webpage....listen to his speech. His far left voting record precludes them from using the statment.."according to his record ".
Just like those claiming he gave some great speech on race...he only did so after he was smoked out of his pew. Prior the the Greatest Hits of Rev Wright hitting the news....the only race issues in the campaign you heard from Nobama was accusing others of using it for political gain.


Active Member
Answer my question:
Why NOT honor the sacrifice of the soldier who earned the MOH in a very public forum?
Are you that anti-military?


Active Member

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
"I will cut investments in unproven missile defense systems.
I will not weaponize space.... And I will institute an independent "Defense Priorities Board" to ensure that the Quadrennial Defense .... Your Senator's own words... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7o84PE871BE
* Controlling unnecessary spending for unproven technology is bad, how?
* I tried to explain to you, how the private sector and the government can project manage EVM and they can fund initial R&D dollars. However, that doesn't lend it's self to your position point, but doesn't change the facts of viability...
P.S. - That's a very good video you linked too

FAVORS IN FINE PRINT: Defense spending bill packed with $11.8B in earmarks.
I guess EARMARKs you and McCain are okay with?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
If it's so difficult to measure as you claim ...how can you state we are not safer?
Please list the incidents here on US soil since 9/11.
There have been people arrested for plotting attacks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Answer my question:
Why NOT honor the sacrifice of the soldier who earned the MOH in a very public forum?
Are you that anti-military?
No I am not, but to do it on this forum... takes away from what he did... They use him and his sacrifice to justify the war and to shield attention away from the lack of progress in Iraq. Yes, things are better... but the surge was not as successful as what they had hoped, it also doesn't take into account the cease fire and the role that insurgents have played in reducing the violence...as noted there has been another spike of violence and they are calling for more.
If you want to honor a soilder... do it in an honorable way... don't use him to further your cause.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
He has a record as a US Senator but that is all far left where the hate america gang is located. So.....his supporters simply state....check out his webpage....listen to his speech. His far left voting record precludes them from using the statment.."according to his record ".
Just like those claiming he gave some great speech on race...he only did so after he was smoked out of his pew. Prior the the Greatest Hits of Rev Wright hitting the news....the only race issues in the campaign you heard from Nobama was accusing others of using it for political gain.
You forget alot... the Clinton campaign raised issues of race first...Obama actually stayed out of conversation about race because he didn't want to be viewed as the black candidate... his campaign didn't start this... And in regards to his vote record... What is far left? Define that. The whole thing is stupid.
When you compare him and Clinton... Their vote record only differs by 2 votes..which is probably like 0.1- 0.5% difference. So this whole thing about him being the most left candidate is stupid .. You all get so caught up on things that don't matter.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
No I am not, but to do it on this forum... takes away from what he did... They use him and his sacrifice to justify the war and to shield attention away from the lack of progress in Iraq. Yes, things are better... but the surge was not as successful as what they had hoped, it also doesn't take into account the cease fire and the role that insurgents have played in reducing the violence...as noted there has been another spike of violence and they are calling for more.
If you want to honor a soilder... do it in an honorable way... don't use him to further your cause.
How do you know, were you involved in making the arrangements? I've worked a number of political campaigns and have a pretty good idea how to work the media. If I had wanted to use that as a PR stunt last thing I would have wanted to do is hold that MOH ceremony on the day Patreus was testfying. I would have done it the day before, it would have gotten a lot more airplay because it wouldn't have been competing with the hearings which got the lion's share of the coverage.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
One fact is beyond dispute. Without the fundraising of his political Godfather, Rezko, Obama's rise to power would not have occurred. However, Rezko was not the pied piper of Hamlin who led Illinois politicians astray. It's the other way around. Without the cooperation of the corrupt government officials, Rezko would not have been able to fund their political campaigns.
In Illinois, favored politicians are joined at the hip when it comes to fundraising. For instance, from 1999 through 2006, an analysis by the Chicago Tribune shows Obama took in more than $1.5 million from some 700 people who also contributed to Mayor Daley during his political career.
A cursory review of Illinois campaign records shows Allison Davis and his family members giving close to $16,000 to Obama's presidential campaign. The Sun-Times reports that Davis has donated more than $400,000 to dozens of political campaigns, and the top beneficiaries include Mayor Daley, Blagojevich and Obama.
The truth about all the scams run by the political mafia operating in Illinois is only coming out now because of Rezko's corruption trial, and if the Democrats want to lose any chance of winning the White House, all they have to do is nominate Obama.
This case is only the first of what could be many to go to trial. Other criminal charges are pending against several people listed in the indictment, and civil lawsuits have been filed against many of the same people and are awaiting the outcome of the criminal cases.
If Obama had an ounce of respect for Democratic voters, he'd drop out of the race before the details of the corruption in Illinois spread to the rest of the country. If the leaders of the Democratic party had a lick of sense, they would inform Obama right now that under no circumstances will his name be on the ballot come fall.

So this makes him corrupt? Because someone donates to his campaign. McCain has a many questionable campaign donations in his past including ones from his wife and their family that was over the allowed amount, which were than considered loans that he didn't pay back... not to mention the Keating 5. And what about Clinton? She and her husband have a long history of this as well. I think its you that is missing a " lick of sense" because as you mention these guys gave to everybody, and you ignore your own candidate's past and questionable contributions.
Now with Clinton... it has been report that Pres Clinton may have ties to Dubai, and that he has advocated/consulted for them through a third party and was paid something like $20 million. His payment was structured to appear as investment earnings..but the round #'s make it seem as if they are payment for services.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
How do you know, were you involved in making the arrangements? I've worked a number of political campaigns and have a pretty good idea how to work the media. If I had wanted to use that as a PR stunt last thing I would have wanted to do is hold that MOH ceremony on the day Patreus was testfying. I would have done it the day before, it would have gotten a lot more airplay because it wouldn't have been competing with the hearings which got the lion's share of the coverage.
How do you know?
You can't see what is obvious?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
How do you know?
You can't see what is obvious?

Thats what I said, how do you know? It's obvious to many that Obama is an anti American racist. Does that mean they are right?

Back when Clinton was dealing with the Monica thing there was not one but two military strikes that just happened to be timmed to look like he used them to divert attention from his testamony and the hearings. It made for an interesting topic of conversation but as low opinion as I held for Clinton I didn't and don't believe that was anything but lucky timing for him. Not because I don't think he wouldn't have liked to but because he was smart enough to know if some low level pion in the know ever talked he would have been driven from office inside a week.
Things aren't always as they seem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Thats what I said, how do you know? It's obvious to many that Obama is an anti American racist. Does that mean they are right?

Back when Clinton was dealing with the Monica thing there was not one but two military strikes that just happened to be timmed to look like he used them to divert attention from his testamony and the hearings. It made for an interesting topic of conversation but as low opinion as I held for Clinton I didn't and don't believe that was anything but lucky timing for him. Not because I don't think he wouldn't have liked to but because he was smart enough to know if some low level pion in the know ever talked he would have been driven from office inside a week.
Things aren't always as they seem.
You seem to believe they are based on all your comments.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
So this makes him corrupt? Because someone donates to his campaign. McCain has a many questionable campaign donations in his past including ones from his wife and their family that was over the allowed amount, which were than considered loans that he didn't pay back... not to mention the Keating 5. And what about Clinton? She and her husband have a long history of this as well. I think its you that is missing a " lick of sense" because as you mention these guys gave to everybody, and you ignore your own candidate's past and questionable contributions.
Now with Clinton... it has been report that Pres Clinton may have ties to Dubai, and that he has advocated/consulted for them through a third party and was paid something like $20 million. His payment was structured to appear as investment earnings..but the round #'s make it seem as if they are payment for services.

You can stop bringing up the Keating five. we have provided proof from a democrat on the panel for that investigation stating McCain should not have been in that investigation....
as for questionable donations...links or stories please.


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Originally Posted by zman1
War Is a Racket
Just more liberal drivel now you link to a guy arguing that we caused the Japs to attack up with war games 4 years before before they attacked us. The next thing you'll hear is that WWII is our fault because we were shipping supplies to the Brits during 1938 and 1939. I do like the conspiracy theory saying that arms people start wars to turn a profit. Maybe we could find some stuff sayin that Boing, McDonald, Douglass, Northop, Grumman, Pratt Whitney and Rolls Royce got together to start the war so they could make airplanes and steal the Germans technology after WWII.


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Originally Posted by stdreb27
Just more liberal drivel now you link to a guy arguing that we caused the Japs to attack ...... I do like the conspiracy theory saying that arms people start wars to turn a profit.
Lack of true leadership resulted in the attack from the Japanese side.
In July 1941, the Imperial Japanese Navy informed Hirohito its reserve bunker oil would be exhausted within two years if a new source was not found.
Prime Minister Konoe argued for more negotiations and possible concessions to avert war. Military leaders
(e.g. Hideki Tojo, Sugiyama, and IJN Chief of Staff Fleet Admiral Osami Nagano) argued time had run out and that additional negotiations would be pointless
. They urged swift military actions against all American and European colonies in Southeast Asia and Hawaii
. Tojo argued yielding to the American demand to withdraw troops would wipe out all the fruits of the Second Sino-Japanese war, depress Army morale, endanger Manchukuo and jeopardize control of Korea and so argued that doing nothing was the same as defeat and loss of national pride
The conspiracy drivel comes from the far right wing... All I was doing, was sharing a 2 time Medal of Honor recipient and 33 year Marine veteran's point of view on war. Sorry that you feel offended...
You still have a chance to join the military and serve your country, maybe you could receive one yourself....