Obama supporters. I have one question


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
I love this, accusing the other side of attempting to destroy others while continuing your clearly admitted to misnomer of McCainBush.

It's good that you recognize the tactic... Remember, I have supported republicans before, it is a difficult tactic to change for me too. We could ALL try to change together. Maybe Journey, Scooby and Reef could join us too, what do you think?


Active Member
I just watched a Wright video - Scooby may have a point on the connection with Wright.
Search Youtube for "Rev. Jeremiah Wright, John McCain & Bill O'Reilly" Seems they all agree on who runs the country....


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Originally Posted by zman1
It's good that you recognize the tactic... Remember, I have supported republicans before, it is a difficult tactic to change for me too. We could ALL try to change together. Maybe Journey, Scooby and Reef could join us too, what do you think?
So you learned it from republicans? man, you are a hoot!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
From the National Perspective
NObama ranks in the top ten the nation's most corrupt politicians for 2007..Billary is #1
by Jim Kouri - The maverick attorneys at Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, recently released their list of Washington DC's “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians of 2007.” The list being circulated in alphabetical order includes several presidential candidates such as Hillary Clinton, Rudy Guiliani and Barack Obama. The list also includes leaders from both major political parties.
1. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY): In addition to her long and sordid ethics record, Senator Hillary Clinton took a lot of heat in 2007 -- and rightly so -- for blocking the release her official White House records. Many suspect these records contain a treasure trove of information related to her role in a number of serious Clinton-era scandals. Moreover, in March 2007, Judicial Watch filed an ethics complaint against Senator Clinton for filing false financial disclosure forms with the U.S. Senate (again). And Hillary’s top campaign contributor, Norman Hsu, was exposed as a felon and a fugitive from justice in 2007. Hsu pleaded guilt to one count of grand theft for defrauding investors as part of a multi-million dollar Ponzi scheme.
8. Senator Barack Obama (D-IL): A “Dishonorable Mention” last year, Senator Obama moves onto the “ten most wanted” list in 2007. In 2006, it was discovered that Obama was involved in a suspicious real estate deal with an indicted political fundraiser, Antoin “Tony” Rezko. In 2007, more reports surfaced of deeper and suspicious business and political connections It was reported that just two months after he joined the Senate, Obama purchased $50,000 worth of stock in speculative companies whose major investors were his biggest campaign contributors. One of the companies was a biotech concern that benefited from legislation Obama pushed just two weeks after the senator purchased $5,000 of the company’s shares. Obama was also nabbed conducting campaign business in his Senate office, a violation of federal law.
It would seem this is purely political propoganda... Is 1-10 all democrats? How can you say someone is corrupt and they haven't even commited a crime... You have to do better than this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
*Interesting that McAin was at the MLK remembrance ceremony. Where was Obama?
*McCain will spend more than Obama????
*GOP Hate Machine?
*No matter how many votes McCain misses, I've yet to hear him say, MULTIPLE times, "Wait, I didn't meant to vote like that" after the vote count is done, like Obama in the Il. Senate...
*I've yet to see McCain hire an apparent apologist for Hamas to be one of his advisors.
Purely political... McCain will do nothing to continue the legacy of King while in office... The only reason why Clinton and McCain where there, was so that they wouldn't loose votes... neither of them are going to gain anything out of it.. McCain fougnt against a MLK day in AZ... Said he wasn't aware of his legacy... This is for a man who would have been in his thirties at that time... Perhaps the only way to explain it is if he was in the POW camp at that time... but he should still have known..


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Originally Posted by Jmick
I'd love to be in the same room with you when "NObama" becomes our next president...your hatred for the man is rather impressive.
Anyone can do enough research on the web and cut and paste damning allegations and stories on McCain, Obama or Clinton, nothing you've provided is earth moving or surprising.
Due to the very weak candidate the GOP is bringing to the party this go around I can't wait to see what the GOP's hate machine starts to spit out against the democratic candidate, it should be very creative and largely made up. I hope the democratic candidate plays hardball, McCain will be easy pickings.
Couple of things about McCain:
Wasn't he part of the Keating Five...huge corruption scandal
Didn't he vote against MLK getting a national holiday (was he against the man or civil rights)?
Who's Vicki Iseman?
Exactly, these guys try to dig up so much info... All three candidates can be linked to allegations involving scandal ... Obama has already been cleared showing no involement or knowledge of Rezko... We all know about Clinton and their ties... As far as McCain... the Keating 5, and you can look at his career ... He got $ from his wife's family to finance his campaign.. when it became clear it was against the rules.. he was to pay it back...which he only did a small %... His wife's company and associates have been the biggest supporters of his campaigns... He votes either against or no votes on issues involving alchohol... He also has an organization he founded that recieves donations from corporate intrests...
Point is ,this is politics and everybody has possibably come into contact with shady figures that want their influence.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Voting for the bill before you voted against it is a flip flop. An election year conversion is a flip flop. Look at the video of McCain. The second Lieberman told him he said Al Qeada Mc Cain caught it and corrected himself. Kinda lame to try and equate that to Kerry's flip flop.
Lets not ignore the facts... McCain has flip floped on the major issues regarding immigration and taxes. There are probably more I am missing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
He states in his book you must vote yes or no on bills....and then does the opposite 130 times. So, the point I am making is that he says one thing...but his record indicates another. Much like his campaign mantra is contrary to his record.
You do not have to agree with the position I have...but you seem to have some trouble understanding the point I am making.
I thought it was explicit enough...but perhaps not.
McCain has missed more votes than any other Senator this year.... If you are going to hold one candidate to a standard... you have to hold the other to the same standard... all you Obama haters conveniently forget to do this.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
A lot of video links -
General Colin Powell retired, former Secretary of State - hasn't endorsed Obama - sounds familar though
McCain past Foreign Policy
Public display of McCain leadership
Another public display of McCain leadership and knowledge
Iran - Strategic interest in the Middle East
War President from a senior advisor to three American presidents, Nixon, Ford and Reagan
John McCain Gets Owned on Meet The Press
I wonder what would happen if Powell endores Obama?
I think the video with Tavis Smiley is better...
But to my question would you McCain supporters give more credibility to Obama's presidency? ...-or-
Would you play the race card and say it is because they are both black, is the reason for Powell's endorsement?
Any other responses besides these two, feel free to post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
If you are going to hold one candidate to a standard... you have to hold the other to the same standard...
You mean holding accountable a candidate when he negatively stereotyping a different race as a typical white person when she says a few racial slurs?
What does that mean? Is he saying that typically white people are racist? Sounding more and more like his pastor every day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You mean holding accountable a candidate when he negatively stereotyping a different race as a typical white person when she says a few racial slurs?
What does that mean? Is he saying that typically white people are racist? Sounding more and more like his pastor every day.
My take on it is that it is a generational thing and most white people his grandmothers age are more likely to hold negative opinions on minorities.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
My take on it is that it is a generational thing and most white people his grandmothers age are more likely to hold negative opinions on minorities.
Which is fine, if it is ok for a white person to say black people with a poor upbringing are more likely to be criminals.


Active Member
First Wright, now another Obama buddy ,Bill Ayers, the man who wrote in the NY Times on 9/11/01 that he "didn't do enough" bombing to stop the Viet Nam war. Ayers was (is) a member of the terrorist organization "Weather underground" and has served on boards and spoken on college campi with Obama.
With friend like this......
Some other interesting data:
Military losses, 1980 through 2006 (http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RL32492.pdf)
As tragic as the loss of any member of the US Armed Forces is,
consider the following statistics: The annual fatalities of military members while actively serving in
the armed forces from 1980 through 2006:
1980 ............. 2,392 (Carter Year)
1981 ............. 2,380 (Reagan Year)
1984 ............. 1,999 (Reagan Year)
1988 ............. 1,819 (Reagan Year)
1989 ............ 1,636 (George H W Year)
1990 ............ 1,508 (George H W Year)
1991 ............ 1,787 (George H W Year)
1992 ............ 1,293 (George H W Year)
1993 ............. 1,213 (Clinton Year)
1994 ............. 1,075 (Clinton Year)
1995 ............. 2,465 (Clinton Year)
1996 ............. 2,318 (Clinton Year)
1997 ................ 817 (Clinton Year)
1998 ............. 2,252 (Clinton Year)
1999 ............. 1,984 (Clinton Year)
2000 ..............1,983 (Clinton Year)
2001 ................ 890 (George W Year)
2002 ............. 1,007 (George W Year)
2003 .............. 1,410 (George W Year)
2004 .............. 1,887 (George W Year)
2005 ................ 919 (George W Year)
2006................. 920 (George W Year)
2007..................899 (George W Year)
Clinton years (1993-2000): 14,107 deaths
George W years (2001-2007): 7,932 deaths
If you are surprised when you look at these figures, so was I.
These figures mean that the loss from the two latest conflicts
in the Middle East are LESS than the loss of military personnel
during Bill Clinton's presidency; when America wasn't even
involved in a war!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Lets not ignore the facts... McCain has flip floped on the major issues regarding immigration and taxes. There are probably more I am missing.
He has? Quite reading the left wing blogs and go to the horses mouth
Tax cuts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F1IuoR-o24
Immigration http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8WNu...eature=related
He says he was right to vote against the Bush tax cuts. He just has sense enough to know what will happen if the tax cuts are repealed.
On immigration he says he thinks the plan was rejected because the people don't believe the border will be secured. He now wants to do the border first and then go for the guest worker programs and such. You call that a flip flop? I call it learning from experience.
Is Obama still for giving drivers licenses to illegals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
McCain has missed more votes than any other Senator this year.... If you are going to hold one candidate to a standard... you have to hold the other to the same standard... all you Obama haters conveniently forget to do this.
Obama has a history of missing vote in non campaign years. All of them who run for office miss a lot of votes. I think their pay should be based on the same percentage as votes they attend.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I wonder what would happen if Powell endores Obama?
I think the video with Tavis Smiley is better...
But to my question would you McCain supporters give more credibility to Obama's presidency? ...-or-
Would you play the race card and say it is because they are both black, is the reason for Powell's endorsement?
Any other responses besides these two, feel free to post.
If Powell agreed to serve as Secretary of Defense for Obama it would make a difference. Obama has no foriegn policy experience and Powell's endorsement couldn't change that. Still wouldn't vote for him not being a socialist and all.


Active Member

Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Military losses, 1980 through 2006 (http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RL32492.pdf)
If you are surprised when you look at these figures, so was I.

These figures mean that the loss from the two latest conflicts
in the Middle East are LESS than the loss of military personnel
during Bill Clinton's presidency; when America wasn't even
involved in a war!
I was as well. However, I actually looked at the link you provided and the Armytimes link and found this information on both sites about your posted information.

spam e-mail making the rounds in the military community serves as a reminder that facts can be flexible when they are launched anonymously into the vast void of cyberspace
The e-mail, entitled, “Some very interesting statistics: Military losses, 1980 through 2006,” states that more U.S. service members died on active duty during the eight years of the Clinton administration, when there were no major U.S. military conflicts, than in the first six years of the George W. Bush administration, during which the military was fighting two large-scale wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
There’s just one problem: The figures listed in the email are wrong. They vary markedly from the figures published in the cited CRS source document.
According to the e-mail, slightly more than 14,000 U.S. active-duty military deaths occurred from 1993 to 2000 during the eight years of the Clinton administration, compared to 7,932 deaths from 2001 through 2006 under President Bush.

See table 4 in the CRS document
Table 4. U.S. Active Duty Military Deaths, 1980 Through 2006,
Part I, Total Military Personnel
(Part 2 breaks down the cause, the next page CRS-8)
I first became suspicious when years 82, 83, 85, 86, and 87 were missing from your data.....
It's despicable that people would lie and play with the numbers of our fallen brave men and women of our country...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Exactly, these guys try to dig up so much info... All three candidates can be linked to allegations involving scandal ... Obama has already been cleared showing no involement or knowledge of Rezko... We all know about Clinton and their ties... As far as McCain... the Keating 5, and you can look at his career ... He got $ from his wife's family to finance his campaign.. when it became clear it was against the rules.. he was to pay it back...which he only did a small %... His wife's company and associates have been the biggest supporters of his campaigns... He votes either against or no votes on issues involving alchohol... He also has an organization he founded that recieves donations from corporate intrests...
Point is ,this is politics and everybody has possibably come into contact with shady figures that want their influence.
Obama has NOT been cleared in the Resko scandal, nor has his ties to Hamas or the Weather Underground been investigated yet.
McCain was cleared, by a Democratic prosecutor, in regards to Keating...