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  1. shadow puppet


    Sorry Hunter, couldn't find any located in Katy..
  2. shadow puppet


    Sure, I'll look for you
  3. shadow puppet

    Skillet Fish

    I got the skillet fish over at Fish Ranch, over on Larkwood, between bellaire and hillcroft.. I don't think it was that bad of a price, but I got it for $16. It is a VERY intresting looking fish, that's one of the things that drew it to me.. The guy that I asked about it said that they get them...
  4. shadow puppet


    No, sorry I don't know them.. I'm really from Houston, and have only lived out here in katy for a year now.
  5. shadow puppet

    Skillet Fish

    Sounds like it might be a good addition to my tank.. I don't have anything small enough that it might go after, so I guess I'll see how it does. From the article it seems to be a fairly hardy little fish..
  6. shadow puppet

    Skillet Fish

    LOL.. Well it looks like a freshwater Pleco.. I found the name of it on another site the scientific name is Gobiesox strumosus Anyone know anything about them?
  7. shadow puppet

    Skillet Fish

    LOL.. Well it looks like a freshwater Pleco.. I found the name of it on another site the scientific name is Gobiesox strumosus Anyone know anything about them?
  8. shadow puppet

    Skillet Fish

    Today I saw a fish at the LFS that they told me was a skillet fish, and that it would eat algae. I'd like to know if anyone can give me anymore information on it.. How big it gets, what it really eats, etc, before I consider purchasing it. Since I have never seen one before, nor have I ever...
  9. shadow puppet

    Possible hermit killers

    Well, recently I've found a couple hermit crab shells in my tank, that have holes in them, and was wondering if anyone might know what could have done this? The shells looked like they were already well bleached, pale white etc... Also I had some wavy looking worms on my live rock, and they are...
  10. shadow puppet

    Tahitian Moon

    I have the tahitian moon sand, mixed with a ba of white, and a bag of live sand. When the tank was set up, we poured the white, on top of the black, and now most of it has gotten well mixed. It looks fairly good, In my opinion.
  11. shadow puppet

    dottybacks and royal gramma

    Will a royal gramma be alright with a diadem dottyback? Or would they fight?
  12. shadow puppet

    what kind of fish did i see?

    Probably a long horned cow fish, I believe. One of the types of box fishes available out there. I'd never have one, since they can kill your whole tank, if they get too nervous, or die, etc.. Just not worth the worry, in my opinion.
  13. shadow puppet


    I most likely wont get both, now. Don't really want to have too much aggression, and since I only have a 65 gallon, and so far, only 16 lbs of LR, there probably aren't quite enough hiding places..
  14. shadow puppet


    Thanks, that's what I wanted to know, if one would pick on the other.
  15. shadow puppet

    all help appreciated...

    It sounds like brown algae or diatoms to me.. I believe it is normal, but maybe others with more knowledge can answer.
  16. shadow puppet


    I'd like to get a lawnmower blennie, and a bi-color blennie, but I'd like to know if the two of them would get along? or would they chase one another. I know blennies are aggressive towards similiar looking blennies, but are these two different enough?
  17. shadow puppet


    No, I don't have any damsels, I'm cycling fishless.. I've been changing water in and out for the last 2 weeks that I've had the tank running.. I've gotten the salinity down quite a bit, but not to an acceptable level yet... It started at over 1.030, so I don't know what the exact reading was...
  18. shadow puppet


    thanks everyone
  19. shadow puppet


    Hmm, probably better to get scrapers for now then.
  20. shadow puppet


    I am still trying to get my salinity down, while my tank is cyling, but am starting to get brown algae, and was wondering if snails would be ok in a salinty of 1.028?