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  1. bwild

    Lemonpeel in Hypo Dying

    In this case I was including it in a water change. The salinity had been lowered to 1.009a few weeks ago. That is the reason for the question on freshwater. I did not realize that the PH number for each increment was that drastic. I have done hypo successfully on all of my fish. My mistake...
  2. bwild

    Lemonpeel in Hypo Dying

    How low is still considered safe in hypo. When you say freshwater do you mean before mixing with salt? Are angels more sensitive to PH than tangs or just luck of the draw in this case? Thank you Beth!
  3. bwild

    Lemonpeel in Hypo Dying

    He died last night. They are in Qt because they are new fish before going to DT. I dosed with Kents to raise PH as it was low due to hypo. I dosed per directions but diluted into 15 gallons that I used to do a water change after mixing for 24 hours. The product said it would not raise beyond...
  4. bwild

    Lemonpeel in Hypo Dying

    Hello, I have a Lemonpeel Angel (5 inches) that has been in Hypo for 4 weeks in a 75 gallon QT. He has not had any issues or sign of disease while in hypo. He was normal this morning when I got home he was swimming in a circle not in contol of himself. There are 2 other fish in hypo (tusk and...
  5. bwild

    Which fish next?

    I have a 210 gallon tank with emperor (juv) dogface puffer (small) blue jaw trigger kole tang maroon clown w/anemone 2 gobies I am looking for something that pops. Once the emperor changes I will have more color and I would not be against getting rid of the puffer or trigger as I inherited...
  6. bwild

    awesome 220 reef tank MN

    How much for the rock, skimmer and MH lights. I live 2.5 hours from you. Thanks!
  7. bwild

    Iwaki Pupmp Noisy

    Hello, I have an Iwaki 100RLT pump and it is installed for my return. The fan or air noise is too loud. Do I need a different pump or is there a way to stiffle the noise without burning up the pump? Thanks!
  8. bwild

    My pH is low, I keep adding "buffer"

    I am a newbie and have fish is hypo, my PH is low. In Beth's disease post it says to be ready with buffer. What am I supposed to buffer with? Thanks!
  9. bwild

    3 x 175 or 3 x 250 MH Lighting for 210Gallon

    I have seen seen some good VHO setups from ARO but it seems MH is much higher $ than the catalina. Is the quality of ARO better?
  10. bwild

    3 x 175 or 3 x 250 MH Lighting for 210Gallon

    Would 3 x 400 require a chiller? Are HQI better than the other bulbs?
  11. bwild

    3 x 175 or 3 x 250 MH Lighting for 210Gallon

    My tank is 28" deep.
  12. bwild

    3 x 175 or 3 x 250 MH Lighting for 210Gallon

    Hi, This is my first post. I am looking at doing a retrofit up from PC's to MH. Which would be better, 3 x 175, 3 x 250 or something else. I plan to use the PC for actinics. I was looking at the catalina retros. Right now I am FOWLR but would like to add an anemone in the future. Any...