Search results

  1. phild

    i want another fish

    I have a 6 line with two percs, a flame angel, and a foxface, and he is doing great. They are very colorful fish and he is pretty active. He is the favorite fish of practically everyone because of his color. They are smallish, but make up for it with personality. I have had no issues with him...
  2. phild

    Can I support anything? (lighting question)

    I am in the process of setting up my reef, and I was wondering if I would be able to support any life with my current setup. I am going to be upgrading to either MH lights or hqi pendants, but it since it is an expensive upgrade, it will take a while. So, in the meantime, I would like to get my...
  3. phild

    new snails

    I got four mexican turbos a couple of weeks ago and I went through the same thing you are going through. To make a long story short, my guys were dead (and extremely stinky.) I tried to move mine to the LR as well, with no results. How did you acclimate them? I floated them for a while, and...
  4. phild

    uv for alge control?

    I have been using a UV since I started with aquariums (6 years fresh water, and 7 months salt) and although it does help to stop water borne algea, it is going to little or nothing for your glass algea. Mr. Salty is right (like always), get a good scrapper or magnet and some snails to help out.
  5. phild

    Question about compatibility

    I do not own a puffer, but not because I do not want one. I just wanted a setup that would allow some crustaceans and a puffer would not fit into that mix. The panther puffer is really great looking fish, but unfortunatley, it looks like your shrimps are going to be an expensive snack for this guy.
  6. phild

    Tang, angel, both?

    Currently I have a foxface, 2 percs, a 6 line wrass, and two 3 stripe damsels in my 90gal. I am going to get rid of the damsels as soon as I can round them up. I am getting ready to add another fish, but I am not sure what yet. I really like tangs and dwarf angels (not too picky yet, still...
  7. phild

    How long?

    It will take a few more days before you start to see something. Don't worry about testing every day or you are going to drive yourself crazy. Waiting for a tank to cycle is always hard, but it is well worth it if you take your time. On my 90 gal, it took about a week before the cycle started...
  8. phild

    Foxface question

    I have a yellow one. He is a great fish, that is why I was worried about him. He has really warmed up a great deal to me, but I think that he does not have that much of a choice because my face is always pressed up against the glass ;) They are definately great looking fish.
  9. phild

    Foxface question

    In my 90 gal FOWLR bow, I have a foxface (about 3-4 inches), two percs, two three stripe damsels, and a 6 line wrass. I also have a few crabs. The question I have is the foxface is always hanging around up by the overflow behind the return flow. He also has a couple of knicks out of his tail...
  10. phild

    6 line wrasse

    I have a six line and he is definately a good fish. He is really calm, however, he is able to fend off the two damsells I have without any issues. I have a FOWLR, but I read they are reef safe. My guy comes out of the rock a lot and swims the entire tank. (90gal). The color is great as...
  11. phild

    Help it grow?

    Is there anything I can do to help increase the growth of coraline algea on my rock? My FOWLR tank just completed cycling a month or so ago and the algea has started to appear on the rock along with a couple of (what appear to be) sponges. I currently am using a single 10k light, (with blue...
  12. phild

    MO fish vs. LFS fish

    I just recently had a great experience with ordering live rock. The question I have is has anyone had any recent experiences good or bad with ordering fish online. I know that fish are shipped to the lfs, but are they shipped the same? I have a great lfs near me, but I can cut their prices...
  13. phild

    Powerheads...your choice???

    I have a 90 gal bow that currently only has the sump return for flow. I have it split off with a Y. I am looking into getting a powerhead, but I am not exactly sure what flowrate or brand I should be looking into. I have a FOWLR. Any help? Ideas? Suggestions? Thanks! Phil
  14. phild

    Getting some live rock...LFS vs. MO

    JamesP - where did you get that from? (email is fine... ) How does it look? Nice colors? I assume it is not cured. Any creatures?
  15. phild

    Getting some live rock...LFS vs. MO

    I looked checked out your recommendations, and I found that I can get it much cheaper uncured, however, I really wanted to get cured rock because of the relitive lack of a cycle that goes along with it. Is it really worth it to get cured rock? How many of those out there ordered LR online and...
  16. phild

    Getting some live rock...LFS vs. MO

    I am finally going to be getting some more live rock. The question I have is where to order it from... I found several online things that look pretty good (all 45lbs, cured, figi, delivered overnight) $222.75, $277, and $247. Or, I can pickup 45lbs of the uncured figi or tonga at my LFS for...
  17. phild

    Clown Trigger

    Clown Triggers are definately great looking fish. The only thing is they really need a big tank. (140gal). Check out the online stores. I know that you can get them a lot cheaper than $135 (depending on size of course.) Check out <a href=""...
  18. phild

    LFS guy says...What do you think?

    My water readings are fine (well, at least for the stuff I test for, I do not have a copper test.) pH - 8.2 trites - 0 trates - 0 ammonia - 0. I have been searching for water test results from my water co. but cannot find any yet. The people I called at the water co. were beyond clueless...
  19. phild

    LFS guy says...What do you think?

    I just left the LFS and was wondering if the info I got is correct... The cycle in my tank just completed, and I was shopping for some inverts (clean-up crew). Anyway, the LFS guy recommended that I do not add ANY inverts because of the fact I am using tap water for my tank. He said that the...
  20. phild

    New to this and need some good advice!

    Not that I am an expert, but it sounds like you are doing ok. (Shrimp would be better than the damsels, but I know I made that same mistake listening to the lfs.) Are you using live rock as well? The algea you are seeing (diatoms) is a good thing I am told, as it shows your tank is doing...