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  1. flip_floppin

    id please

    Thanks, im kind of new to salt but now that you mention it it does look like aiptasia. I googled it, i guess i'll remove the whole rock, its a small piece anyway. Thanks a bunch. Tim
  2. flip_floppin

    id please

    Could someone try to identify this guy. Is it some kind of duster or anemone?? It has tube like arms but the base it tube like, similiar to a duster. When its disturbed it retracts like a duster as well. If I need better pics let me know. Thanks for taking the time. Tim
  3. flip_floppin

    Anenome dying? Help!!

    I noticed mine looking shrunk down and the next day it was fine. The man i bought mine from told me they are like 90 some% water and do this to flush their system. Anyone heard this or does it sound like doo doo? Tim
  4. flip_floppin

    reef temps?

    Thanks for the info, mine has been staying between 80.4 and 80.8 Tim
  5. flip_floppin

    reef temps?

    Thanks guys!
  6. flip_floppin

    reef temps?

    Thanks SpiderWoman! I greatly appreciate that. I keep scorps and T's...I'm assuming you do as well?
  7. flip_floppin

    reef temps?

    Hey everyone, fantastic site! I'm sorry, i know this has been asked a zillion times. I have searched here and asked the question at various Marine shops. I seem to come up with various answers. I set up a 24 g bio cube two days ago. Lights off, and the temp stays at 81. I keep the thermostat for...