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  1. smokingreefer

    1.026 too high??

    1.026 is perfect. natural seawater is 1.026.
  2. smokingreefer

    My new reef tank

    Did you still want to see the sump design? Sorry it took me a while to respond.
  3. smokingreefer

    My new reef tank

    Attachment 217648 Attachment 217649
  4. smokingreefer

    My new reef tank

    Attachment 217641 Attachment 217644 Attachment 217643 Attachment 217642
  5. smokingreefer

    My new reef tank

    Tank Updates!
  6. smokingreefer

    Adequate Light for sps?

    you need to stop focusing on watts per gallon and focus on quality lighting.
  7. smokingreefer

    Any idea what this is?

    +1 on barnacle
  8. smokingreefer

    New ORAs!!

    I want a pearlberry piece!
  9. smokingreefer

    My new reef tank

    The sump is a 29 gallon. I built it myself.
  10. smokingreefer

    My new reef tank

    I'll get some pics of my sump tonight
  11. smokingreefer

    My new reef tank

    here are a couple updated pics - bad ones.. mh only Attachment 215216 t5 supplements Attachment 215215
  12. smokingreefer


    did you really spell equipment twice with a t?
  13. smokingreefer

    I'm Cycling a 150 Gallon Tank Help I'm new

    Originally Posted by Rotarymagic Get the alkalinity up.. it might be killing stuff being that low!!! If he's talking about alkalinity, it's fine. If it is the DKH it's low.
  14. smokingreefer

    How To Go About Selling A Fish Tank?

    Originally Posted by nwdyr Are all the new people in the witness relocation program? why....especially if you are selling something ,would you not say where you are from Just a thought It was never said that the tank was for sale in this thread. If someone really wants to know where someone...
  15. smokingreefer

    SPS Pics for the New Section :)

    very nice!
  16. smokingreefer

    Never switing salts again!!!!!

    I wait atleast 24hrs before I even think about putting newly mixed saltwater in. I also use oceanic in my tank and have great success. I have mixed salts with varied results. I would suggest waiting a day or so next time until your normal salts gets in.
  17. smokingreefer

    Algae EVERYWHERE!!!!

    What type of flow do you have in your tank? Do you do water changes? What type of lighting do you have? What is your SG? The answers to these questions could be a contributing factor on why you have nuisance algae in your tank.
  18. smokingreefer

    Who keep deleting my threads

    haha. owned.
  19. smokingreefer

    My new reef tank

    UPDATE: I installed the sump and have the system up and running again. Everything appears to be running normal and I am happy with everything so far. No leaks (knock on wood). I am going to wait and see if I go through a mini cycle and make sure parameters are stable before transferring all my...