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  1. tankgeeks

    Check out this video! Mantis Shrimp are pretty spectacular

    Agreed! Thanks for Sharing!
  2. tankgeeks

    weird hitchhiker

    keyhole limpet?? although they aren't very fast as far as avoiding light being shined on them.
  3. tankgeeks

    My brain is turning white.

    first things first....i would find out your water parameters using trustworthy test kits
  4. tankgeeks

    What kind of glue can I use for frags?

    my favorite is IC-gel, although any cyanoacrylate gel will work....
  5. tankgeeks

    What to do???

    def. do a water change....running some carbon couldnt hurt either...good luck!
  6. tankgeeks

    What kind of glue can I use for frags?

    its best to let rics/shrooms attatch to live rock rubble first before attempting to super glue them....and also depending on the size of the piece, sometimes superglue isnt enough, a combo of epoxy and superglue is good for the larger/heavier pieces. hope that helps some, and good luck!
  7. tankgeeks

    I go North and my Tank goes south...

    sorry for your loses, it's always tough leaving your practically a slave to mine!
  8. tankgeeks

    Tank Temp

    78-80 degrees.
  9. tankgeeks

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Love the new rhomboids!
  10. tankgeeks

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    nice fish collection! Love the new rhomboids, the male is just amazing!!
  11. tankgeeks

    My Ricordea Tank....

    I agree! that will look sweet when it matures and grows out! Please keep us updated with pictures along the way!
  12. tankgeeks

    Wow Great Price

    Well I'm sure you have heard it enough, but I just want to reinforce to all, that in this hobby you always want to have knowledge of what you are bringing home and putting in your aquarium....the main things to take into account before purchasing something is its specific lighting, flow, and...
  13. tankgeeks

    coral (or pest) ID help

    It's def. a type of macro algae. from what i can tell i think it is "scroll algae." Also looks like you have a lot of other algaes growing in there which can become a nuisance. I would reccomend checking your phosphate levels, and also checking to make sure the photoperiod isnt too long and/or...
  14. tankgeeks

    Is there such a glue??

    IC-gel is also by far my favorite superglue to use. A little of this stuff goes a lonnnggg way!
  15. tankgeeks

    awseome acans

    wow!!! from those pictures posted, it looks like that retailer has a great selection of pieces to choose from!! Those aussie scolymias and acans are absolutely rediculous!!
  16. tankgeeks

    What would you do?

    you should focus on getting ones that YOU like. That's the most important thing to take into consideration....
  17. tankgeeks

    Favs Zoas and PICS... HOTT THREAD

    Yes im proud to say those are all mine, i was finally able to get a decent picture last night!! Thats just part of my personal collection and You guys are right those are the infamous armageddons in the back.. next to those are some candy apple redds and then some true safecrackers zoos. In...
  18. tankgeeks

    Favs Zoas and PICS... HOTT THREAD

    Just a few of my favorites, since i couldnt pick just one, i decided to have them all in one pic!
  19. tankgeeks

    Help me ID...

    cool picture too! that at that clown goby with his model face on .
  20. tankgeeks

    What SPS to mix in with LPS tank?

    xdfireguy, thats also very good advice, as i just had to recently move a chalice as its tenticles were getting too close to other corals for comfort.