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  1. sweetheart

    Algae Problem!!!

  2. sweetheart

    Algae Problem!!!

    I resetup the tank with the old water. I just tested my water... Ammonia:0ppm Nitrite:0ppm High PH: 8.8
  3. sweetheart

    Algae Problem!!!

    I just recently moved to a new house, and had to save some saltwater for my tank so I wouldn't have to recycle it again. It's a 29 gallon aquarium, with a TP Clown, Yellow Watchman Goby, and two snails. For some reason I have ALOT of brown hairy algae all over my rocks. The snails have cleared a...
  4. sweetheart

    Snails breeding? or killing each other?

    Like I said, I'm not so sure what kind they are. Well it would be pretty cool if they was breeding. But I want to know what they are doing. Because they look like they are sucking each other to death! lol!!!
  5. sweetheart

    Snails breeding? or killing each other?

    Hey, I just bought 2 snails today, I can't remember what kind they are. But for about 4 hours they have been sucking each others suction parts. Are they trying to kill each other, or breed? HELP!
  6. sweetheart

    Three different algae's?

    Nope, I didn't even know there was such. How do I get rid of it?
  7. sweetheart

    Three different algae's?

    Okay here's the last two weeks params High range PH: 8.2 Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate:0ppm this week. Ammonia:0ppm Nitrite:0ppm High range PH: 8.4 Nitrate:0ppm The tank is a 29 gallon tank with 1 Clown fish, a snail, and condi anemone. The light is a Sattelite. I feed my clownfish 2...
  8. sweetheart

    Three different algae's?

    Okay, I have three different algae's in my aquarium. The water paramaters are perfect. I only have one fish and an anemone. Here are the pictures. The first one is black, the second is brown, and the third is dark green
  9. sweetheart

    Save animals
  10. sweetheart


    Not everyone hates damsels, but some people hate them because that they're VERY territorial. And i'm sure that there's more reasons that I don't know of. When you leave it in there by it's self it will get even more territorial when you put new fish in. I might be wrong. It's really up to you if...
  11. sweetheart

    I'm all set Subielover

    Originally Posted by Rotarymagic irresponsibility.. Whatever
  12. sweetheart

    I'm all set Subielover

    Originally Posted by Rotarymagic Is Sweetheart really delaharsha in disguise??? And what does that mean???
  13. sweetheart

    I'm all set Subielover

    Okay, I am wanting to take it back, and I will trade it for the frogspawn. But, it will have to be a week or so because i'm going out of town and there's no way I can take it back before then. p.s. sorry if I made ya'll mad at me for some reason.
  14. sweetheart

    I'm all set Subielover

    Yes I know, all anemone's die some day. Okay, i'll talk to my parents about it and see if I can convince them about if I can take it back and get the frogspawn. But I doubt that they're gonna let me.
  15. sweetheart

    I'm all set Subielover

    I have food for the anemone
  16. sweetheart

    I'm all set Subielover

    Oh really? Well whenever my anemone dies which will hopefully be a while from now i'll see if I can get frogspawn.
  17. sweetheart

    Got a pair of true percs :)

    Awesome pair :)
  18. sweetheart

    I'm all set Subielover

    Oh okay thanks.
  19. sweetheart

    I'm all set Subielover

    What's lps? also could it keep zoo's alive too?
  20. sweetheart

    I'm all set Subielover

    UGH!! lol okay well thanks anyway about the readings